Xbox360 Red ring of death

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lol i have had my xbox 360 since christmas and nothing hgas happened and same with all my friends. the only thing that has happened was first day i got it i set it up and the red rings came up and i almost shat myself but realised the power cord wasnt fully in :) P.S xbox 360 are way better for money then ps3 + more ppl have online in xbox 360 then ps3 which makes it much more enjoyable. Xbox 360 is best wooooooo

cheers Scott

cheers Scott
ive had both, xbox has probs with venting cant stand our climate. mine red lighted. got a new one t stalls or freezes.
ps3 is wicked but it also crashed, but it may have had rum spilt on it during a lge binge night with the lads
got a replacement, no probs
I will say the microsoft hotline operator was extremelly helpfull its just frustrating that you spend so much on a product that is faulty.....especially since this is the second time its happened
(all I can say is that I'm greatfull it happened today and not before the school holidays as we had a few rainy days and my kids would of wanted blood)
well mine stuffed up sent it away and the idiots sent it back to the wrong address. # monthes later and 2 consoles ,were lost cause. Then they sent me one with out my hard drive with it. And dont get me started on the yanks on the end of the phone calls i couldnt understand them. I thought i might have to get a translater..............................................
Thanks for the warning Ogg. You never hear about these things until someone has the guts to blow the trumpet and admit they've been ripped. Cheers, I hope you get your cash back or something.
I'm getting a PS3 for christmas from myself.
I've just been waiting for my mates to get one and now i can scab their games.
I've had my 360 since it came out. Not once has it died on me-

but at the same time. They ARE faulty. Nobody can deny it, if you haven't been struck by the rings you are lucky, like myself =p
hahahaha the red ring of death!!!.....

my brothers got one and anyway one night when we where drinking... that came up on his console (it never happened before so he didnt know what it was) and i laughed and said you got the red ring of death.. he freaked out and felt so bad because he thought his console was $#!@#$.. but he fixed the problem.. something was loose on it.. and it never came back

Xbox360 is absolute CRAP!.... dunno why people like it.. PlayStation 3 has so much to offer! and you get SO MUCH out of it... its got its own Blue Ray player..( which are like $600 in shops ) + you get gaming and you can also Install a Operation System Windows Xp or cost NOTHING to get on the net.. as with Xbox360 they charge you.. (As if bill gates doesnt have enough money already ).. im pretty sure that Sony hasnt had any stuff ups with there PlayStation... and get this... Sony thinks they'll have a Ps4 by 2012..
Good to hear. I have a few friends with them now and they are very happy.
It would be better if you could chip them though
yeah, happy with mine. the technology just isn't there to make any kind of mod for it, ps3 is highly advanced =)
The PS3 is a remarkable piece of hardware and given the recent price drops is certainly worthwhile. Be certain to have super-fast internet though, on account that it eats bandwidth like nobody's business.

The difference graphically between the PS3 and its nearest competitor, the Xbox 360, is really dazzling and the quality is pretty spectacular. Worked in a game shop for 8 months and never had a single one back.
I posted the xbox 360 this morning (microsoft informed me it would take 6-10 working days for repairs and for it to be sent back) I can't wait to seee how long it REALLY takes...........:rolleyes:.
My guess is 2 months
I have to say I was wrong about the turn around time on receiving this back as I just got it back this morning(gone for just under 2 weeks).....I wonder how long it will last this time:rolleyes:
lol i have had my xbox 360 since christmas and nothing hgas happened and same with all my friends. the only thing that has happened was first day i got it i set it up and the red rings came up and i almost shat myself but realised the power cord wasnt fully in :) P.S xbox 360 are way better for money then ps3 + more ppl have online in xbox 360 then ps3 which makes it much more enjoyable. Xbox 360 is best wooooooo
cheers Scott

value for money

i bought my PS3 when it was $999....
at the time xbox was $699

the xbox came as console alone.... the PS3 with 2 games and a second control.
xbox + comparable games and control would have been $1100ish

then xbox games are region encoded, so you pay $110 per game
PS3 are on region, so you guy from USA and japan and pay a max of $70incl postage
(i got bad company for $45delivered the week it was released, and mercenaries 2 for $60)

PS3 online is free
how much is xbox live?

so.... the ps3 is a better console, less hardware issues, cheaper in reality, and a blue ray player

which is the better option?
My brother works at EB GAMES. You can buy fans on ebay for the 360 which stops the red ring problem most of the time. As said in the above posts they simply have a problem with overheating. By getting the fan this cools down the insides of the 360.

I know i know you should not need to buy the fans from ebay. Microsoft should have done better research with the making of the 360 IMO.

I have heard a few bad things about the PS3 as well with overheating.

The only console my brother has not heard bad things about is the Nintendo Wii.

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