Experienced tattooees

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sorry, dont have any pics on me computer, lost all the pics of the ones ive done when lightning hit the house n fried me computer.

dont work in a shop or anything...only started probably closer to two years ago now, actually one of the first people i tattooed besides my wife was popp, i think thats his nickname on here still, did a small tribal piece on the inside of his arm......
other than doing friends and blokes from work (i work in an abbatior with shall we say the kind of blokes who think getting tattoos makes them tough, even though ive had a few tough guys actually cry whilst being tattoooed), i go out to dubbo once in a while to tattoo out there but nope, no shop work.....

as for my tattoos they vary in there stupidness...lol....i get bored and i doodle as you would on the telephone....i have a boa that wraps from my wrist up to my bicep, though its not a normal boa, its fluro orange and red with green swirls through it, which is surrounded by bright orange and purple stars...lol see strange. i have a tribal lions head on my right calf surrounded by 5 different tribal pieces, i have the cast from the simpsons and family guy up the inside of my right leg, i have tribal on both my feet (ouch! that hurt). i have a dragon (unfinished as it hurt my back and was too awkward) up my stomach, erm, an angel thing on my inner left calf, and alien lookin thing the outside of my left calf, a dragon on my left ankle....um, a water skink on my left knee, stars on my right knee....and other odds and sodds spread inbetween and around them all......as you can probably tell all my tattoos are in places i can reach.....i look a bit strange coz i dont have any tattoos on my right arm :S.....and i aint paying to get it done...lol....

and now having a baby in the house i doubt i`ll be doing much tatooing in the near future because i just wont ahve the time....but i am still to put my sons name on me so i`ll ahve to find a spot

Yeah I heard about the new baby Steve. Congrats mate. Another Pomgolian added to the ranks. Great work mate.
Oh yeah, I'm still waiting for the tatt ya promised me a long,long time ago.

Cheers, Greg.
omg, use bepanthem three times a day, leave it uncovered, dont put the glad wrap on it though, u only do that for the first few hours....
here is my first one sorry for the bad photo, my mate was giving me heaps when I came off my moto in the dunes and thought it would be funny to take a photo of my tatt, i have heaps more just no photos
ssssnakeman said:
my next tat,(if i had room for another tat)
ive always liked these ones :)


I think you'd look great with an a$$ like that Bazza! :p
Wow, the tat thread even brought STP out! ;)

I loved that tribal lion of yours Steve...at least I think it was yours that there used to be pics of on here, it was I think kinda side on with it's mouth open? And Popp's underarm always makes ya think "OUCH" but looks cool lol.

It's itching a bit today but I don't think I could bring myself to slap it :shock: :lol:. I'm putting the bepanthen on oooooooohhhhhh maybe 20 times a day atm lol, my jumper keeps rubbing it off and I'm trying not to let it dry out. I think it's starting to peel a bit...like the top layer has come off in a few places and the colour looks a teensy bit lighter there :?. I'm hoping that doesn't mean I've lost colour...
when it peels, the top layers of skin take on a milkish transparency, almost like the scale over a snakes eye, thus giving the tattoo a light appearence, should be sweet after a week or so...

lol greg, erm...yeah...about that tattoo.....you know how it is, work work work, now its baby baby baby...lol...anyhow, i`ll still do it, if and when i have the time.....

Stevethepom said:
anyhow, cheers and more tattoos of reptiles people, and not just little bloody geckos (sick of seeing them everywhere) cheers STP

:wink: :wink: sorry here's my little bloody gecko... :D
hheheheh ummm lol, i shoulda realised with a statement like that a gecko tattoo was gonna surface somewhere....
don't use bepanthon or savlon there are heaps better creams on the market for your tattoo. I can't even believe that the tattooist suggested you use bepanthon. Where did you get it done?

Try the chemist and ask for a Vitamin e based cream or gel for your tatt. Definetly don't keep it covered, and apply the cream, gel whatever ,as often as possible. You want to keep the skin moist, at this will help the healing process.

It is natural for the tatt to eventually scab. Keep applying cream/gel until it has fully healed. Keep it out of the sun/chlorine/salt water until healed
Some tattooists stock a healing cream called pro tat. It works better that bepanthen, makes the tat look really bright and colourful if you put it on after the scabs gone and it smells really good too.

Hey if you're lucky you might be able to bludge a massage from your better half with it. Also goot for massages, but its an expensive one. :wink:
I have three....a dove with a flower in its beak on my right boob, a tribal/celtic design on my lower back (which is my avatar) and a dove on a yin yan with flames on my left ankle.
Definatly bepanthon creme. Used it on all of mine.
Here's a link to a site I'm a member of, it's all about tatts, piercings, scarification and other body modifications:


Warning : probably not a good site for the kiddies, although there is some really cool stuff on there there is also stuff that would give the kids (and some grown ups) nightmares.
elapid68, i ""thought"" i knew a bit about body art but that site has blown my mind. There is some fascinating and kind of confusing stuff there.

Well worth the look, but indeed heed the warning if you are faint of heart.

Thanks for giving a curious cat a fix of new info
fishbot said:
elapid68, i ""thought"" i knew a bit about body art but that site has blown my mind. There is some fascinating and kind of confusing stuff there.

Well worth the look, but indeed heed the warning if you are faint of heart.

Thanks for giving a curious cat a fix of new info

Oh yeah, I've been a member of the site for a while and there is stuff on there that still makes me cringe.
i have a few tats and i never covered them .All i did was put bepanthem on it twice a day but also keep it covered from the sun and it'll be rite.
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