Top of Descent and 1-shot?

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Active Member
Feb 26, 2005
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NSW Central
(question relating to pythons)

was wondering if anyone has used 'top of descent'?
or what peoples experiances are with another product from the same company called '1-shot'?

The only differences between the two is that 1-shot also contains permethrin.
from what I have read, permethrin holds a residual effect but shouldnt be harmful to reptiles?

Help please before I decide to use or not..
danger danger this stuff is used in some of the chemicals at work and if you have seen the warning's of what it can do to humans you whouldn't dare use it near your animals.
I use TOD without problems I just take out the water overnight and mist the enclosure Really well ,
Then I replace the water the next morning .
Yeah, TOD works really well. I recently had some mites in an enclosure. Cleaned the cage out and gave it a good spray. Put the snakes back in a few hours later and solved my mite problem.
thanks very much for the replies, definitely won't use 1-shot (thanks westhamsc)
will be using the TOD.

My little olive escaped last night and found her way to my mouse and rat cages......LUCKY she couldnt get in, the only wound she received was that she lost a large patch of skin from the bottom of her jaw on one side.
Now I know what to use, TOD, I can spray the enclosure to lessen the chances of infection.

Thanks again
TOD is no use for wounds mate. As Dobby said, if ya snake has an open wound from a small bite or whatever use the betadine not TOD. It would be like using fly spray for Diarrhoea :)
Oh ok, sorry, just reread the post. Permethrin. Sorry. anything else besides that?
1-shot is exactly the same as TOD but it has the added ingredient of permethrin.

It would be like using fly spray for Diarrhoea
lol, thats a great comparison! :wink:

Thanks guys I have now used a diluted betadine solution on the wound and was also wanting to make sure there wasnt any bugs in the enclosure that could make the wound worse.
just being over cautious i guess.

Is there anything i should watch for? would an infected wound show red? All i was going to do is keep patting twise a day with the betadine and use the TOD to minimise the risk of buggy things in the enclosure which might make it worse.

Thanks for your help
The betadine is a good choice mate but I wouldn't use the TOD every day and when you do use it make sure you remove the water bowl for at least 12 hours.
Callington Haven Pty Ltd offer 5 choices of sprays, 3 of which I have used succesfully.
1) Top of Decent which is non toxic and is just sprayed into the snakes cage for a few seconds to kill all mites(remove water bowel). This spray is bio-degradable and disolves within an hour or so.

2) Pre-Spray which is a surface spray containing permethrin. This spray is a residual and is active on surfaces for up to a week. Great for spraying the cages exterior and floors.

3) One Shot which is a combination of the above two. Would be safe to use with the snake removed from cage while you bomb it.

4) Top of Decent bombs. Just press the button and get out of the room.

5) Fresh & Clean. This is a great air freshener spray that I have been using for several years. Highly recommended for getting rid of bad odours

I was there yesterday and was informed some great news. They will no longer be serving people at the counter. If you want the sprays in future you will need to buy from distributors or pet shops.

So if you are a Sydney sider and are used to just dropping in and paying wholesale prices, well these days are over. From now on we will be paying a lot more. I went to a local shop a few weeks back and was shocked to see it on the shelves for $32 per can :evil: .
All good now. am only using TOD.
The wounds are healing very nicely, have been using a diluted betadine solution. No infection and she is still very placid and easy to handle.
Oh by the way, I now know she did get into the mouse cage.....some of the mice are missing fur but they are all accounted for and the olive has little marks on her. So she did get into the cage for a feed but seems to have been defeated and got out while the odds were still good!
Thanks for all your help!
Another good choice for dealing with wounds is "Pink eye" spray, which is for treating pink eye in sheep. it is a broad spectrum anti biotic and works great on any open wound. Vets usually won't tell people about this spray as it is a lot cheaper than off the shelf antibiotics. it can be purchased from any stock supplier such as elders, or similar. I've used it on various animals and have had great results. It can be used for any open wound including burns.
I've heard that quite a few large breeders have not done well in the breeding department since they started using TOD....Just what i've been told which doesn't bother me as any new animal that comes into my collection gets thoroughly checked for mites,quarantined and depending on the animal dunked in diluted orange medic just to be safe.

I've done my time with mites and even lost a few hatchies from them.....the amount of work to get rid of them almost drives you crazy.I've also heard that people with massive collections,that once they get mites they can never really get rid of them,therefore are stuck with them....what a pain in the ring that'd be!!!
"MITES!!!, my biggest concern, as stated above....quarantine the lot, any newcomers,...not worth the risk... There has been concerns by some larger breeders that have used this product, that they have had problems last season with viable eggs that they have never had before?, beats me, but prevention is better than cure...."
1) Top of Decent which is non toxic and is just sprayed into the snakes cage for a few seconds to kill all mites(remove water bowel). This spray is bio-degradable and disolves within an hour or so.

Are you sure it disipates in around an hour?
I wanted to test this a few weeks ago so I sprayed a well ventilated container with TOD. The next day I placed a cricket and roach in there, and they were both dead within an hour.
thats great to know thanks steve, i have pink eye sprays and ointments here which i keep on hand for the sheep and cows.. never knew it could be used for other things :)
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