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Very Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2007
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Sydney NSW
hey all,
soon after my 1m x 1m x 2m snake tank is done i will be getting my green tree snake
i am a bit curious though (becasue it will most likely be a hatchie), how hard it will be to wean it onto mice? are they generally an easy going snake, or...take a bit of time? also because its a big tank and will need ventalation...i was thinking a i could have a big door, that was covered in flyscreen for all the ventalation?


They normally eat lizards and small frogs, but so do spotted pythons. I was inquiring about spotted pythons at a pet shop and asked them what they feed them and they told me that they feed them pinky mice.

Now don't take my word for it, but I would assume that the green tree snake can adjust to pinky mice just as a spotted python could.:?
they can adjust to mice but no where near as easily as spotteds (some cases maybebut ingeneral you will be able to but def not as easy as a spotted)
The tree snakes are not very easy to adjust to mice. Usually assist feeding is involved.
ive bred common trees a number of times over the years and found them to be easier than some pythons to get on to rodents.
I have brown tree snakes and found that they are harder than spotteds to get onto mice but in saying that mine are now taking dead fuzzie mice no problem. That is after i never assist fed and did have them on live pinky mice for 6 months .
hey guys, thanks for your help.

what did any of you guys think about the flyscreen door?

i had an idea of having an in-built pond and have a few little fish in there ( feeder fish) would that be good so the can hunt them or could i just put them in a big water bowl?


I have a fly screen door on one of my enclosures and it works great
I have a slightly smaller enclosure than that that i keep mine in, with a flyscreen lid/door. If you are building the enclosure i would suggest adding a small feeding/access hatch that allows you to feed, change water etc. without completely opening an entire side of the enclosure to avoid having the snakes jump out.

You are probably best off getting a snake that has already been weaned onto dead food, as it isnt really a simple task(IMO) for someone new to feeding fussy snakes (not saying you are as i wouldnt know)

Feeding live food to them is highly controversial and considered illegal and unethical by many APS experts and philosophers :lol:

ive bred common trees a number of times over the years and found them to be easier than some pythons to get on to rodents.

I think you may have said before, but how did you go about getting yours feeding? do you just chuck them in a bin and slap a dead pinky in their face on tongs? do you scent them or anything?
most hatclings will take a new born pinky, the ones that didnt id give them a skink sented pinky.
Cris: how big is your enclosure? thats not a bad idea, i always thought about how i could stop the snakes getting out of such a big door.

i don't think live food is ... well should be illeagal, because they naturally hunt them in the wild, so why can't they do it in captivity. pythons would naturally hunt birds, bats, bush rats, frogs, lizards, little marsupial things etc.

Kah: if you mean bts and gts i wouldn't imagine so, i was told not to have them together.

any pics, more info comments is much appreciated.

OH...btw can i ask how much will tree snakes go for?


The enclosure i have mine in is about a foot smaller in all dimensions, so probably about half the volume. Tree snakes seem to cost from about $300-500 for hatchies and are not bred in large numbers so they can be hard to find.
Cris: thanks, so your tank is pretty much a 3ft cube?

common tree snakes are class 1 in NSW and the chondro things are class 2
Get something easier to keep for your first snake

what do you reckon: my dad and i are tossing and turning about malamine colours...between black and white.
the enclosures with have live plants in them and thaose nec t 10 lights and a heat light. what do you reckon?

bad idea imo, they are very very messy creatures, keep it simple or cleaning will be a nightmare.
Colour of melamine dosnt really matter but white is good as it shows up the poo etc.
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