Downloading Music

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Very Well-Known Member
Jan 30, 2003
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Hey guys,i'm sick of buying cd's as not every song is worthwhile listening to so i want to get into downloading and making my own cd's.

Would be great to hear what sites people recommend that are easy to use and the cheapest but still good quality.

All suggestions would be much appreciated :)
winmx and kazza and other such progs arnt that good,, so many dodgy files out there...
use Mirc to download music, its the best. takes a little while to get used to and master
use to search for things on irc...
you can download full albums also none of this song by song crap.
best if u got cable....
this is the sort of thing that will destroy the music industry think past your wallet if you steel music for free off the net no one will make it artist will not make enough money to pay back the lone they took to make there first album and will not make any more and eestablished artist wont bother going to the truble to make any more!!!!!
cheers to destoring the industry i now breeders wouldnt like it if you could simply order free snakes over the net !!!! think out side of your sqear for a bit hey
i know that you would be thinkin that you wont be makin a diference but there is 2000000 people thinking that every day
Actually, if BROWNS decides to stop buying music altogether, then the music industry loses his money anyway. So him downloading doesn't make them lose further.

However having said that, I think a moderator had better get in here and stop this thread and this kind of thread being created again. Allowing this kind of topic has been know to force innocent forums completely unrelated to "music theft" to shutdown.

I for one do not want to see this forum shutdown.
i for one want to see artist keep making music !!
if you don't want to pay for it don't listen to it. it cost an artist over 70 grand to make and promote an album world wide plus the record company takes over 70% of the profits so its not easy to make a buck for the artist specially if they don't write there own songs they get even less
and yes i would hate any trouble to come from this thread as this forum is one of the best in my opinion but i will stand ferm on any unortherised downloading of music!! sorry
I agree 100%.

However, if downloads were not available at all and he chose not to buy the music anyway, then they have lost his money.

For example, I have never bought and will never buy a 2Pac cd, but if there was one song I liked and I downloaded it, I would not be costing the artist or music industry and money because I would never have bought the music anyway.

So basically they cannot lose what they never had.

There are also things to be said against this, like if I really liked the song and couldn't download it, then maybe I would have bought the cd for the song.

Anyway, I was just illustrating my point. It appears to me that BROWNS has specifically stopped buying because he can download, this means he is in no uncertain terms costing the artist and industry $$$.

Just so everyone is clear, I am not having a go at BROWNS, rather I am just expressing my opinion about his post, what he does is his business.

I still think this thread should be deleted and special rules added to prevent similar threads in the future.
download lime wire or kazaa. Lime wire is good becuase there is no spywear ie. they cant look into your computer. If you download kazaa then i would recommend kazaa lite because there is less danger of getting viruses etc.
Well, if that remark "saintly" was directed at me then I would soon retract it. I will make no hesitation is reporting that to an admin as that is highly offensive to me.

If you do not have something constructive to say, please don't say it. This thread has the potential to harm this forum and if you don't care about that then you shouldn't be here. That was my reason for posting, the other comments came from my common sense, if that is different to your, fine, but don't call me names, it will hurt you more than me.
i don't like to be a prune but this is also my livelihood and if there is any further open information on downloading songs posted i WILL take it further !!!!!! pm the info if you must distory my business and meny others.

sorry again you may not think your doing any harm but you are no matter how you look at it at the end of the day you are!
this is a general statment not directed at any one...........
Quote: Luke
"sorry again you may not think your doing any harm but you are no matter how you look at it at the end of the day!"

There is no clear distinction, so I agree 100% with this.
70% to the record company, let me guess the retailers get a %.
Who is ripping off the artist?
I agree with that too. I think all artists should take the money they already have and produce/promote their cds themselves and keep more like 70% themselves.
only use winmx, don't use anything like kazaa that has p2p networking involved, icq is another one that likes to use p2p networking.......p2p networking is a gateway for virus and bugs to get through, and some of them can take a while to actually take effect, meaning you may not know abt them for ages.

most bugs usually hit windows xp as well, so winmx is the way to go. and keep your virus program updated.

as for ripping the industry off, they have been ripping us off for years so why not get some back?
stores like mine make about $1-$2 per new cd!
we only sevrive on our second hand/memorabilia etc,
this thread will now be passed on to admin advising them of my actions if further advise on illegally downloading music continuse to be passed on
They should only allow 1/2 a song to be downloaded to advertise & promote the music/author. People can then sample the music before deciding to purchase.
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