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What is your faith?

  • Catholic

    Votes: 25 9.4%
  • Anglican

    Votes: 9 3.4%
  • Jehovah's Witness

    Votes: 5 1.9%
  • Other Christian

    Votes: 17 6.4%
  • Muslim

    Votes: 9 3.4%
  • Other Eastern

    Votes: 2 0.8%
  • Scientology

    Votes: 3 1.1%
  • Other

    Votes: 28 10.5%
  • Atheist/No religion

    Votes: 158 59.4%
  • snake fanatic

    Votes: 10 3.8%

  • Total voters
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Religion is a belief so many interpret their own way ...over all they believe in the same thing but each governs their own rules and regulations ....they are no different to gangs ,they believe that their gang is right ,they fight with other gangs over turf and business deals , they wear different patches,but overall they still have the same beliefs but want it protested in their own way ..(which they claim is the right way)....GOD AND JESUS ARE LIKE MIXED LOLLIES everyone may get something different but your common ground is its still a LOLLY if only you could see it that way :)
Definatly atheist, religion is the cause of most wars, although I love my war movies and served in the army reserves once upon a time. I believe there was a guy named Jesus, he was a carpenter just like my dad!!!
also, a religion " jedi" whats that about? considering it came from a movie, i dont know how some people take it serisously, athough some of you are joking

If a person agrees with the ideals presented by a particular group of people in a story what is your problem with them basing their lifestyle around it. In any case you are no better, your religion comes from an outdated book full of fanciful stories that lack any credibility. Given the choice of basing my life on moral ideas presented by a modern writer with an understanding of modern morals or the ideas of hate-mongering ancient works of delusional hypocrites I would take the modern any day.

I can't understand the persistent belief in paranoid ancient myths in the face of so much evidence to the contrary of its validity.
I was bought up a Jehovah's Witness. Now though...... well, i am living a lifestyle not accepted by the bible. In a way i am glad i had that upbringing. Very strict morals which i have carried with me. But one thing that i could never understand is........

I am gay, i have known i was diff since i was in primary school. Being bought up a Jehovah's Witness i learned this was wrong. i cant remember the scripture now but goes along the lines of ''men who sleep with men will not inherit my kingdom''. Now i truly believe i was born the way i am, it is not a choice. Why would i choose to be ostracized and loose my friends?!?! So growing up was a very hard time for myself, knowing i am one thing but learning it is evil? i suffered depression, i tried to fight it for years. i didnt want to live a double life. So i left. now why would i be born this way? and have to go through all this. i just dont understand. The bible also says something along the lines of ''Jehovah will not throw anything at you that you can not handle''. how can i handle this situation?

needless to say, at the moment i follow no religion. I live my life still by the morals and values i was bought up with, apart from the fact i have a 'partner'.

please dont take my comments or questions as apostatizing. i am not in any way shunning Jehovah's Witnesses or any other religion.
I am gay, i have known i was diff since i was in primary school. Being bought up a Jehovah's Witness i learned this was wrong. i cant remember the scripture now but goes along the lines of ''men who sleep with men will not inherit my kingdom''. Now i truly believe i was born the way i am, it is not a choice. Why would i choose to be ostracized and loose my friends?!?! So growing up was a very hard time for myself, knowing i am one thing but learning it is evil? i suffered depression, i tried to fight it for years. i didnt want to live a double life. So i left. now why would i be born this way? and have to go through all this. i just dont understand. The bible also says something along the lines of ''Jehovah will not throw anything at you that you can not handle''. how can i handle this situation?

But doesn't the bible also say that if you repent and put your faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be forgiven?

This is one point i don't understand about Christianity, are there unforgivable sins?
I was bought up a Jehovah's Witness. Now though...... well, i am living a lifestyle not accepted by the bible. In a way i am glad i had that upbringing. Very strict morals which i have carried with me. But one thing that i could never understand is........

I am gay, i have known i was diff since i was in primary school. Being bought up a Jehovah's Witness i learned this was wrong. i cant remember the scripture now but goes along the lines of ''men who sleep with men will not inherit my kingdom''. Now i truly believe i was born the way i am, it is not a choice. Why would i choose to be ostracized and loose my friends?!?! So growing up was a very hard time for myself, knowing i am one thing but learning it is evil? i suffered depression, i tried to fight it for years. i didnt want to live a double life. So i left. now why would i be born this way? and have to go through all this. i just dont understand. The bible also says something along the lines of ''Jehovah will not throw anything at you that you can not handle''. how can i handle this situation?

needless to say, at the moment i follow no religion. I live my life still by the morals and values i was bought up with, apart from the fact i have a 'partner'.

please dont take my comments or questions as apostatizing. i am not in any way shunning Jehovah's Witnesses or any other religion.
according to the JOEYS that come and visit ..when I told them about my son being GAY ..their response was it was something that I fed him as a child that turned him gay and there is a doctor in TOOWOOMBA (qld) that has oral drops that can fix GAYNESS ..I was like gob smacked ,pointed out the comment you made about being given a hard time and he dated girls and knew it wasnt him ..but they stuck with their comments and when I asked why my other 3 hadnt turned gay ,as they were fed the same food ,they replied "because he wants to stay Gay thats why he hasnt changed back ,and your other 3 must have been stronger in fighting against the food " I laugh at it now and can fully understand why some people offer JOEYS "special cookies" with a cuppa :lol::lol:
wizard, all hail Gandalf and Dumbaldoor

???? for all the Christians (not criticism legit question) arnt snakes ment to be evil.

and why would u waist ur time being one now when the bible says you just gotta say sorry and you are forgiven.
The bible says that faith without works is dead.
Meaning there is more involved in forgivness than just saying sorry.
It means to show by your actions that you really are sorry and want to do what god asks of us. Forgivness is not automatic.
That is part of the reason we go from door to door, in the bible god asks us to do this.

The bible doesnt say snakes are evil, it says that the devil used a snake like a puppet to deceive Eve. The devil is evil, the snake is not.
But doesn't the bible also say that if you repent and put your faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be forgiven?

This is one point i don't understand about Christianity, are there unforgivable sins?

It does yes. that would mean me suppressing my feelings and living in accordance with the bible fully. Not just living this lifestyle and saying sorry. To be truly sorry you would stop doing whatever it is that is bad or offensive (not just in religion). so yes, if you are truly sorry then it is said you will be forgiven.

according to the JOEYS that come and visit ..when I told them about my son being GAY ..their response was it was something that I fed him as a child that turned him gay and there is a doctor in TOOWOOMBA (qld) that has oral drops that can fix GAYNESS ..I was like gob smacked ,pointed out the comment you made about being given a hard time and he dated girls and knew it wasnt him ..but they stuck with their comments and when I asked why my other 3 hadnt turned gay ,as they were fed the same food ,they replied "because he wants to stay Gay thats why he hasnt changed back ,and your other 3 must have been stronger in fighting against the food " I laugh at it now and can fully understand why some people offer JOEYS "special cookies" with a cuppa :lol::lol:

lol... Sorry i couldnt help laughing. i really cant see anyone offering or recommending a doctor with 'gay reversal' drops! lol. But yes, my sister isnt gay, we were bought up the same, it doesnt make any difference what religion you are bought up in, it does not define your sexuality. I know a few people bought up asJehovah's Witnesses who are gay. i also know alot of muslims and Buddists etc etc. So it clearly isnt in the upbringing. like you say ''what about your other kids''.
what i don't get is why the bible does not talk about dinosaurs and early forms of life. What did god just make a bunch of creatures and just blow them up. How come the bible just skips millions of years just straight to the point of humans. What I Also don't get is how Adam and Eve were "perfect" and yet they still were deceived by a talking snake.
100% No Religion for me although i do believe that they only good thing they do is teach good morals. But a few good morals are worth wars and millions of lives.
It does yes. that would mean me suppressing my feelings and living in accordance with the bible fully. Not just living this lifestyle and saying sorry. To be truly sorry you would stop doing whatever it is that is bad or offensive (not just in religion). so yes, if you are truly sorry then it is said you will be forgiven.

BUT! The bible also says that if you have a 'fantasy' about someone who is not your wife/husband you are an adulterer, if you have lied you're a lier etc etc. These are things that we do without thinking and do over and over, but as long as we repent we'll be ok I don't see why God would have a different view on sexuality.
BUT! The bible also says that if you have a 'fantasy' about someone who is not your wife/husband you are an adulterer, if you have lied you're a lier etc etc. These are things that we do without thinking and do over and over, but as long as we repent we'll be ok I don't see why God would have a different view on sexuality.
But it is proving by a change in wrong actions that shows we are truly repentant, not just saying i'm sorry and doing the same over again
But it is proving by a change in wrong actions that shows we are truly repentant, not just saying i'm sorry and doing the same over again

But i can guarantee you that you will lust and you will lie (For example) Sunday afternoon, or Monday at the latest, right after you leave Church.
according to the JOEYS that come and visit ..when I told them about my son being GAY ..their response was it was something that I fed him as a child that turned him gay and there is a doctor in TOOWOOMBA (qld) that has oral drops that can fix GAYNESS ..I was like gob smacked ,pointed out the comment you made about being given a hard time and he dated girls and knew it wasnt him ..but they stuck with their comments and when I asked why my other 3 hadnt turned gay ,as they were fed the same food ,they replied "because he wants to stay Gay thats why he hasnt changed back ,and your other 3 must have been stronger in fighting against the food " I laugh at it now and can fully understand why some people offer JOEYS "special cookies" with a cuppa :lol::lol:

hilarious, to an extent. but then you are just...


as a side note:
my best mate is an ex-Jho.... and his experiences have made him completely anti-religious and anti-celebration full stop. This year he officially has his 4th birthday ever.
Thats not to say the the religion is at all bad, because people can do good things within their religion, but it wasnt the religion for him....
I was bought up a Jehovah's Witness. Now though...... well, i am living a lifestyle not accepted by the bible. In a way i am glad i had that upbringing. Very strict morals which i have carried with me. But one thing that i could never understand is........

I am gay, i have known i was diff since i was in primary school. Being bought up a Jehovah's Witness i learned this was wrong. i cant remember the scripture now but goes along the lines of ''men who sleep with men will not inherit my kingdom''. Now i truly believe i was born the way i am, it is not a choice. Why would i choose to be ostracized and loose my friends?!?! So growing up was a very hard time for myself, knowing i am one thing but learning it is evil? i suffered depression, i tried to fight it for years. i didnt want to live a double life. So i left. now why would i be born this way? and have to go through all this. i just dont understand. The bible also says something along the lines of ''Jehovah will not throw anything at you that you can not handle''. how can i handle this situation?

needless to say, at the moment i follow no religion. I live my life still by the morals and values i was bought up with, apart from the fact i have a 'partner'.

please dont take my comments or questions as apostatizing. i am not in any way shunning Jehovah's Witnesses or any other religion.

I feel for ya buddy. I'm gay also, but I was lucky enough to grow up in Iceland, where on paper everyone is Lutheran, but religion, (other than the old ways, sort of a rag tag paganism/polytheistic superstition) simply never took much hold. Homosexuality was never a taboo issue in viking culture, so I don't really think scandinavia should be praised for it's 'progressive' attitudes, seeing as there weren't really any problems with it in the first place.

My partner of 5 years however, grew up in outback QLD, and had a very rough time of it. The Judeo-Christian morals, bent through a lense of insular clannishness can create some truley oppressive environments, where ANY deviation from the norm is 'sinful'. Levels of suicide and drug abuse in this country among it's young gay folk are astounding. Especially in rural areas where they often lack a support network.

In saying all this, I do believe it's only a matter of time. The world now is a very different place to 60 years ago, and in 60 years time I hope it'll be a tad more loving, and a little less 'religious'.
But i can guarantee you that you will lust and you will lie (For example) Sunday afternoon, or Monday at the latest, right after you leave Church.
i'm not saying there is no room for mistakes. We are all human, no one is going to get everything right 100% of the time.
Thats not what God asks for, he is not unreasonable so as to expect the impossible from us.
What he asks is that we try our best to live the way he asks. Not just doing as we please and thinking "she'll be right... God woll forgive me"
It's interesting to see how vocal the people who are not religious are on this matter compared to the people who are religious. Based on the above comments everyone seems to need to explain/justify why they do not believe in God whilst at the same time, either knowingly or unknowingly, insulting other people's beliefs.

Note: I do not feel insulted by anyones comments - I find them interesting/amusing :)
How lovely to see that this thread has made it to 10 pages with no nastiness or name calling, just intelligent debate and maturely voiced opinions!

NB there are a few Christan sects in the Deep South of the USA who believe that free-handling venemous snakes is proof of God's love for them (or something...) so snakes aren't all bad to Christians!
It's interesting to see how vocal the people who are not religious are on this matter compared to the people who are religious. Based on the above comments everyone seems to need to explain/justify why they do not believe in God whilst at the same time, either knowingly or unknowingly, insulting other people's beliefs.)

I thought that all the comments made so far have been very diplomatic, apart from the jovial comments which are meant just purely as a joke ie. the reptile religions lol i havnt read anything that could be seen as insulting?
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