Eggs and Monitors

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I gave my ackie cooked egg but he didn't touch it. Raw egg he swam in had to soak him in a warm bath while I cleaned it up in his tank.

Insects and pinkies are fun to watch him. Drags them along his rocks to kill them. One might get away but then he's off after it. I sprinkled calcium powder over his food, or if you're worried he still isn't getting enough, feed your insects on a good diet including calcium in their dinner. So then you have well-nourished insects to feed to your lizards.
What size should ackies start going on pinkies? so far i just use woodies and crickets they are around 25cmish?
only one is on the pinkie. big whooper female. about 40cms. other male is only little at 20cms. but you might as well throw one in live with a few woodies and see if he goes it
What size should ackies start going on pinkies?

They are monitors, not snakes. I feed my young monitors chopped rodents and insects, when they grow big enough they get whole rodents and insects etc.

Yes, you may find it gruesome at the start, but your monitors will love it. Feeding 'whole prey ' doesnt have to mean complete animals, it can also mean chopped rodents

You must excuse me , I think my F.R is showing:)
I chop up fuzzies for my young ackies and they love it. Remember to chop while they are frozen though.
They are monitors, not snakes. I feed my young monitors chopped rodents and insects, when they grow big enough they get whole rodents and insects etc.

lol good first observation there... i was just asking what size should they start having pinkies... but its ok now, i know my ridge tails arent snakes:p ill figure it out
When they are about 10cm STV but giving them chopped up pinkies would work too when they are smaller too.
This is correct, my vet told me this a while back and he read it straight out of a vet medical book. He said it's OK as an occasional treat.

is this for cooked egg or raw and was it just yolks or albumen?
I know eggs are high in protine and when cooked will increase the chance of cholesterol problems but i would have thought feeding them raw and whole would be a source of calcium from the shells?
The only positives I can really see from it are high Protein and high Calcium, it offers no fibre though.
Vitamin A and Iron levels are high though.

But yer I'll start adding this to the diet maybe once a fortnight or so.
Pinkies are mostly water, I use rodents when they are older ie. hoppers and weaners .

Are those Jap quail eggs that you are feeding your goanna Farma? They look like they are a favourite:)
cut up frozen and put in there to defrost?? is that right? what if they eat it frozen is it bad?
cut up frozen and put in there to defrost?? is that right? what if they eat it frozen is it bad?
Cut up frozen so the guts don't go everywhere in a big squishy mess :p You should still let them defrost before putting the pieces in though.

My accies are so fussy!!! They won't eat any mince or bits of meat (with the exception of roast chicken as a treat) or even cut up rodents!! I tried all the different minces and concoctions of blended monitor recipes, cutting up rats and mice of all different life stages and having them in a bowl or spread around the enclosure, under the heat, away from the heat. They will ONLY eat live insects and whole baby rodents.... They have been eating whole rodents most of their lives though. As soon as they could fit a pinky in the mouth I started giving them as many as they would eat because I was worried about them living off only roaches with no meat and bone etc. I have multiple woody colonies for them and the other lizards too so despite their fussiness they never go hungry, and I don't go broke.

Does anyone have any tips for getting them to eat other things????
Try starving them Inge. I tried everything to get mine on to woodies an the only thing that worked in the end was offering no food at all for a week and then reintroducing woodies. Now they love them, along with everything else I give them.

I might have to try the same thing with superworms as I bred them for the first time this year but so far they have shown zero interest. To date, only one of my female knob tails has accepted them so not sure what I will do with 3,000 superworms if the starvation doesn't work.

I didn't have too much trouble getting mine onto mince but I did sprinkle the mince with calcium powder that had been scented with insects (by scented I mean they had been shaken in it) Maybe you could try that?
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Does anyone have any tips for getting them to eat other things????
As Rondo said, try starving them for a few days to a week. You may also need to up your basking spot temperature if it isn't high enough. Do you know what it is, currently?

Adding to the earlier conversation about chopped up rodents, I give young lacies chopped up mice and day old chickens until they are large enough to take them whole. Definitely chop when frozen!
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