Vegan/Vegetarian diet - is it $$$?

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You will be much healthier, save money and lower your cholesterol if you begin cooking for yourself. Of course, the right kind of cooking is important. Kaotikjezta had some good hints. As a single person, you might like Michelle
Bridge's Crunch Time cookbook. She is a Biggest Loser trainer and her recipes are generous for 2 people (most cookbooks are for 4). There are lots of veggies involved and lean meat, too. The CSIRO cookbooks are similar, although heavier on meat. We cook and eat healthy, so our shopping trolley is always full of colourful veggies, etc. One young checker at the supermarket was amazed by the quantity and variety of veg, but I assured her we would eat it all within the week. If you plan your meals ahead of time, you save money by not wasting food and are less likely to go for the quick and unhealthy takeaways.
Using olive oil is fine - so did i - only use olive oil... But it's the method of cooking... Simmering in its own fat is what holds onto tht faty 9but yummy) goodness.

And also, I didn't make it clear with the smoker... Fill a foil tray at the bottom with some salted water, add a chopped up lemon or two, some herbs and spices... and away you go. The fat from the chicken drips out, the steam from the water cooks the chicken right through.... You can do veges in their too.

And yes... most beers are filtered through fish gut. There are a few that aren't, but very few.
You will be much healthier, save money and lower your cholesterol if you begin cooking for yourself. Of course, the right kind of cooking is important. Kaotikjezta had some good hints. As a single person, you might like Michelle
Bridge's Crunch Time cookbook. She is a Biggest Loser trainer and her recipes are generous for 2 people (most cookbooks are for 4). There are lots of veggies involved and lean meat, too. The CSIRO cookbooks are similar, although heavier on meat. We cook and eat healthy, so our shopping trolley is always full of colourful veggies, etc. One young checker at the supermarket was amazed by the quantity and variety of veg, but I assured her we would eat it all within the week. If you plan your meals ahead of time, you save money by not wasting food and are less likely to go for the quick and unhealthy takeaways.

Thanks for the advice, however I'd like to stress that I CAN actually cook, lol. I cook myself dinner all the time, it's just when I'm running around to different places I grab something quick during the day!

I'll have a gander at the recipes! They sound great because as you said, most cookbooks are for four and it's just my GF and I.
Thanks for the advice, however I'd like to stress that I CAN actually cook, lol. I cook myself dinner all the time, it's just when I'm running around to different places I grab something quick during the day!

I'll have a gander at the recipes! They sound great because as you said, most cookbooks are for four and it's just my GF and I.

Oh, so you have a George Forman already... GREAT!!!

Food is so clean? Pppppffffffft!

None of your organic plant produce is as fresh or as clean as the animal i caught, hunted or raised and slaughtered to fill my belly!
yeah go hunting for some fried chicken at KFC! yum yum yum steroid chicken!!
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using any type of oil to cook and expose it to high temperatures (as in the case with deep frying and using it continuously for example) will eventually transform those "healthy" oils (yes, even olive oil etc) into trans fatty acids. Either that or they go rancid first like sesame oil.

avoid fast foods, and anything highly processed for that matter (chips, crisps), or limit that to a treat like say once a month so you don't feel deprived.

Sub in fruits for candy, pastry and sweets, a cold piece of rock melon on a summer day is one of the best things i could think of.

lettuce is basically 90% water and little else, stick with darker leafy green vegetables like spinach, kale, broccoli, and other colorful vegs and fruits i.e. red/green peppers, squash
added bonus vegetables contain non-heme iron, although not absorbed as readily as heme iron from red meats, can be rectified by eating more dark green veg, supplements (not really recommended anyway if you're eating healthy as it is), or a weekly dose of trim red meat

if you do eat meat trim out the fat, and one or two meat meals a week wouldn't hurt really, especially considering you're still young and active (from the profile details anyway). Just reduce the reds for awhile if you're really worried and stick with skinless chicken and fish, which you should be eating anyway (esp. with omega 3s helping to reduce cholesterol/"bad fats", fish oil supplements could also help)

do you do cardio or stick with weights? cardio exercises would help with any excess junk you have in your body.

protein from vegetables are rather plentiful, tempe (soybean cakes from asian stores), tofu, beans are excellent (+with their fibre and starch, they also help fill you up, + fibre helps maintain healthy cholesterol levels, which is why oats and other grains are also excellent, nix the processed cereal puffs and a certain uncle in the cereal isle tho and stick with rolled oats or muesli)
yes, there are several vegan/vegetarian bodybuilders out there

protein shakes with skim milk or water would also help if you're really keen on building/maintaining, + protein helps keep you full longer anyway

it's all about being creative on how you can put in the good stuff and take out the junk, and of course moderation.
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Kenny... I like your ideas, but I think you're speculating a little with the remaining 10% of a lettuce's constitution being 'little else'...

Do you forget humans are around 80% water themselves... In fact the earth is covered with 70% water.... I'd hate to think the other 30% was 'little else'.

So before you go foo fooing lettuce, perhaps consider that the remaining 10% is actually quite valuable regardless.

I just like sticking up for the little guy.... ;)
I just like sticking up for the little guy.... ;)

Probably something that gets brainwashed into you New Zealanders along with the Tasmanians :p

Thanks for the info Kenny, so even a drizzle of olive oil into the pan will change into a trans fat under high heat? Well I'll be....
well more like continuously using the thing the way fast food joints do, which is why stir frying which minimizes exposure to heat because its fast cooking is more preferable than like say dunking the whole thing, deep frying it and reusing the oil.
its not about not using oil in cooking, its more on don't re-use oil that's already been used
oh and on olive oil, you're better off using light for cooking and extra virgin for salad dressings or drizzling
I just pick up light or extra virgin and drizzle a little bit in the pan. I don't deep fry anything, it's gross lol. Reusing oil is gross, too. My grandma does it...
I've been vego forever and my 8 year old is vego too. I'm a blood donor and not underweight OR overweight. My weight is exactly where it should be. No it's not expensive at all. In fact even with a Coeliac child to cater for and 2 animals on premium food our food bill is less than $100/week for the 4 of us. We eat decent sized meals too.

Fish are meat. We won't eat fish any more than we'll eat cows or chickens.
I wonder how many people here have actually studied and done a full vegan or vegetarian diet for longer then 2 weeks?

To go a step further a full vegan raw food diet, cures more cancer then anything.
If you eat raw vegetarian,food you WILL have more energy then you have ever had, a lot of niggly little complaints (and big ones to for that matter) will heal up.
There is no problem with getting that full feeling, you can eat as much of it as you like! It will not put on fat.
This whole notion that food regulates your cholesterol is a load of crap. What regulates cholesterol is water. Cholesterol is a fat that lines the cell and its job is to stop fluid from leaving the cell. When people don't drink enough water (dehydrate) like 99% of the population, the body steals water from certain cells to keep functioning. first the skin, muscles then organs and lastly the brain.
cholesterol builds up around the cells to stop/slow the water from exiting.

The answer is simple drink more water to lower cholesterol.

As for training on this diet, I can vouch for the fact that anyone who takes this diet on WILL (once the detox stage is over) have more energy therefore be able to train harder and for longer, gaining more strength. Especially younger people.

You don't need meat, sugar, take away, steroids or beefcake formula to reach peak strength and fitness... in fact, in reality, they are a handbrake.
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your only supposed to eat one fist sized portion of mean A DAY! yes not with every single meal! so try just cutting back on the amount of meat you eat, you dont have to cut it out completely.

I try not to dish out fists of mean. It gets me into trouble.
cement - again, I have to ask a few simple questions here:

Question 1: Is it possible you can still put on weight by eating a full raw food diet... For example, take peanuts (more protein than any other pulse or vegetable per size) - if you consumed a few bags of raw peanuts per day - you'd most definitely put on weight. Don't forget there are MANY vegetable fats that are incredibly fattening. In fact, some worse than meat fats.

Question 2: Why will you have more energy eating a raw diet of vegetables, pulses, cereals etc?

Question 3: Why will niggly complaints clear up - for example, I like peanuts, but if I had as nut allergy (usually caused by a fungi associated with the nut) - that won't clear up.

Question 4: How come this cure for cancer isn't as publicised - I think you're speculating a little here. A bit like green lipped mussels - they suggested that eating green lipped mussels would help prevent cancers. There wasn't any research to back that up of course, but it didn't matter - they said it, so people believed it. You'll still get lung cancer from the asbestos, even on a raw food diet - i think that claim was a little over the top - don't you?

Question 5: I drink well over my 2L per day... You do realise that drinking water alone will not lower your cholesterol? If you eat healthy, including raw foods and low fat meats, cooked without frying, you'll lower your cholesterol.

Question 6: Why would younger people, who require high protein, high energy, high mineral diets benefit from eating just raw vegetables. I don't think there'd be a doctor on this planet that wouldn't say - red meat, 3 times a week, for a young child will help in brain development and muscle development.... I hope that you believe the raw food + healthy meat + balanced diet is the real healthy way to go - not raw vegetables alone.
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The best marathon-runner in the world in his time was Robert de Costella. He was/is a vegetarian...just imagine how much strength he needed to beat the other top marathon runners in the world., who made no claim tobe vegitarians, (42 K, or 26+ miles )...his basic diet was a big plate of boiled/steamed mixed vegies, with a fav. sauce poured over it.................for those in the Canberra area,.......just ask him.
You can give yourself all the nutrients you need though it is a bit of an extreme to jump to a vegan diet to lower cholesterol. I think you'd be able to get the desired positive effects simply by eating cholesterol/fat rich foods in moderation. I guess it really depends what suits you best, be it moderation or just quitting cold turkey. Can I ask how high your cholesterol was if it isn't being too intrusive?
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