Yesterdays bitter election result.

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It's a shame that both events happened on the same day leaving this issue with far less publicity. Sad news indeed.
It's pretty embarrassing that our government still hasn't moved on this issue either. Britain - a nation hardly recognised for being forward-thinking and cutting edge - has allowed same sex marriages for several years.
i for one think it's about damned time somebody had the balls to stand up against the gays. i don't wanna make waves, but 'marriage' as defined by the Bible is between a 'Man and a Woman under God'.

prop 8 is a good sign that the world can still heal itself of these wicked sinners. some may say faith is ignorance, but they'll be the first to burn in the sodomitic fires of hell.
It's pretty embarrassing that our government still hasn't moved on this issue either. Britain - a nation hardly recognised for being forward-thinking and cutting edge - has allowed same sex marriages for several years.

Sorry but I have to point out that Britain has been at the forefront of forward thinking social reform in the world stage for a long time. For example take the role of women. Bodeca (a woman) was leader of the English nearly 2000 years ago and fought a campagne agaist the Roman invaders including burning Londinium to the ground. Then there was Elizabeth the First. and Queen Victoria. The role of women in power has a long history in Britain in stark contrast to other nations-until more recently.Democracy as we understand it is very much based on a British model, and the acceptance of every person to certain rights goes back to the Magna Carta in the 1200's. Abolishing slavery was another issue that Britain took a lead with. OK they have not been too kind to gays but then this only became an issue with male homosexuality in the Victoria era. Britain can be blamed for a lot of things including being the most colonial of powers, and having an entrench class system. but social reform is not one of them.
Leigh... you know what they say about homophobes ;)
i for one think it's about damned time somebody had the balls to stand up against the gays. i don't wanna make waves, but 'marriage' as defined by the Bible is between a 'Man and a Woman under God'.

prop 8 is a good sign that the world can still heal itself of these wicked sinners. some may say faith is ignorance, but they'll be the first to burn in the sodomitic fires of hell.

I love wicked sinners
IMO marrige has no place beyond religous BS, i cant understand why ppl who are considered scum by all major religions would want to have anything to do with it. Are there finacial benifits or something? If so shouldnt that be addressed in another way as to not disadvatage straght ppl who dont marry?

If it helps allowing homosexuals to get pet humans im dead against it, other than that i dont care.
Yeh, tis a shame it got shot down, gays have every bit as much right to be miserable as straight people! Surprising really as Cali has a very large and very active gay community plus folks in Cali tend to be a bit more forward thinking. Oh well, ya win some ya lose some.
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This HAS to be a wind-up (is anyone in Australia really this ignorant and, lets be frank, insane???) but just in case...

i for one think it's about damned time somebody had the balls to stand up against the gays.

Yeah, because historically they have been coddled and given so many additional priveliges that its about time someone treated them the same as the rest of us :rolleyes:

don't wanna make waves, but 'marriage' as defined by the Bible is between a 'Man and a Woman under God'.

I don't wanna make waves either, but I don't believe in your god, I didn't get married in one of your churches and I see no reason I should be governed by a bunch of rules written by a bunch of racist, sexist, homophobic men several millennia ago. In fact, you may be interested to note that there is a little thing in our legal system which differentiates the Church and the government. You have no more right to impose your religious beliefs on my legal rights than an imam in Australia has the right to impose sharia law!

Fair call Spongebob - I agree that historically Britain has made some huge leaps forward, although the female monarchs have only achieved their position due to the absolute absence of male heirs, not because of some early form of feminism! But I was referring more to the impression that most people have of modern brits being quite staid, traditional and unadventurous. I mean, have you seen the number of English pubs and fish and chip shops in every popular European holiday destination?! :lol:
How can gays be Godless when there are many priests who are gay now????

Did not the Bible also say "judge not, lest ye be judged???
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There are many reasons why people in same sex relationships would want to get married. To be legally recognised is a big one for many people, but I don't think the reasons matter, I'm more of the mind that if some people are allowed to be married then everyone should be allowed.

As far as religion goes, those who feel same sex couples are sinners can at least be at peace with the thought that the sinners are going to hell.
Quoted from Jess B "I don't wanna make waves either, but I don't believe in your god, I didn't get married in one of your churches and I see no reason I should be governed by a bunch of rules written by a bunch of racist, sexist, homophobic men several millennia ago. In fact, you may be interested to note that there is a little thing in our legal system which differentiates the Church and the government. You have no more right to impose your religious beliefs on my legal rights than an imam in Australia has the right to impose sharia law!"

Hear hear, Jess!!!!!!!
windup? are you for real? listen bud, if you can wave your secular arms about the place and preach universal equality/sin, then why do i lose the right to have my own banner to march with?
i am just amazed at the fact that on the same day, such an historically unique event as the voting in of a black president can occur alongside the passing of prop 8. that doesn't match up to me, there's treachery afoot.
i for one think it's about damned time somebody had the balls to stand up against the gays. i don't wanna make waves, but 'marriage' as defined by the Bible is between a 'Man and a Woman under God'.

prop 8 is a good sign that the world can still heal itself of these wicked sinners. some may say faith is ignorance, but they'll be the first to burn in the sodomitic fires of hell.

If it helps allowing homosexuals to get pet humans im dead against it, other than that i dont care.

Are you referring to homosexuals having children?
If you are, that is an extremely low comment, alot of straight married couples should'nt be allowed to have kids, just look at all the abuse that has been on the news lately?

Why should homosexuals be not allowed to have children? If you can only answer with stereotypical comments, dont bother, it will just show how foolish and narrow minded you are
Fair call Spongebob - I agree that historically Britain has made some huge leaps forward, although the female monarchs have only achieved their position due to the absolute absence of male heirs, not because of some early form of feminism! But I was referring more to the impression that most people have of modern brits being quite staid, traditional and unadventurous. I mean, have you seen the number of English pubs and fish and chip shops in every popular European holiday destination?! :lol:

The female monarchs may have gained power in a vacuum but why sell them short -they gained and then maintained power over the long term and effected major reforms. Yes I've seen the pubs and fish and chip shops in Europe......they brought them to Australia and NZ too! It's just colonisation....
Hahaha, nice fishing Leigh. There's always a lot of bites when you go fish in the APS river.
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