Adoption of ARP's Aussie Pythons - donations.

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i trust Nic 100% with my money.. actually can i start depositing money regurlarly into your account to save for me Nic?? i don't trust myself not to spend it lol :wink:
I know Afrofish.
And ringlet you are like my wife.
But seriously now, I would like to have this donation business organised soon, as people's money are colected. I hope that popp is stil on this job.
Hehehe Thanks for the vote of confidence Jas!
Same with me. I can be trusted with other people's, but spend all my own, maybe we could swap money and save for each other? :)

Like Slatey, I'm looking forward to some news from Popp!
Patience is a virtue I don't posses when I'm excited about something. Let us know soon Popp! :)
Congratulations everyone! We've hit the $400 collected mark with our latest addition (thanks Graham - this saves me PMing you), and our pledges take us to $530.00. Certainly not to be sneezed at! :D

Eagerly awaiting an update from you Popp...
I'm sure all APSers are keen to get this one underway!
Greetings All! :D

The time has come to call for all donations pledged to be collected, and for anyone who hasn't donated, but wants to to come forward.

We have $420 collected in cash/money-order, but $530 pledged.

I will PM pledgers to see if they can still make their pledge, and ask that anyone else who wants to participate contact me before Monday 30/06/2003.

I believe David Lutz is taking over for Popp and will be discussing all with the Australian Reptile Park as soon as we know what amount we are donating.

Huge thanks to all who are participating!! :D
Cool bananas
do we get a plaque too:

| Bert the Rough Scaled Python
| Sponsored by
Good question

That's a point! I assumed we would use "Aussie Pythons and Snakes", but we could use Graham's suggestion, or "Aussie Pythons & Snakes Community [or Group]" or ...... what?

Any other thoughts I'll need to know by Monday, as that's when I plan on contacting the Reptile Park. For the same reason, as Nicole said, we need to know if the promised money will be forthcoming, as we need to know exactly how much we have before committing to the sponsorship.
I too think we should have a plaque, but how much extra will that cost?

I don't know if it's been covered earlier but does the sponsoring of the RSP require us to renew (ie. pay) each year or is it a one off deal.

Geese Louise!!! Some are expensive guess we dont need a big one though ay.

I really don't know any more than was given in Nicole's original post in this topic, as I haven't had anything to do with it until recently, when I was asked to help out owing to the mystery of the missing Popp! :wink:

Judging from the links Nicole gave, it would be an annual subscription, and depending on the amount sponsored, the park places our name on the sponsorship board in the park and acknowledges the contribution on their website. Apart from that, "I Know Nothing", as Shultz was wont to say! I'll get more details when I ring them next week. Nicole may know more.
Yeah and I am itching to know what the prize will be if there is a raffle :D
Me and Adam think that the name on the plaque should include "ONLINE COMMUNITY" as to encourage others to join. Definately have the URL there too, should do :)
Popp has no phone connection at the moment, that is why he is missing.
Pretty sure it's an annual thing.
I reckon:
[-----Sponsored By-----]
[-----Aussie Pythons----]
[---and Snakes Online--]

Um guys, I don't think we get a plaque all to ourselves. From what I've read on the RP website, our name is listed on their Sponsorship Board and their website.

Apart form that, the cost of the plaque would be too high - we'd be taking the money from the more worthy cause of sponsoring the animal to satisfy our egos! :lol: I think we'd be better off just taking the default option.

However, I WILL ask them about the possibility of a separate plaque and let you know what they say.
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