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I will have to measure that with a thermometer. I have no idea what the minimum temp gets down to, especially very early morning. Maybe that could be the problem. I will have to check it out.

You can lead a horse to water.........................
What I'm going to do is remove all the bedding, and change everything back to newspaper. I've been using the breeders choice pellets for a few months, but now I've decided that maybe newspaper or butchers paper is better, at least from a hygiene standpoint. I was changing the entire bedding of breeder's choice once a month, with thorough spot cleaning each time the snake tips over the water bowl, or leaves any fecal or urinal matter at any given location.

Maybe I need to change the bedding every week.

Is the wall the rack is against an internal or external wall?

External wall. I live in a relocatable home, and there is only one bedroom, and the entire place is basically one large room with several partitions for different areas.
Maybe you need to find out what's happening with the temps over a 24 hour period for a start.Leave them alone don't go changing substrates etc,just leave them alone.The more info you supply the more likely you are to get an answer to your problem instead of insisting it couldn't be possibly anything you are or are not doing.
But there is no noise where I live, everything is whisper quiet, we live in a secluded area, with minimal noise, so I'm unsure if that would make any difference.
External wall. I live in a relocatable home, and there is only one bedroom, and the entire place is basically one large room with several partitions for different areas.

They could be feeling the cold coming through the wall from outside early of a morning,try moving the rack to an internal wall.
They could be feeling the cold coming through the wall from outside early of a morning,try moving the rack to an internal wall.

Will try that.

have you tried putting the animals in smaller enclosures? perhaps they are stressing in what they are in. is the thermostat working fine?

I believe the enclosures are appropriate for the size of the animals I have. What I can do is provide more hiding places. More sheets of newspaper for them to hide under, etc. The thermostat is fine, it's working well, the temperatures range from roughly 34 at the hot end to about 24 at the cold end.
does your thermometer have min and max functions ?, it saves the minimum/maximum temperature reached.

checked for mites ?
Fix your temps and you will fix the problem.My money is on the temps dropping too low in the night/early morning.
i understand that but if the animals aren't eating wouldn't you try anything and everything?

I have no smaller enclosures to keep them in, so will have to put lots of hides inside the existing enclosures which should achieve the same goal. I may just put 3 hides in different areas. It's not as much of an issue with larger enclosure sizes if there are sufficient hiding places.

Fix your temps and you will fix the problem.My money is on the temps dropping too low in the night/early morning.

I'd say that may indeed be the problem. I may just have to use my A/C to heat the place and set it to turn on at below 22 degrees - feel a bit funny doing this in the summer, but if this is what my problem is then I'll have to use this solution. I don't mind paying an extra $15-20/month on my energy bill.
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Why even bother with trying different things?

Just assist them and be done with it....they'll start soon enough.
I've had a few Woma's here and there.... that didn't want to start as soon as the others..... and, they were all kept the same.

Just stay on them with assisting.

Why even bother with trying different things?

One of the more knowledgable keepers here, Ramsayi, was very informative with regards to night time/early morning temps dropping to such a low level that may switch the snake's feeding responses off and throwing everything out of whack.

I think Ramsayi is right on the money...I'll bet London to a brick that he is right. I will have to try this out. It does get cooler here at nights than in your ordinary house, because I don't have insulation - mobile homes usually are built in a cheap cost-saving fashion and any insulation/sealing is just an afterthought. So I will need to use the A/C to maintain decent low end temps.

Perhaps some womas are not as affected by the temperature swings as others, so each snake is different in it's own way, maybe these ones prefer more stable temps, whereas my big female doesn't seem to be bothered by it...
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You might want to line the back and maybe half of the sides of the rack with some type of insulation such as foam sheets or even some sheets of sarking.
Poor Ben, you always come here for advice and get shot down :(
Have you tried scenting with skink? Since woma's are meant to be a reptile eater..
Just a thought anyway. Grab a garden skink and steal its bit of tail that falls off and squish it in all over the rat/mouse
Ok , lets TRY and sort this out once and for all cause I am sick of reading your crap ...

Day temps , hot end / cold end ?
Night temps , hot end / cold end ?
How many hours a day do you heat them ?
Please post pics of your set up ( as I have heard you keep your snake in full pesrpex boxes , not proper racks )
How often are you handling them ?
Have you tried other rodents , not ones you kill your self ?
Any other details you have will be good ...

You claim that your temps are perfect , yet you post this ""I will have to measure that with a thermometer. I have no idea what the minimum temp gets down to, especially very early morning. Maybe that could be the problem. I will have to check it out. ""
It Stands to reason if you have no idea on this part of your husbandry then you may not have an idea on other parts of it too.
You might want to line the back and maybe half of the sides of the rack with some type of insulation such as foam sheets or even some sheets of sarking.

I might try that and see how that works. I may just get some of that stuff that they make eskies out of, which is sold in big thick sheets, around an inch thick and come in various dimensions. I will have to build some sort of box out of the panels which may be tricky getting the cords into and out of, but shouldn't be a real challenge.
Poor Ben, you always come here for advice and get shot down :(
Have you tried scenting with skink? Since woma's are meant to be a reptile eater..
Just a thought anyway. Grab a garden skink and steal its bit of tail that falls off and squish it in all over the rat/mouse

Womas at 450 grams / 550 grams and a little over 6 months of age at time of purchase should never need scenting of any kind.
Poor Ben, you always come here for advice and get shot down :(
Have you tried scenting with skink? Since woma's are meant to be a reptile eater..
Just a thought anyway. Grab a garden skink and steal its bit of tail that falls off and squish it in all over the rat/mouse

I thought about that, and have plenty of skinks around where I live. They're pretty hard to catch though, so I won't be doing it too often ;)
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