yey im 16

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Very Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2004
Reaction score
Sunshine coast, Qld, Australia
hey everybody i turned 16 today and i would have to say its been the best birthday yet (didnt get yelled at once) i got heaps of kewl stuff i got monty for my birthday of course i got heaps of close and a couple of video games and dvds i got 175 bucks so far and im also getting a car of my uncle soon any way just thought i would let u know
i'm happy being 20 thankyou very much

hay jimmy did you get 'lucky' for your b-day?
I wish i was 14, your lucky craig, that seems like a distant memory to me.
ive been telling my mum thats its called christmas and my reason for doing so is that christmas is supposed to be jesus birthday right and i can remember when ever time i used to get in trouble my mum would say " JESUS CHRIST WHAT HAVE YOU DONE NOW " and im still to young to use punctuation mabey when im 18 and as for thgose to refere it to as " lucky " no i didnt my girlfriends flying down in the june holidays for me and shes bringing me a special gift witch i assume is "lucky" and its not like i havent been "lucky" in the past with her theres only one problem shes hates snakes and she dosent know ive got one yet so ive got toi tell when she gets here cause if i told her on the plane she would make tham turn it around any way thanx to all of u and i wish u a merry christmas and a happy new year
hehe freak her out like i did wid my gf, tell her is kind freindly but if it bites ur not far from the hospital (she doesnt know its non venmopus)ohh and also keep the cage next to the bed she should have no troubles sleepimg lol. nah jokes, anway happy bday jimmy my 16 was a blur but enjpy urself.also wat games did u get, r u into the xbox? i got 4 at home and we play system link wid all the boys, its real fun

yeah sean im into xbox but i got online its also mad i dont know if you got it but ive got counter strike splinter cell rainbow 6 3 and ralli sport challenge 2 ive also got lots of non live games if u got live give me ur name and ill add u to my friends belive it or not mine is jimmy_the_kid
yeah i got rainbow 6 and counter strike, im looking forward for halo 2 which is gonna be the ultimate game, anway my gamertag is Grunter Hunter

cheers, im on sumtimes
jimmy i would luv to see just one post with perfect punctuation just to see if you can do it lol :)
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