whats your biggest fear

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my biggest fear would be my life after death im always thinking of what will become of me when i leave this body------please dont turn me into a cane toad please----------ive killed so many of em thousands and millions
but only to do good. also getting drilled by a 12th foot close out wave on sharp reef.
cheers steve
I'm scare myself a lot by being an irrational girl... hehe...

I'm overcoming my fear of snakes (Held my first one yesterday!!!), but I'm still terrified of needles and of being totally alone with just my insane mind for company!
My biggest fear is my kids or family getting sick and not being able to do a thing to help. My kids and family are my world.

Also i can't stand bugs of anykind, especially squashed ones:(

As far as animals go, sharks!!!!! they scare the crap out of me, i had one swim straight past me and i was only waist deep and that was it, it instantly became my biggest fear. Fair enough i was in a canal that is full of bull sharks and next door had lost their dog the day before, two guesses where it went. But i still love to surf and would love to swim with them (me in a cage), just don't want them creeping up on me.
Isn't it funny how some people can be scared of somthing other people don't mind... For example, ozzie python, nothing bad happened to you... You weren't attacked or anyhting, it just swam past. Yet you're still scared of them... Some people (like me) are terrified of roaches, and some like them. Same goes for public speaking etc etc... Human mind is a funny thing.
Turning 30 next year!!! HELP ME!!!
IT's not the end of the world but you can see it from there:lol::lol::lol:

:(My bigest fear is heights, Can't stand on a chair without getting dizzy:shock:
I'm not really "scared" of anything. Heights make me a little uncomfortable but then I think to myself: chances are I'm not going to jump off so nothing to be afraid of :)
The ocean worries me a bit as well because if something happens you wouldn't have much control of the situation, but I don't let that stop me from going swimming.
i cured my fear of needles by becoming a regular blood donor, and timing it out around piercings, and so far its worked.
my biggest, and hopefully one of my few remaining fears is spiders... and my bro wants to get one... and knowing my luck it'll probly escape and get me in the night......
Americans ruling the world, and australia following in american footsteps.
Ronald Mac Donald - now that is scary
Fear of drowning, being burnt to death, being beheaded with a blunt knife(or with a sharp knife, for that matter), needles, turbulence, clowns, public speaking, dogs, the puppets used in The Thunderbirds TV show and the lifelike dummies they put in cells at tourist places like The Tower of London or Berrima jail/court( i swear i can see them move out the corner of my eye:shock:).
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I am totally terrified of something bad happening to my kids. I think that is it and the big spiders make me wolffy.
i hate magpies but only nesting season ones i dont go riding my bike till im sure there finished nesting.
and when i whas real young i realy hated flushing the toilet used to press the button and run
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