A plea for more stickies!

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Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2007
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Is anyone with me when I say that it might save a lot of replies involving the word "search function" if a bunch of threads dealing with oft-asked questions were stickied? I know we've got a couple, but in the short period of time I've been here I just keep seeing the same stuff come up, whether its colour genetics for dummies, lost animals, animals not-eating, animals not shedding, what and how much and how often to feed, how big an enclosure should be, good reptiles for beginners, what's a good/bad substrate, etc etc. I know some people will start threads on these topics reguardless, but stickies seem more visible than the search function, and they might help stem the tide.
I think a lot of people enjoy a more personalised answer and with new people that join the forum, browsing in all the specific sections and searching for specific answers is something they don't really know how to do (initially), so they do the first best thing, which is simply ask.
What I find when I seach is if I type in Spotted python, Carpet python enclosure. I find all these threads that have the one word, either, Carpet, python, enclosure in a post. I hardly ever find photo's. With seaching, it only finds the word, not the topic.
Its a thumbs up for me! There's waaay too many threads on the same subject.... Yes, the new people might want to ask, but I'm sure they can look before they ask!
I don't particularly mind. Somethings, like the thread about DPS ("My experiences with DPS") would be a great sticky. But other things, like "What's a good first snake" could be made a sticky. Threads like "Can you name my snake!?", in my opinion, should be banned all together.

Maybe there should be instructions in an automated PM or something of the sort when people first join? That'll help them become acclimatised with the site, and direct them to the stickies.
deffinately need more stickies, all the health care/vet related/enclosure/feeding things that come standard should be stickies IMO, and then only if the query is for something unusual that is posted as a new thread. good idea kathryn, and i agree notechristiger!
well I'm a newb and i asked questions.. couldn't find the answers using search.
after posting and asking Q's i found the sticky on 1st pythons(sucks it had to be AFTER posting..) that thread was really helpful, so I agree that stickies are good way to prevent too many repetative Q's and for newbies like myself to find the info they need.
I really can't see what the problem is? If you're sick of repetitive posts don't look at it. It isn't a bad thing that same questions come up - people come up with new ideas all the time so can add their new ideas. If one just uses the search function to find the old ideas, no body will ever learn anything new, and how boring do you find a forum when you go there and the last time someone posted was 7 days ago or more. I like a busy forum. I pick and choose what I want to read can reply to. If you want a sticky thread about enclosures or whatever, then PM the administrator and ask him to create it for you. I am sure they will consider anything that is appropriate.
I really can't see what the problem is? If you're sick of repetitive posts don't look at it. It isn't a bad thing that same questions come up - people come up with new ideas all the time so can add their new ideas. If one just uses the search function to find the old ideas, no body will ever learn anything new, and how boring do you find a forum when you go there and the last time someone posted was 7 days ago or more. I like a busy forum. I pick and choose what I want to read can reply to. If you want a sticky thread about enclosures or whatever, then PM the administrator and ask him to create it for you. I am sure they will consider anything that is appropriate.

The reason is for providing quality information, having one good thread is much better than 500 threads on the same topic comprised of "this comes up all the time use search" and maybe 1 or 2 slightly helpful posts in a thread. As you suggest ppl often dont look at repititive threads so they rarely get answered properly.
I really can't see what the problem is? If you're sick of repetitive posts don't look at it. It isn't a bad thing that same questions come up - people come up with new ideas all the time so can add their new ideas. If one just uses the search function to find the old ideas, no body will ever learn anything new, and how boring do you find a forum when you go there and the last time someone posted was 7 days ago or more. I like a busy forum. I pick and choose what I want to read can reply to. If you want a sticky thread about enclosures or whatever, then PM the administrator and ask him to create it for you. I am sure they will consider anything that is appropriate.

I agree 100%.
The reason is for providing quality information, having one good thread is much better than 500 threads on the same topic comprised of "this comes up all the time use search" and maybe 1 or 2 slightly helpful posts in a thread. As you suggest ppl often dont look at repititive threads so they rarely get answered properly.

Yes it possibly is true but newcomers to the forum are green about how to use the forum properly and just want to jump straight into finding the answers to their questions.

Then you get ppl who complain about old posts being brought forward when someone finds an old topic that relates to something they have experienced and wants to add to it. So what do they do - damned if they do or don't.

Life is too good to complain. Some days I look through the topics with lazy fingers, other days I reply to heaps of threads and now and then add my own. So what. Ppl either read and/or reply, or they don't.
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