10 Yr. Old Boy Kills Burmese Python!

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Well well

That you were referring to me?
"someone here has stated that if he has some sort of mental disorder it makes them not understand what they are doing!!!!!!"
I said that. You WERE referring to me, shamous.

Read my post's correctly too. Illness or no illness (and this has not been ascertained or not) the parent knows there is an issue, get help.

Most killers in history started off sacrificing and slaughtering animals.
welcome to the new admin

Please people, keep the arguing to PM's.

Who made you an admin. Who's arguing? I call it constructive criticism by all parties. No one right and no one wrong. Everyone has valid opinions.

By the way I don't express things in PM's behind the scenes. I like the process to be transparent for everyone to see. That was there is no hear say.;)
I don't consider this arguing though? We are discussing an issue.

Shamous, I 100% agree. The parents should seek help and be held responsible for allowing their child to commit this act. I am simply saying that if he did have a mental illness it is his parents fault, not his. If someone lacks the mental capacity to recognise the choices they make have negative consequences and unable to recognise that it is the wrong thing to do then he did not act in a malacious manner and the parents should be held responsible.

ETA: IMO the only 'arguing' that shouldn't happen is when it results in personal insults. I respect shamous1's opinion and he probably respects mine, we don't need to agree and afaik it isn't against the rules to discuss an issue in a mature manner?

Not sure if I would hold the parents responsible if they were getting him help. I would however hold them responsible if they were not attempting to get the kid help.
what a pitty, probably a beautiful snake.. what a waste..

what a stupid parent, walks away...

that site is full of horrible stories, the next one is 'Man Puts 2yr old girl in Dryer!' 'Holocaust Survivors Relive Experience!' and 'Lohan Sentenced to One Day in Prison! ' oh dear lord what is this world comming to....???

ohh the poor python! :cry:
the poor thing wasnt even harming anyone!

R.I.P. burmese python :(
i wish it was venomous and if it tagged him, serves him right:evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil:
Are you paranoid that I was referring to you? Why jump up and stomp your feet so loud if you are not? By the way it's shamous1 to you, only my mates call me shamous;)

Is this turning into another Bunnings thread?

lol i work at bunnings :lol::lol:

poor snake.. i state once again, i dislike people that disregard everything.. and only care about themselves :?:x

one word, RESPECT. its a rarity these days!

Nat ;)
that site is full of horrible stories, the next one is 'Man Puts 2yr old girl in Dryer!' 'Holocaust Survivors Relive Experience!' and 'Lohan Sentenced to One Day in Prison! ' oh dear lord what is this world comming to....???

Hahahaha. Lindsay Lohan. Breaking news, isn't it? :lol:

And for the people arguing about the mental problem in the kid; IF it played a major factor in the story they would have mentioned it.

In conclusion; the owner should have kept a closer eye on his snake and the parent should have kept a closer eye on their child (and taken responsibility).

R.I.P Burmese Python
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