What Are These?

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I found these amongst my Woodie's, does anyone know what they are? Can i feed them to my herps? They wouldn't be eating my woodies would they?
looks like some kind of beetle lava, we get a simular thing over here in with our crickets sometimes called buffalo worm beetles, ive fed them to phelsumas before with no problems , but i dunno about those particular ones, some larva have irritating hairs & a lot of would-be predators find it very distasteful!
I have loads of those in roach cultures, not sure if they are a beetle or moth larvae, I think the latter. They in all likelyhood are completely harmless to the roaches and just eat whatever's sitting around.
Aw, Look what you hatched out! How cute! Are you going to name it and keep it? Look at the adorable little pokey thingys on it's head! Will you be selling them?
Mr B

Can you breed them with a stripe.....im willing to pay big$$$ for stripey beetles :wink:
I'll be holding these ones back, they're a project i'm working on but i'll let you all know when i have some available :)
Not the beetles.. i didn't touch the larvae with my bare hands. I kept 4 of them in a plastic cup, and after a few weeks i could see alot of hairs building up in the bottom of the cup, so it's possible, i don't want to find out though.
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