Where to buy woodies?

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I cant find any woodies? Onnly red cockroaches
Is it better to buy adults or 55 day olds one. Its $21 for 100 adults and $16 for 100 55day olds.
What I do from HerpShop, when ordering, is work out what to order based on my needs, and the weight of what you can put in one box.
HS give you 220g of roaches in the box, so I get mostly adults, then fill the rest of the weight with smaller ones, just to keep the stock going.

It depends on what you're feeding. If you're feeding adult lizards, then just order as many adult roaches as possible. If you're caring for juvies, then get a few adult breeders, and plenty of the size you desire.

If you've got a nice heat source and everything setup for your breeding colony, then don't worry too much about shopping around for the best price. Since it's gonna be self-sustaining, then just buy based on availability, and ease of ordering.
I got a 55l tub after school today and I should be getting my woodies on monday. How many woodies can fit in a 55l tub?
After ordering a bunch of adults, how long do you find until they start breeding?
I think its about a month

I just put a order for 50g of woodies, how long does it take for the email for the money order?
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Where did you order them from?

HerpShop normally get their woodies to my doorstep at 7am Tuesday morning.
They ship them out on Mondays.
I ordered them from herpshop, i just clicked place order. Is that right??

This is the set up



I have a 7cm thick line of Vaseline all around the top. I haven't added the food yet. Its a 55lt roller box with lots of hgoles drilled on the top.

The materials are:

egg cartons
papertowl rolls
ripped up cardboard
newspaper rolled up
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they should breed heaps in that. Although it might be worth getting floun (spelling) as the roach poop sticks to the Vaseline and the roaches will be able to climb out.
your vaso isnt thick enough, they will be in your bed by morning.

get fluon, MUCH easier.

my roaches from ARCade were breeding adults. they had eggs and a bunch of babies as well. they also cut down my freight, because i bought SO much..
I just got an email from the herpshop saying the email address was wrong. How do you pay? Do I have to re-order?

EDIT: I have re-ordered
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its a pitty you out at Murray Bridge, There is a guy at the herp group that sells woodies for $10 per ice-cream container full.
I went to put a thicker layer of Vaseline on the tub before but I put vicks stuff on by accident. Is the vicks stuff bad? It smells but i dont know if it is good or bad?
I went to put a thicker layer of Vaseline on the tub before but I put vicks stuff on by accident. Is the vicks stuff bad? It smells but i dont know if it is good or bad?

nope vicks is fine but much like vaseline it melts when it gets warm. Fluon is the best stuff to use.
Phew, thanks for that! I will probably get some fluon in a few months.
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