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Yeah I just read that the most humane way to kill then is to leave them in a plastic bag in the sun. Then i'll bury it or throw it in the bin. Anyone in or around bris go cane toad hunting?


How is that humane?

Fridge to cool them, freezer to kill them. That's the recommended humane way afaik.


I also find the hypocrisy in people is amazing. At first I just thought it was dog people, all don't hurt our dogs but we'll kill snakes. But snake people have no problems torturing other animals either. I think people in general are just sadistic?
I clunk them ,bucket ,then bury ...GRANNIE, I realise you say you couldnt kill anything,,but when you live here and toads are everywhere ,and you come across RBBS's and other animals that have been killed by just TRYING to consume the toad learn to get a thick skin and do your bit to be rid of these creatures ..I agree they are not to be cruelly treated ,as they still are an animal ,but they need to be culled ..these toads will breed in a stagnant water puddles ,and leave hundreds of future offspring ..they out breed the frogs ..and eat our froggies too ..Kermits cant compete with these toads ..So I am one of the killers ...But it is a necessary evil I am afraid ...
Put them in a plastic bag, then into the freezer. They just go to sleep and don't wake up. Toads really freak me out! Yuuukkkkk! Gives me the creeps just thinking about them.
I also find the hypocrisy in people is amazing. At first I just thought it was dog people, all don't hurt our dogs but we'll kill snakes. But snake people have no problems torturing other animals either. I think people in general are just sadistic?

Dog people???

Glad you see the truth though... It's all people.

The real irony here is exactly as you say - so long it's cute, or wanted, it's not a pest... (for many) but as soon as it's a pest they have no feelings.

Simply put - toads are out competing but to what real extent? Probably massive! But yet they're not even listed in the same category as opuntia (a cactus) or mimosa (a leguminous weed)... Toads aren't a noxious pest....

Even mosquito fish get better recognition... What's with that?

Tilapia.... Oh the list probably goes on and on and on... Yet not toads....

Toads seem to get more publicity tho, which is highly unfortunate.

But the original and humane way is - and has been repeated several times... fridge to freezer to either buried or plastic bagged and thrown.

Leave your torturing clubs, sprays and disinfectants behind and treat this animal in a way that is fair and humane.
best thing to do, put the toad in a pail and pour vinegar over it, should be dead in 15mins ....
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best thing to do, put the toad in a pail and pour vinegar over it, should be dead in 15mins ....

Sorry, but have you read anything anyone else has said???

Torture is not an option... 15 mins... in ethanoic acid??? Not clever at all!

Sorry, but I have to put an epic FAIL on that suggestion.
Sorry, but have you read anything anyone else has said???

Torture is not an option... 15 mins... in ethanoic acid??? Not clever at all!

Sorry, but I have to put an epic FAIL on that suggestion.

You could use them as bait instead, you might catch something.
Just bag em and hold over car muffler,quick and simple.I hate the bloody things so much and unless you live where there's huge toad populations or numbers of them it's hard to comprehend.

I saw a pic of a toad eating what looked like a decent sized keelback on here a while ago which got me thinking and wondering how many young pythons and snakes in general that have been eaten since they were introduced?I wonder how many more reptiles we'd see if they were never introduced.They've reaked havock and destroyed much of our ecosystem so please excuse me if I DO kill every toad I see in any way I want,even if you want to stick a straw up their butts and blow them up ,throw em against the wall,put em in front of trucks,etc etc etc...Did I say how much I HATE toads??????????
Just bag em and hold over car muffler,quick and simple.I hate the bloody things so much and unless you live where there's huge toad populations or numbers of them it's hard to comprehend.

I saw a pic of a toad eating what looked like a decent sized keelback on here a while ago which got me thinking and wondering how many young pythons and snakes in general that have been eaten since they were introduced?I wonder how many more reptiles we'd see if they were never introduced.They've reaked havock and destroyed much of our ecosystem so please excuse me if I DO kill every toad I see in any way I want,even if you want to stick a straw up their butts and blow them up ,throw em against the wall,put em in front of trucks,etc etc etc...Did I say how much I HATE toads??????????

Why waste the petrol when your freezer is working anyhow?

I don't hate the toads - I think they're a magnificent creature - just in the wrong country (kind of like cats and dogs really). The toad is an evolutionary masterpiece and in reality - it deserves the strangle hold it has here - because WE introduced them!

But your hate is well and truly understood.

Good luck on your crusade to kill them... Personally, I think there'll be a lot more mosquitoes around if toads die out....
I don't take joy in killing things and apart from mosquitoes and toads I don't kill anything else. I do however feel good about myself for killing them as I feel like I'm doing something good for the environment. I do agree that they are animals like any other and should be put down in the most humane way which is why I was asking what to do in the first place and now that I've discovered what that is i'll always do it that way... but I will go out looking for them with the intention of killing them.
I am with BROWNS ...watching cane toads eat green tree frogs ,kill snakes and even destroy plants ..they are the ultimate PEST ..they breed and successfully have way bigger numbers in offspring ..our frogs can not compete with them ,Our keelbacks can only eat the smaller toads ,once they get to a size they turn the tables and eat the keels ..the RBBS and other frog eating animals pay a dreadful price ..just by getting that stinking toad in their mouth ,it doesnt even have to be consumed ..The cane toad is a nightmare for alot of QLD and now parts of NT ,NSW ..and maybe even WA spreads like a virus and will knock out many a animal and plant ..and we dont have a form of control over it ...I wont stick them in my freezer ..I wont get my jollys off in being cruel either ,,but as I said, I do clunk them and bury them ..and if on the road I will pop them ,and I dont feel guilty in doing so either .
I 100% with Slim6y... personally I can't see the reason in killing them, it doesn't make a licking difference in the population, we will never wipe them out one by one, ten by ten or a hundred by a hundred....

RBB, humans are the Ultimate Pest, after all, we bought them here, they havn't made any animal extinct yet... but we have.
I 100% with Slim6y... personally I can't see the reason in killing them, it doesn't make a licking difference in the population, we will never wipe them out one by one, ten by ten or a hundred by a hundred....

RBB, humans are the Ultimate Pest, after all, we bought them here, they havn't made any animal extinct yet... but we have.
AGREED JASON ...but if I ran over a human I would be in trouble ;)...I feel the same way about the other introduced pests too ..and dont feel guilty if I run over a fox ,rabbit ,hare etc ..toads are that bit easier to get at ..especially when they are hanging at your back door ..
Freezer is the most humane way.

Though when i used to visit my granny in Hervey Bay she made this cool spray (i think detergent based) that used to dry them out rock hard for us to smack with golf clubs in the morning.
Hmmm, humans...

who wants to come play in my giant freezer- you can ski and have snowball fights :p
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