A friday night story to share

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Very Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2010
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Northern Territory
A while back I was a bit angry at the world and wanted some space…..so ….I decided to do what any bloke in that spot would do and go fishing by himself at night in a remote NT billabong. Well anyway I started out at mid-day and by about 8 at night I had not done too well with only a couple of undersized Barra. At about 10pm I could hear some “boofing” (the sound Barra make when eating something on the surface) so I put on a popper. I cast it out under some pandanas and began to bloop it back to the boat when all of a sudden smash….it was grabbed. At first I thought I had a good barra but a shine of the torch revealed it was a croc. I eventually got it to the boat and was in a bit of a spot. I was using braided line and knew if I did not free this fella and he got away all tangled up he would die. I only saw its snout and as it was wrapped up in the leader line I decided to flip it in the boat to untie it in the torch light………but it was a bit bigger than it first looked. And worse still when it was inside the boat it amazingly got completely free and was very angry at me. I was backed up against the motor facing a fair sized mouth full of teeth but with the help of my esky ,an oar and the anchor rope I managed to apprehend it. The funny thing was that once I had hold of its mouth it let out a growl and then went all floppy. I was able to set up my camera on self-timer to get this pic before letting it go free, just thought I would share this story on a boring old Friday night..View attachment 189100
Top night mate, lucky you had a camera coz you know no one would beleive you otherwise. Nice work.
Saltie or Freshie?
Looks like a Freshie, but I'm not an expert.
At one stage I was sitting on the outboard.....it was a bit scary as I knew there were much bigger ones in the water so I had no choice but to recapture my boat.

Saltie or Freshie?
Looks like a Freshie, but I'm not an expert.

Young Salty Plimpy
noone would mess with you if they saw that pic. i think that would officially make the greatest display pic of all time.
wow...i watched forest gump and now im here...i should really take up fishing on a friday night :D
awesome job mate, i love salty crocs, i dont have any but the day i felt one was the day, they are soooo cool. Awesome
wow...i watched forest gump and now im here...i should really take up fishing on a friday night :D

Go for it man!!!!! I have been a bit quiet for the last two years while my son was a baby.......in fact my boat has only served as a rain guage........... but now he is almost 3 all systems go.....because when you are old and on your death bed i am sure no one will wish they had worked more.....i am going to live life and share adventures with my boy!!!!
That is awesome, kudos on taking pics too! lol :D

Honestly it just went all limp.....i actually felt a bit bad for it. the hook never stuck in though it just got tangled in the line when it did it's roll thing. made a cool growl noise too.
I love that noise! My partner recently had a saltie and freshy so lotsa growls going on, frightened my poor pit bull lol
I love that noise! My partner recently had a saltie and freshy so lotsa growls going on, frightened my poor pit bull lol

I had a red nosed pit bull......lovely thing too.....I just love crocs.....got some great pics of big ones
Same :) best dogs out! Glad to hear you had an alright night at least mate, least something was biting ;) Would love to see pics of the huge salties when you're upto it, my faves!
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