Woma won't eat

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Apr 25, 2008
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Hi from the US! I'll try to make this long story short, I bought my woma from a store back in November of 2007, he was about 2 at the time. He is a captive bred animal. I fell in love with him immediately. I let him settle in, and tried to feed him after a week. Nothing. Weeks went by, he still showed no interest in food. About a month into ownership, I noticed him making some respiratory noises. Took him right to the vet. They cultured him, and he was on Baytril injects for about 2 weeks, when suddenly his respiratory symptoms worsened. I took him to another vet, who did another culture, turned out he had a very , very , rare case of fungal pneumonia, :cry:( he made front page of a vet journal here) and also a bacterial infection. I really thought I was going to lose him. After a month on antibiotics, and now about 3 months on daily anti-fungal meds, Terbinafine, and Itraconazole, his respiratory condition has improved greatly, he is active, and seems on the way to recovery. The veterinarian has given him a few tube feedings, to keep his body condition up, but his words are, he is guardedly optimistic on his recovery, because he still won't eat for me. He says, until he eats on his own, he is not sure if he will recover. I have tried everything, Frozen thawed, prekilled, and live, mice and rats.He still shows no interest what so ever. I would greatly , greatly appreciate any ideas on how I could interest him in food again. It's not just the thousands I have spent to try and save him, I really am fond of the little guy.
Try some day old chickens. I have one that didnt eat for months and thats what i used to get her to feed again. Now shes back to being a piggy and scoffing down her rats.
woma temps

temps maybe worth looking at...hot end of your enclosure 91 degrees f. cool end 77 degrees f. for those here in australia that are not sure that converts to 33 and 25...cheers solar 17 [baden]
He ate!!!!!

First of all , Thank you BooBoo! :D I'm not sure if this is the reason he ate,but this is the first time I have tried this since his illness,
I rubbed a little chicken gravy I had in the pantry on a f/t mouse , and left it in his enclosure overnight. I looked in there this morning, expecting to see a mouse, like about 20 times before, and I don't see it! I'm going to lift his hide later and make sure it didn't get dragged in there, but I think he really ate! He has never eaten for me, since I got him in early November, so this is really exciting for me! :D Thanks again!
Oh thats great, i really hope he has eaten, lets us know as soon as ur sure.
Do you spray water in the enclosure for humidity?
Its unusual for a woma to not feed, they are usually knows as real pigs. Id suggest a vet check up just to be sure .They are from dry desert areas so humidity isnt an issue, just make sure that there is a large water bowl and you shouldnt have any problems.
Keep him as dry as you can, and with his previous history, I would only offer water every third day till (if) he recovers, I would also raise the temp a tad till he starts eating, cold end 28 - 30, hot 30 - 33 C. Is he in a click clack ?
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