Wow Feeding Albino Carpets $450

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Active Member
Jan 6, 2011
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An ad just went up on AHC feeding albino carpets for $450, or a pair $800,If you live in victoria, that's a great bargain.
That's awesome! Sucks for other breeders, but awesome for me :)
lol, this thread is going to go downhill fast... good way to start my morning
If I ever hear this tired old expression "Supply and demand" I am going to shoot myself.
If I ever hear this tired old expression "Supply and demand" I am going to shoot myself.

I'll stand next to you while you do it... 2 birds with one stone so to speak... bullets are expensive these days ;)
More expensive than albino carpets if this thread is anything to go by :lol:
can't wait to get mine now, here i was thinking it would take months to get the coin together
I just had a look at the advert.. no actual name and says they are 4 months old and 120cm long (which is 4 foot) :D
No, I have two kids that come first, herping is further down the list. So pull your head in.................
Colin maybe their albino scrub pythons? lol
EDIT: I hate you kupper hahaha

No, I have two kids that come first, herping is further down the list. So pull your head in.................

Lol, were just pulling ya leg... hope you get one soon ;)
This does not mean that all other breeders will follow suite and drop prices! we all know that.
At times I have moved a few pythons for personal reasons at my 'deal' specials and I believe that the price will remain at a higher price on average.
We have had this discussion many times over the years and it goes round in circles.
Pythons do move ,sell in the market place and its 'fair trading' and some move fast and some move a bit slower and if a breeder drops a price we all know and understand that it doen't mean that we will all let our stock go in a flash a price that is not reasonable. Specials do come up.
Try breeding a few pythons -feeding -cleaning -and working and enjoying the experience of keeping and educating new keepers .
Then keeping the quality up and follow 'animal ethics' by keeping them in top- clean conditions as i do at all times
and as (breeders) have said in the past its nice to be able to have a return to be able to pay for the food electricity ,enclosures ,racks , etc,,,,,,, and maybe purchase a new different python from the return then breed it.
its just having good management when when keeping as as i always say a COMMON SENSE APPROACH to keeping and breeding as well! breeders do communicate with each other remember that.
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