You will never believe this story!

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Active Member
Jul 8, 2006
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I feel so stupid! Let me explain...

My pet python Tszue kept getting up in this little gap in my tank and I was afraid that she would get stuck there. So I put a piece of cardboard over it and stuck it with electricity tape. There was still a little gap, but I thought she would never get there.

But, she did and she got stuck on the tape!

Because the tank was hot it made the tape very sticky. Anyway, I had to get her of the piece of tape, but I couldn't because every time I got a piece of her free she would move and get herself stuck again!

I eventually ended up getting her off, but now some of her underbelly is all jagged up and it looked pretty bad.

After all that it looks like she is making a full recovery. (I might just add, she was stuck from her head to her tail and even when I did get her off she still didn't bite me! Very placid snake.

Thanks for reading :oops:
RE: you will neva believe this story

You're right I don't believe it, its not even a for sale ad :wink:
RE: you will neva believe this story

let that be a lesson, never, never EVER use sticky tape in a herp enclosure!
RE: you will neva believe this story

what do you mean it's true it really hapend to me.
RE: you will neva believe this story

yeah i just realised. :cry:
RE: you will neva believe this story

You mean you could actually read it, tell me are you ex Army, maybe from the code and cypher school????
Fair dinkum, I'm as old the hills, only just passed grade 10 and can't spell for nuts but that post would have to be one of the worst I've seen.
Maybe some people should invest in a thing called a dictionary.
RE: you will neva believe this story

lol but i am really 12

[edited by moderator]
RE: you will neva believe this story

So you say you are 12 y.o., well I'm thinking that your teachers should look for another job.
I would expect better spelling from a 8 year old, just a small hint for you, find a dictionary.
Re: you will neva believe this story

tszue said:
there was still a little gap their but i thought she would neva get their. [/i][/b]

Not trying to take the p*** out of you, but I found it amusing how you can use two different spellings of there/their/they're in the same sentence even though you used it in the same context.

RE: you will neva believe this story

geeze TSZUE reading ur post was honestly the worst 30sec of my the sounds of it , ur snakes not the only one that should be locked away!
RE: you will neva believe this story

Seen as everyone else is going to advise you about your spelling, I will go against the grain and advise you not to use any form of sticky tape in the future.
RE: you will neva believe this story

:eek: bit harsh there guys..

tszue it has been said here more times than i can count that tape and snakes are a bad mix..
and go and give yourself a kick up the kyber from me for calling someone an asshole.. it is really not needed.
RE: you will neva believe this story

actally ther iz a us fur stcky tap-two katch excaps!
RE: you will neva believe this story

You mean you could actually read it, tell me are you ex Army, maybe from the code and cypher school????
Fair dinkum, I'm as old the hills, only just passed grade 10 and can't spell for nuts but that post would have to be one of the worst I've seen.
Maybe some people should invest in a thing called a dictionary.
Yeah its easy to read, if you didn't get the gist basically tszue said the snake went to Halls Gap but tried to fill it in with cardboard, however couldn't get off its belly so instead it took a piece off here and there before getting its head stuck to its tail, the whole time it didn't even bite :wink: oh did I miss anything. (tszue I'm just joking I can read it fine, please don't be offended)

Malley- Hey you over they're, their I didn't see any problems with the theres'ss - seriously I had a lot of trouble with them in my ealier years, so I know what tszue is going through.

actally ther iz a us fur stcky tap-two katch excaps!
couldn't agree more :shock:
i can see our future herps ( young kids) are going to love this place for help with there reptile problems
try and remember what it was like at 12 yrs of age id say we have lost this one in our future forums just think in a couple of years he could be or best reptile breeder .
Onya (sorry, I meant, good on you) Tszue, at least you had the guts to TRY to tell us what you did. Admittedly, to most of us, you failed but at least your were willing to admit your wrongs.

And at your age, that is good to see. so keep it up mate. And ditch that silly tape stuff.

Oh, and I'd like to know what you have in what size tank. Maybe there's another little mistake there as well.
For a jungle hatchling per year I will faithfully translate the kids' newspeak into english we may be able to understand. I will translate Slatey's posts for free.
Re: RE: you will neva believe this story

Nev said:
So you say you are 12 y.o., well I'm thinking that your teachers should look for another job.
I would expect better spelling from a 8 year old, just a small hint for you, find a dictionary.

I reckon you have made your point mate, no need to put 'Tszue' down anymore.
Putting up with bad spelling and grammar is all part and parcel of forum's.

Tszue, Thankyou for letting everybody know about what happened to your snake, you may well have saved it happening to someone else.

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