bhp housing

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Well-Known Member
Mar 29, 2009
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ppl with bhp's at what age/size did you introduce them to there full size enclosure(and what size was the enclosure you moved it to?)my girl is almost a yearling,and around 4 foot(just an assumtion?)and has got too large for her 52 tubl(around 2 ft)...would you think she would be okay in a 4 ft enclosure or start her out in a 3ft'r til she gets a bit larger?
QLD Female 2 months old 600mm long and put it in 4 x 2 x 2, heat mat set at 35' on Microclimate B1ME (night time 7' temp drop) and day UV , been in that for nearly 18 mths now with no trouble at all, very sociable python, not defensive at all, fed in her enclosure handled once a week and taken out in natural light. good sheds etc etc, in other words perfect :D
i have quiet a few of my yearling's to 2yo's in 2ft x 2ft x 2ft enclosures with a good hide box and they love there homes, once they get to about 2.5yo i introduce them into a full 4ft x 2ft x2ft breeder enclosure

i have quiet a few of my yearling's to 2yo's in 2ft x 2ft x 2ft enclosures with a good hide box and they love there homes, once they get to about 2.5yo i introduce them into a full 4ft x 2ft x2ft breeder enclosure

what would be the largest one you have housed in a 2ftx2ftx2ft enclosure?
I moved my pair into their 1600mm long adult enclosures at just under 2years old. They would have been 4 foot long or under at the time. No problems.

If you decide to move yours into adult enclosures I would just keep an eye on them. Offer multiple hides and use newspaper for them to hide under. Good luck.
Mine was 4ft and 18 months old when i got him and he went streight into a 6x2x2 without a drama. Had 3 hides in there (though he never used 1 of them) and he was fine with the upgrade.
mine were just over a year old and around 1200mm. went into their 1200mm by 600mm enclosures. female is around 2100mm now and the males are around 1800mm
thanks for replies,il be upgrading her enclosure this weekend
QLD Female 2 months old 600mm long and put it in 4 x 2 x 2, heat mat set at 35' on Microclimate B1ME (night time 7' temp drop) and day UV , been in that for nearly 18 mths now with no trouble at all, very sociable python, not defensive at all, fed in her enclosure handled once a week and taken out in natural light. good sheds etc etc, in other words perfect :D

What is the benefit of daytime UV?
Recommenced by a Keeper/Breeder of 35+ Yrs, :? why not ????

(50 watt Exoterra Basking spot) at hot end on a timer that controls Magic Eye On stat(heatmat) for night time temp drop

Yes yes yes, I know some people say you dont need it UV, I beg to difffer,

If you continually do something unecessary for 35 years it is still unecessary.
Excessive UV can cause deformed cells.
Nocturnal animals generally dont get exposed to a lot of UV.
Unecessary use of rescorces is a waste.

Why do you need UV?
If you continually do something unecessary for 35 years it is still unecessary.
Excessive UV can cause deformed cells.
Nocturnal animals generally dont get exposed to a lot of UV.
Unecessary use of rescorces is a waste.

Why do you need UV?
Why don't you explain why it is NOT required. With a bit of background proof. UV is something they naturally have to live with and have the option of exposing themselves to everyday, it is also used to produced Vitamin D. It's not uncommon to find BHP out during daylight hours.

Why would you NOT provide it to them?
what would be the largest one you have housed in a 2ftx2ftx2ft enclosure?

Well to be honest i have a 5yo 7-8ft male in one that size atm, breeding male but all the females have taking up the big enclosures untill they lay there eggs. He dont mind his holiday house but will be moved to a bigger one as soon as i get the malamine cut for more enclosures.

The biggest i have in one permenatly is a 5ft 2yo well a pair actually (not same enclosure lol) and they very happy in them
i agree with you Josh the sun that all our herps rely on in Nature gives heat and also UV (Vitamin D) Agreed a BHP is a nocturnal species, But dont forget they also have a Blackhead for a Reason

Wokka, CAN or Does, GENERALLY or Dont. And a total of about 70watts during the Day and 20 of a night per Enclosure

Mine come out during the day to bask and absorb the Heat ,........they must be silly and not know what they're doing(BHP)
You keep a 5ft BHP in a 2ft enclosure??? that is ridiculous.

Not rediculous at all for a temperary fix of a week i know people with the same size BHP's in tubs smaller, dont flame me, or get on ya high horse!!

Keep your opinions to ya self
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