Tuff mudder entries

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Active Member
Oct 27, 2011
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Just wanted to wish members doing Tuff Mudder all the best, looks like saturday will be massive so am sure we will all have a ball and hopefully finish in one piece with energy to have a great time afterwards :) Just remember on one road in and out so will be gridlock for sure but at least the weather looks great :p
I'll be there on Sunday.
I live just up the road from it and the signs are already up.
Apparently 30000 people are doing it.
I might have to get into training again...for something :lol:.....next time it's on in Melbourne. I told the doc last time I saw him that I've taken 12 months off from any exercise...he was horrified! :lol:
Yeah we are planning on leaving early as the traffic is sure to be epic getting there. At least parking is now going to be free.

Should be a fun day.
I been training since last November for this one event and 5 weeks ago I decided to do a 12km obstacle course just to do a small one before the big one and 3km in slipped, dislocated my ankle and done the ligiments in my foot so I unfortunately will be getting ridiculously drunk tomorrow instead =(
I'll be up there this weekend, got some mates doing it.
I'll be on the sidelines with a beer and a smoke in my hand enjoying the spectacle of people running themselves ragged :p
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