Fat Should Pay More for Airline Tickets

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I am not really wanting to get in on this but there is nothing wrong with bullying amongst kids (in my experience of being a teenage boy). Everyone pays eachother out and it makes you a better person. You can take a joke, and get over it.

Personally I know one ex-fatty who got sick of us calling him names and he's buffer than all of us.

EDIT: is it bullying if everyone does it to eachother...? Probably not. Just realised that. Also just realised you're talking about girls.. It's probably different in guys.

My view on overweight people though is unless there is some proven medical condition they have nobody to blame but themselves. I'm not buff or anything, and have a little beer gut going.. But if I wanted to blame someone, it'd be myself for not going to them gym.
There's joking around and there's bullying, and there's a big difference between the two.

If you think there's nothing wrong with bullying, you have a screw loose.
I agree with the basic idea of what you are saying, you just missed out the words "too much". Sugar is a perfectly healthy food for both kids and adults it all comes down to the quantity.

I personally think its absurd to suggest a particular food causes obesity, a bad diet AND lack of exercise causes obesity(and very rarely a genetic condition etc.). The Russian Spetznaz eat heaps of animal fat on crackers as a large part diet at times and i can guarantee they are not obese. Fat contains heaps more energy than sugar as you would know.

I said "...in the quantities that many people in the western world consume it is extremely detrimental to one's health" - this is "too much". In small amounts it's perfectly good for you.

For the record, fructose is actually worse for you than sucrose ('table sugar') if you're already eating a 'normal' diet by western standards. The sugar in fruit is doing you just as much harm as the sugar in chocolate or lollies. Yes, fruit comes with goodies such as vitamins, minerals, fiber, etc, but the sugar in it is still bad. Many lollies and soft drinks are sweetened with fructose (the introduction of 'high fructose corn syrup has been devastating to the health of people in the west, particularly in the USA). Because fructose is worse for you, gram for gram, you can be decieved into thinking that foods or drinks sweetened with it are less unhealthy, because less needs to be put in. When you read the nutritional information on food packaging, check the type of sugar as well as the amount. Of course, if you're overweight and trying to rectify the situation, you shouldn't be eating the type of foods which contain added sweeteners anyway.

I don't think it's at all absurd to say that a particular type of food is causing obesity. We can be as sure of the fact that sugar is causing obesity and diabetes in the western world as we are that people are going to continue to squabble about intergrades on APS. We can be sure that chocolate is bad for our health and causes obesity, we can be sure that stuffing pizza into our faces is not conducive to good health.

As said, fat does contain more energy than sugar, however, sugar is probably worse for you. It's a very complex issue and it depends on the person's metabolism and the rest of their diet, but generally (and it's a gross generalisation and oversimplification of the situation) you are better to avoid sugar than fat. If not burned off quickly, sugar is immediately converted to fat and stored in the body. Humans didn't evolve with much sugar in their diets, so we're not well equipped to deal with it well. Because we evolved with it being so scarce, we have instinctive desires to eat a lot of it. Fat is metabolised differently, but yes, as a general rule (again, there are some funny exceptions), it's a good idea not to eat too much fat if you're trying to lose weight.
Yeah sorry I just got paying eachother out mixed up with everyone paying one person out... My bad.
I can't believe that someone said that kids bullying Naxx set her/him on the right track... (sorry have no idea how to quote)... He/her set him/herself on the right track.

Kids bullying fat kids is NOT acceptable. I am covering bullying in my PDE classes and some of these kids... i can only pray the emotional scarring won't hold them back. As someone who has struggled with their weight (and a slow metabolism) for their whole life, i just have to say that it is so not cool to just blatantly say 'screw fat people' as is basically being said. Taking that first, second and even third step is hard, especially when so many things you try don't keep the weight off. What people need is SUPPORT not criticism. When my friend started taking me walking (i have never been obese but i still felt too self conscious to go walking alone because of people who critised me in life) i lost more weight then ever, and felt great. When the kids in the school yard called out rude words (it didn't happen often thank god) it did nothing for me but make me depressed. And for some people that's a little bit harder to overcome then someone saying 'oh get over it and you'll be fine'.

I'm much more comfortable about myself now i'm older (thank god!) and enjoy my walkies (but still need a friend to go with or i get bored) and love my vegies!!! but please... think about what you're saying and how many people you may be setting back when you go to make a fatty comment. It hurts. And it hurts to see the kids affected. Nearly didn't post this... ah who cares everyone else puts in their 10... or 20 cents.

Bout time someone with some common sense weighed into this argument.
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cheers Rednut... i can't believe how these discussions get out of hand and turn into narrow minded mud fights about different groups (vegetarians, gay people and now fatty's) and it eternally frustrates me i just couldn't be quiet any longer.
cheers Rednut... i can't believe how these discussions get out of hand and turn into narrow minded mud fights about different groups (vegetarians, gay people and now fatty's) and it eternally frustrates me i just couldn't be quiet any longer.

Clairebear, I am in no way a sadist, nor do I make fun of people for their problems.

But from experience I can say that it has taken some criticism in the past to truly become comfortable with myself. I read an article the other day called "why wrapping our kids in cotton wool is damaging them". I agree that letting children be bullied is not the way to go, however it is certainly not acceptable either to be telling children that it is perfectly ok to be obese.

Yes, there are evil little children in the world that grow up into evil adults that like to tease everybody for everything, but there is also the other side of the coin: people that want to tell everybody that they're all ok doing whatever they like and being whoever they want to be. It's instilling these unrealistic expectations in kids that results in depression in the first place.

Nobody's preparing kids for the bad world anymore, they're rather just getting "very very angry" at the big bad world, writing it many letters, telling them how angry they are. I have long since accepted that no amount of logic, reason, compassion, aggression, pain or pleasure will ever change the world into a gumdrop paradise. As sad as it is, nowadays to survive people simply need to deal with it. It's a cruel expectation, I know, but just because it's unjust, doesn't mean it's going to bugger off.

I don't endorse this, just suggest that people prepare for it - it is happening, it has been happening for a long time, and it will continue happening long after we're gone. Don't we want to prepare children for this ? Don't we want to prepare ourselves for this ?

Just my thoughts.
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Timotei you just hit the nail on the head, i also heard something about a recent study on this too, didnt get to see much though.

Sdaji, attacking sugar was one thing but leave the pizza out of it :x :lol: anyway i dont really want to argue about pizza being a healthy etc. so lets get back to the topic of fat ppl on planes...
Timotei you just hit the nail on the head, i also heard something about a recent study on this too, didnt get to see much though.

Sdaji, attacking sugar was one thing but leave the pizza out of it :x :lol: anyway i dont really want to argue about pizza being a healthy etc. so lets get back to the topic of fat ppl on planes...

Hehe, official denial! :lol:

They shouldn't put those warnings on cigarette packets or put anti smoking propaganda on the television, it'll make smokers feel upset and make them feel the need to smoke more to feel better. Smokers should be praised and allowed to think that their habit is fine - it'll help them to quit.

Jokes aside, fat people shouldn't be ridiculed just to make them feel bad, that's pure sadism. Once anyone falls into a bad state, whether it's obesity, an addiction, depression, etc etc, they're going to find it difficult to get their way out, and they do need support, but they also need to understand that obesity is a severe health risk, and despite nutrition being such a critically important thing for all of us, it is extremely poorly understood.
I agree with what Clairbear said!

And also how about the many suicides from people putting their dibs in on if your fat, gay, ugly and things like that?

It does happen a lot,

Being Obese isn't too good for you but remarks from thin fit people like you can just go out and lose it or pay extra for things like plane tickets is just plain nasty. Sure you may want to help them out but it's not the way to go.

Like Clair mentioned, Support is the way to go, it's the same for any addict too, smokers and the like.

It has also been proven in tests that there is something in SOME people that makes the fats that they eat go straight onto the "thighs" so to speak and with naturally thin people they have a normal gene, and it's more prevalent than people thought, they are working on a drug to suppress the transformation of the fats, I'm not a doctor and that's all I heard on reports.

Anyway, it's not nice to call anyone names,

You could say "sticks and stones" but it really does do psychological damage to many people,
Yeah bullying does happen naturally, and all overweight kids do need help getting it off. I'm in no way saying schools endorse being overweight, just stopping the mental anguish associated with it. I'm glad people are stopping on the 'bullying is even remotely acceptable' thing. Cause by saying 'oh it'll help them grow thick skin' is also saying to the kids bullying that they have a right to be bullies... cause those kids don't just stop at bigger people... Also have you noticed how a lot of bullies are bigger kids? What do you think creates a bully? Often someone who's been a VERY bad victim of it.

Tuckshops are now not allowed to serve all the really bad stuff, and schools can't have soft drink machines. All students do PE up until gr11 or something, all these are steps, which is more than has happened in the past. Oh and a large portion is up to the parents. Instilling good eating habits.

Oh and it makes me mad when i have to deal with perfectly healthy weighted girls who have been told they are fat!!!! In fact in some cases they are underweight!!! Kids can be so cruel.
Personally it all comes down to the family... I was bullied as a younger kid, now come to think of it I am still bullied haha... some people (like me) just attract it... Ok... sarcasm amongst that... But what it comes down to people can call me a podgey bald arrogant something or other if they want, it doesn't affect me in any way what so ever based on the fact I am comfortable with who I am. I think a lot of that came from having a strong family unit. Good friends also helped. But above all just the ability to get through life without things like that getting to me.

Ok - so good family values, good healthy eating, less PS2 and more walking... Less greenhouse gas emissions and much stronger bodies and mind... Is it to hard to ask for? Or is it just being to general?

Incidentally - the original point of this thread was - and let me remind you of it... Should fat people (termed for the obese - in most case their personal choice) pay more for airline tickets as the news pointed out. And when someone who loses weight gets charged extra $$$ for excess baggage I also find unfair - though clearly impossible to police, but that's not the point!

So back to the original argument which eventually stems back to bullying and in other form of discrimination.
Timotei, not all overweight people lack self-respect, but have you stopped to think that lack could be due to a problem within the person, eg, upbringing, etc??
Some people have absolutely no confidence in themselves, have a very poor self image, and therefore, health issues, and any other so-called "motivation" to get and stay thin are pointless. They mena nothing to the depressed who eat for comfort. To them, health takes a back-burner in order to cope, and deal with the depressive issues which take precedence. To them, comfort and inner well being feelings are more important than health, and so, a lot of severely depressed people WILL eat, no matter what the warnings are, or the comments of some small minded people who judge overweight people on appearance, and not what is inside.
Any adverse, negativity about weight issues will only drive the depression / eating cycle more. Maybe the insensitive people who sit in their little ivory towers and have nothing better to do should keep their silly ideas to themselves.
Sorry, I know this sounds bitter, and maybe it is, but people who are totally insensitive to others feelings and think they are clever coming up with such inanities really get up my nose.
Timotei, not all overweight people lack self-respect, but have you stopped to think that lack could be due to a problem within the person, eg, upbringing, etc??
Some people have absolutely no confidence in themselves, have a very poor self image, and therefore, health issues, and any other so-called "motivation" to get and stay thin are pointless. They mena nothing to the depressed who eat for comfort. To them, health takes a back-burner in order to cope, and deal with the depressive issues which take precedence. To them, comfort and inner well being feelings are more important than health, and so, a lot of severely depressed people WILL eat, no matter what the warnings are, or the comments of some small minded people who judge overweight people on appearance, and not what is inside.
Any adverse, negativity about weight issues will only drive the depression / eating cycle more. Maybe the insensitive people who sit in their little ivory towers and have nothing better to do should keep their silly ideas to themselves.
Sorry, I know this sounds bitter, and maybe it is, but people who are totally insensitive to others feelings and think they are clever coming up with such inanities really get up my nose.

Yeah but how many of these people became depressed BECAUSE of their weight issues??

The blame can be thrown in all directions but at the end of the day there is only one person who can break the cycle, I don't think saying it's ok and should be socially accepteble is the right way to combat the epidemic..

IMO health issues should NOT be linked with discrimination.. Lets face we are all going to be paying one way or the other for the lifestyle these people lead through increased health costs..As has been said if you can have a go at a smoker why should a fatty be any different??
on a lighter note, if fat people have to pay more on planes do big people have to pay more for clothes, they do use more fabric than smaller people!!!
Big people already do pay more for clothes!

You will never see the specials on big peoples clothing that you do with smaller stuff,

I would love to buy some t-shirts and things cheaper!!!!

And smaller people have more variety and it doesn't all look like crap hehehehehe
on a lighter note, if fat people have to pay more on planes do big people have to pay more for clothes, they do use more fabric than smaller people!!!

Hahaha, if only that were the case! I think you're on to something there...
Clothes should be priced based on how much fabric they use, never again would we have to fork out $150 for a bikini :shock: :lol:

But as far as the airplane ticket issue goes ... I dunno ... when you buy a ticket, you are purchasing a) a seat on the plane and b) a luggage allowance. So if you are so big that you need two seats, then I can see why airlines would charge you double (...which raises another question, if you pay for two seats, do you get the double the luggage allowance??). So really, I don't think your body weight should have anything to do with the price of your ticket or your luggage allowance. Logistically speaking, it would be a nightmare for the airlines to weigh every passenger and adjust their luggage allowance accordingly.

It still sucks that Maddy got charged for her excess luggage though (on a domestic flight too!). When my boy and I flew home from New Zealand last year, our luggage was 8kg over the limit. They could have charged us $80 if they really wanted to, but the girl who checked us in was really nice and just overlooked it. Same story this year, flying home from NZ, we were about 5kg over. The guy checking us in didn't charge any excess, he just asked us to try and keep from going over the limit next time. It may have been all the eyelash batting I was doing, but who cares, so long as we didn't get charged :lol:
There's always the possibility of fat taxes, remove advertising for fatty or high sugar foods, change school canteens and tuck shops to accomodate for healthy foods only, make fatty and high sugar foods as dangerous as smoking by advertising warnings on their packets. Remove unfair advertising such as the 99% fat free marshmallows...

The point is... We need to change our lifestyle... and only 20 years ago (or so) people changed their perception about smoking - so we need to change the mindset of obesity!

Miss B - It's not as much the baggage allowance and the seat they were mentioning - but it was the fact that planes use more fuel for the extra weight and they want to charge for it and fair enough to! Why should I pay for my 78kg bulk compared to a 120kg self obsessed muscle man? I'm 40kg lighter... will they give me 40kg more luggage allowance if I bat my eyelids or show a bit of breast... Actually.. haha.. they did... but that's not the point I am getting at...
my favourite t-shirt place is Target.. i get most of my clothes cheaply cause i dont dress girly, being my height i fit boys sz 14 clothes.. occasionally if i stay at mum's and need a jumper or shirt i just take one of my little brother's ones..
in some ways its better, all the ladies' jumpers i can find cheap in geelong are the midriff ones which i find ridiculous
I would love to buy some t-shirts and things cheaper!!!!

And smaller people have more variety and it doesn't all look like crap hehehehehe

hey you cant complain ur a chick, u have more variety then us men know what to do with, women get 3 floors, men get the corner of the top floor, a little tiny section
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