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im pretty sure he will survive,
how many times have you seen the crew help him making shelters and harnesses, getting across the water etc

Of course they are not going to show things like that on camera...
I love the fact that because 1 person dosn't find it informative they feel the need to dictate to everyone else that the show has no educational value whatsoever and is purely entertainment regardless of what their opinion is it has to be wrong lol. Ummm hello, a few have stated they find it informative, educational & entertaining. Myself included, so obviously it is TO ME, but isn't TO YOU.

Is it? yes to some
Is it not? yes to some


We all have opinions, we should all be able to share them. And we all did. You're the one keeping it going, there was no need for this.

We've been fairly civil so far.
We all have opinions, we should all be able to share them. And we all did. You're the one keeping it going, there was no need for this.

We've been fairly civil so far.

Just making a point that there are 2 opposing oppinions and both sides are trying to correct each other (when the fact is there is no right & wrong lol).
it isn't a debate, it is an argument and a test of egos, both trying to change each others way of thinking which will not happen. It is fruitless.

to be honest, i've learnt a great deal of stuff from him, though my favor will always be on survivorman.

But how did you learn anything?
According to the dictaters it has no educational or informative value lol
im pretty sure he will survive,
how many times have you seen the crew help him making shelters and harnesses, getting across the water etc

Do you really think they would show that? That would ruin the whole show! I'm sure it's happened, but if it were to be included in the odd episode, he would lose his credibility. Before they show it on tv, they do a little thing to it called editing. Where they cut bits out they don't want, in some shows, you see them as "bloopers", but they would ruin this show, therefore they are excluded.
But how did you learn anything?
According to the dictaters it has no educational or informative value lol

I'm pretty sure everybody that is against it has said that they like the show apart from the animal killing parts.

We all find it informative, you're not the only one.
im pretty sure he will survive,
how many times have you seen the crew help him making shelters and harnesses, getting across the water etc

But how did you learn anything?
According to the dictaters it has no educational or informative value lol

Very constructive and mature response, like yourself we have just expressed opinions.
Right thats it...
We are splitting the site in two...
Bear gryll loves on one forum...
The rest of you on the other
But how did you learn anything?
According to the dictaters it has no educational or informative value lol

You are telling us to get over it yet you keep coming back.

I hear what you're saying, it can be informative to some. But before you watched his show, were you unaware that anything that runs away from you, can keep you alive if you eat it? It's not rocket science, it's entertainment.
GET OVER IT! :lol:

I realize that you're devoted to this bloke, and enjoy his shows, and that's cool, I know I'm not going to change you're opinion, just arguing my opinion, and trying to open you're mind to broader harizon's where tv shows are not always what they seem, go behind the scene's of any documentary and you'll be surprised.
if you dont like it CHANGE THE CHANNEL lol geez
Do you really think they would show that? That would ruin the whole show! I'm sure it's happened, but if it were to be included in the odd episode, he would lose his credibility. Before they show it on tv, they do a little thing to it called editing. Where they cut bits out they don't want, in some shows, you see them as "bloopers", but they would ruin this show, therefore they are excluded.

BUT there actually used to be a few leaked bloopers on youtube, I have been searching for them but can't seem to find them now. They were a really good laugh as it would show spots where Bear would claim were so remote and dangerous then it would pan around and there would be a highway 100 metres away. Or show his 'helpers' testing to see if rocks were stable before he would climb a cliff, etc
You are telling us to get over it yet you keep coming back.

I hear what you're saying, it can be informative to some. But before you watched his show, were you unaware that anything that runs away from you, can keep you alive if you eat it? It's not rocket science, it's entertainment.
GET OVER IT! :lol:

Cane toads try to get away some times too.
Just as well we listen to Bear and don't go eating anything on the run huh :lol:
if you dont like it CHANGE THE CHANNEL lol geez

I never said i didn't like it, I just dont think he is an amazing expert of the land who knows and does all this amazing things. I like it for entertainment only..
BUT there actually used to be a few leaked bloopers on youtube, I have been searching for them but can't seem to find them now. They were a really good laugh as it would show spots where Bear would claim were so remote and dangerous then it would pan around and there would be a highway 100 metres away. Or show his 'helpers' testing to see if rocks were stable before he would climb a cliff, etc

Haha, really?! Would love to see them, that's awesome...

Cane toads try to get away some times too.
Just as well we listen to Bear and don't go eating anything on the run huh :lol:

See that's where you're mistaken, Cane Toads are the best! Stuck in the middle of nowhere, nothing but you and a toad, that Bufo marinus toxin could bring you anything you want!

Disclaimer: Anything that may be witnessed while jacked up on Toad juice may not be real.
I never said i didn't like it, I just dont think he is an amazing expert of the land who knows and does all this amazing things. I like it for entertainment only..

thats fair enough as that is all it is intended to be, he as an individual may or maynot be all he claims to be but the show does have its factual points as well as its exagurated moments to entertain the masses,

personally i find it interesting, i kno alot of it is staged or done for entertaining purposes but at the end of the day i find it a **** load more interesting than alot of the other junk on tv at the moment

lol i would rater watch him eat a snake than see a jiggling fatty complain about 120kg "creeping up on them" (sorry but that show really ****s me and kills my appitite alot quicker lol)
I liked the guy, untill I saw him eat deer dung and drink his own urine, I then couldn't help but lose all respect for the #%#$^

Thanks Gex
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