Colin the whale and ethics

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Just another case of "Put it in the too hard basket". Its what the pollies do best. Way too much bureaucratic bs to get through and precious little commonsense. Once again we miss a chance of being leaders and settle for mediocrity. :rolleyes: Poor Colin, you should have been lost elswhere cos in OZ it's just too damned hard!
They are going to put it down tonight.

if they can't come up with a way to save it that is.

personally I don't think they should euthenise it... I think if they aren't able to save it then it should be left alone. everyones always talking about letting nature take its path, so let it.

also can I just remind everybody that there are THOUSANDS of starving African children and bubs right now but you don't see people rushing to their rescue. I mean yeah fair enough the poor things starving to death but get real.... it's a whale.
OK so if this whale was to be reared it would cost over 2 million dollars, money better spent on buying land NOT TO BE CLEARED.It would need a pool 4 times the size of a olympic pool till it is 11 months old. Plus how is it going to learn to be wary of killer whales (their mothers teach them)or how to find food, or how to get to Antarctica? It mother abandoned it for a reason.It is very sad, but unfortunately it happens.
Let it die a natural death no need to give the Japanese any headlines.

Plus why waste all that money trying to save an animal that will most likely die anyway, it could be better spent elsewhere.
OK so if this whale was to be reared it would cost over 2 million dollars, money better spent on buying land NOT TO BE CLEARED.It would need a pool 4 times the size of a olympic pool till it is 11 months old. Plus how is it going to learn to be wary of killer whales (their mothers teach them)or how to find food, or how to get to Antarctica? It mother abandoned it for a reason.It is very sad, but unfortunately it happens.

with you there, i think it would be 100% fruitless to try and rear it in captivity, its never going to have the skills to survive in the wild and i dont think they are really suitable to be kept in captivity.
Why does it need a 4 x olympic pool enclosure? why not just net off an area the size of 4 olympic pools? With a daily patrol of the nets perimeter any marine life that may get caught can be free'd. Also with a whale being so bit the net mesh could be very co**** to allow almost all marine life to swim in and out without being tangeled. As far as migration and that goes im sure its just instinct and when it is older im sure it will join up with another pod that would show it where to go etc etc.. As far as it not having skills for the wild etc etc its all instinct is it not?? a hand reared reptile could fend for itself in the wild running off pure instinct. Its been done successfully in America so why wouldn't it work?
What are ppl at Seaworld feeding their whales,with all the experience and technology these days,why cant the authorities atleast try 2 rescue the whale,maybe take it 2 seaworld where they are a few ppl up there that no what their doing,The majority of the world hate the Japanese 4 killing for research,so why cant they atleast try 2 help the poor little whale.Cheers
the best thing for colin is to be shot then , send him to skulls unlimited and get him bone articulated . . so people can see him everyday . poor bugger
Just seen a news update that colin the whale is getting torn apart by a large shark. It was real messy with one bite taking part of colins face off.
Also can I just remind everybody that there are THOUSANDS of starving African children and bubs right now but you don't see people rushing to their rescue. I mean yeah fair enough the poor things starving to death but get real.... it's a whale.

There might be starving people in the world, but they are not Australia's responsibility. This whale is. A lot of the countries that have starving people have very wealthy governments and they don't care about their own people. I believe in charity begins at home. It might cost $2 million dollars to save the poor thing, but I'm sure the Australian government give away 10 times that amount of OUR tax money to other countries all the time.
where are the japs when you need them?.
dr karl microsleep stated on tv this morning, why all thi fuss over 1 whale when about 5,000 children die everyday around the world.
They would not just decide to kill this headlining animal on a whim, The decision to euthanise a baby whale would not be taken lightly, In the same position I think I would have made the same call..
maybe they could talk japan into taking this sick one in exchange for taking one less healthy one ,they wouldnt even need to harpon it they could just drag him straight on the boat.
Animals die in the wild. Young animals die more often. This is sad for us to see, but it is natural. We get extra sentimental about whales and dolphins, but if it wasn't in Sydney Harbour (or another population centre) we wouldn't know or care. The resources it would have taken to care for the whale (which should have been done right away if they were to attempt it) are better spent on other efforts which have a better chance of succeeding. Cleaning up marine rubbish would be more helpful to the ecosystem.
America raised a grey whale which took a permanent team of 30 professionals in order to maintain the water quality and feed it. This baby needs to learn to migrate and find tonnes of krill to keep it alive, what happens if it just keeps wanting a bottle, the ruddy things grow to 36 tonnes! The pain of being fed the wrong milk as well ... it would make his intestines twist in pain especially after starvation.

If the mother has rejected it there is a good reason for it. People are procrastinating in the hope it just drops dead and it doesnt look bad in the eyes of whaling nations to put it to sleep.

Better of shot by us then left to die starving or eaten alive by the great whites.
I think it's rather impractical to try raising it.

There are lots of hungry Hagfish out there.
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