Care shet for spotted and stimsons

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Not so new Member
Apr 17, 2010
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Hey evryone I have decided on either a spotted or a stimsons python as my first snake. If anyone has a caresheet or any good helpful advice for me I would really appreciate it. Thanks cam
not to sound like a broken record but did you try google? or maybe a book on pythons off ebay
not to sound like a broken record but did you try google? or maybe a book on pythons off ebay
The information gleaned from a site like APS is a) better than Google and b) cheaper than a book.

This forum is for all levels of herpers and if everybody bought books and Googled their questions it would be a very empty site.

Stimsons and spotted pythons are very similair, if not the same, in their care requirements as each other and Children's so any info you can find on Children's pythons (plenty on APS) will be the same for your spotteds/Stimsons!
Hey evryone I have decided on either a spotted or a stimsons python as my first snake. If anyone has a caresheet or any good helpful advice for me I would really appreciate it. Thanks cam

If you buy form a decent breeder you will get all the info you will need!
The information gleaned from a site like APS is a) better than Google and b) cheaper than a book.

This forum is for all levels of herpers and if everybody bought books and Googled their questions it would be a very empty site.

Stimsons and spotted pythons are very similair, if not the same, in their care requirements as each other and Children's so any info you can find on Children's pythons (plenty on APS) will be the same for your spotteds/Stimsons!

I do completely agree but I do find that always asking a question with little to no research really does put a rather large bee in my bonnet.

Time after time threads are begun asking the same question and 8/10 times it is the 13-16 year olds that answer with almost 3rd grade knowledge with out themselves searching first.

Far too many knowledgable keepers and breeders just switch off from posting and do so for this very simple reason.... 'my upteen years in this game mean nothing to some 15 year old upstart on the net' Now I am paraphrasing but i do not believe the point is lost.
Actually I have done research and they all said different things. I thought havin a look on this site would give me personal opinions from experience. And I'm not a 15-16 yr old I'm 19 and always get personal opinions off experienced ppl. I understand that ppl always come on here askin the same questions but if u see something that is the same as another post y even click on it. If you don't have info or opinion then don't write anything there are plenty of ppl on here who are willing to help. Sorry to argue but I just standin my ground.
I agree there is plenty of young kids that post crap.
There is also an absolute mass that attack newbies & uninformed children. JMO
Actually I have done research and they all said different things. I thought havin a look on this site would give me personal opinions from experience. And I'm not a 15-16 yr old I'm 19 and always get personal opinions off experienced ppl. I understand that ppl always come on here askin the same questions but if u see something that is the same as another post y even click on it. If you don't have info or opinion then don't write anything there are plenty of ppl on here who are willing to help. Sorry to argue but I just standin my ground.

I commend you for standing your ground... only perhaps correct research will lead you to the correct information and by that I do not mean asking here.

There is I believe a book at all petshops that is called something like keeping childrens pythons by Greg Fyfe and Darren Green it retails for about $15-20 and is a very good source of information that is very affordable.

This information will be accurate as both Greg and Darren have kept the Anteresia species for quite sometime (20 years+) and I believe have never had difficulty in breeding them, which proves healthy husbandry.

With reference to people helping, sure they will but most are only semi educated on the topic being that they are between 13 and 16 years of age and have kept on or 2 pythons for less than 12 months and are now prefessionals... by the way I am generalising.... and so information you will get in most cases is a litle left of the truth.
Ok mate thanks. The reason I was askin in here I wante to save on money this site was a quick answer to my questions.
I know this is an old thread, but those links to dolittlefarm were super helpful, I just put a bunch of PDF files on my iPad to read later! Thanks beckyreptilegirl! I can never get enough info! I have the book by Greg and Darren and it's helpful, like a lot of other books and google is great but I absolutely love trawling through this forum too and asking questions occasionally. The more info the better! :)
Please don't take this in any other way than just a humble suggestion.

If you decided what kind of you want, the next sensible step would to decide where to get it from. My advice is, find a reputable breeder, ask them for a care sheet and also ask them if they're prepared to support you with help should you need any ofter the purchase. By doing that, you will essentially bypass pet shops and that's a good thing IMO.Of course a care sheet could be a scribble in a basic note form or it could be a very detailed article, so what I am saying is; a care sheet is not everything.

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