Bathing A Beardie

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mmm so where do i get clover leaves and flower petals? any special type of petals?
finely chopped greens, (shanghai salad mix from coles is great, bok choy, endive, rocket) dandelions, greens and flowers r good
never spinach cos it binds calcium absorption.
green beans are popular, grated butternut pumpkin, grated carrot once a week cos they like it but too much isnt good sweet potato is yummy too, but only once a week cos of the sugar.
go easy on fruits cos sugar isnt that good fro them

check the list if u have doubts about anything, we cant get alot if the greens on it cos its a US list, but still gives a breakdown of what veges are good or not,...
clover, from any field or grassed area. I normally feed dandilion petals as I can pick them from the same area as the clover grows. These are free and easy to get, so can be on costant offer to the hatchies and lesson the need to eat their friends foot off. Out of the 300 hatchlings I've had this year, only one lost a fraction of it's tail.
Again a little off topic but mine is now approx 10 weeks old and has really settled in.....almost lights off time and he happily frolicking around its enclosure.....jumping on the hammock etc so I figure these are good signs but still havent seen it have a real good crack at its veggies.

Could I have pureed them too much? Too damp etc????
reptalica have you tried putting the crixs in the veggies ? This method had mine into there veg very early on probaly around 6 weeeks now at 4 months they are going there at will several times a day
Could I have pureed them too much? Too damp etc????

IMO, my beardies like small 'chunkc' or slices of veg rather than puree.. puree is more of a bluey thing.. beardies eat leafy greens liek on the beauitfuldragons site chris posted.. not puree vegetables.. endive and collard are great staples.. not mixed frozen veg, because its the leafy greens liek endive they should be eating they dont go well pureed and frozen, they need to be made fresh daily.. try putting a bit of endive on tweezers..
mine are 8 weeks old and wont go near veg that is chopped to fine they like the leafy stuff left chunky ....the sweet patato , carrot etc i shave with patato peeler then cut to size
and leave it to come up to room temp if its straight outa the fridge
a quistion on this topic do they need to be feed live food aswell??????

yep, depending on their age, they need to be fed as many crickets or roaches as they can eat twice a day, the bugs need to fit within the space between their eyes to avoid impaction problems. that will generally be between 50 and 100 insects a day. sounds like alot, but they grow really fast and do most of in in the first 10 months,....
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