Great customer quotes.

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I (use) to work at Eagle Boys and we'd have about 300+ customers a night on a (slow night) on a Friday, Saturday and Tuesday night we'd be pushing over 500 - 800 customers. So it was hectic.
My classic customer quote... I got paid $2 to do this haha
Walk up to the counter at McDonald's
Me: Hey, how much is a 50cent cone?
I (use) to work at Eagle Boys and we'd have about 300+ customers a night on a (slow night) on a Friday, Saturday and Tuesday night we'd be pushing over 500 - 800 customers. So it was hectic.

I'd love to own that store then, cause they would be pulling over 50g a week! Cause that means Fri/Sat/Tues they are pulling in around 15-25g (a night).
[9gish on a slow night]
My classic customer quote... I got paid $2 to do this haha
Walk up to the counter at McDonald's
Me: Hey, how much is a 50cent cone?

LOL!!!! I did that once... but it was just when they made them 50c and i asked how much a 40c cone was.... and they was like... ummm its 50c now sir... and i was like.... your kiding! im not paying that and i walked out.

I think they are like 55 or 60c now too!!!!!
when i was working in an aquarium

Cus: All my seahorses are dead
"have you tested the water?"
cus: of course i have
"if you want you can bring in a sample of water and we can test it for you"
Cus: no every time you do that you say theres something wrong with it and i know there isnt.
"if your water was 100% then there wouldnt be a problem"
Cus: what your saying cos all my seahorses died in my tank its my fault? i want a refund
"you bought the seahorses a month ago, marine fish only come with a 24 hour health garantee"
Cus: what so ur not giving my money back because the fish in my tank keep dieing?

this went on for 20minutes untill she stormed off
BTW Chris89 wasn't trying to call a bluff or nothing, just trying to let people know how much business that shop would be getting! cause that's one hell of a good business!!!!!

Friends of ours run a highly popular restaurant in Lygon Street and i know they pull in similar numbers every day (with higher Fri/Sat/Sun).

Nice businesses to own IMHO (back to topic).
Guy:I came in and baught a Water heater and it isnt working the light didnt turn on or nothing

Me: did you read the instuctions


Me:Whats the temps at?

Guy:I dont know it is spose to turn on

Me:it has been hot so it dosnt need to turn on

Guy:the water was cold

Me: (take to a tank) the tempreture is set to 22 degrees the tank water temps is 24 so it isnt on now when i turn the gage up it works

Guy:awk sorry for wasting your time see you another time.
I`ve had one that was worse,
A lady came in and said the heater wasn`t warming the water. After going through everything with her and still not finding the problem after about an hour, I handed her the heater and told her to set it up on one of our tanks in the shop the same as how she set it up on her tank at home just to see if she done something wrong.
She placed the heater beside the tank and turned around and stared blankly at me for a minute until i said well?....... She then said what? im done.
I couldnt help it...... I pissed myself luaghing in her face and said it has to go inside the tank in the water!:lol::lol::lol::lol: She got upset, grabbed the heater and stormed out of the shop. Never seen her again.
aHAHA :)

Me and friends used to go into mcdonalds all the time and say

Us: Hi Can we get some Hotcakes(note the time is like 3pm :) )
Maccas dude: Its not the breakfast menu
Us: Oh sorry Well Could i get a Brekky deluxe meal?
Maccas dude: Please leave
Us: What about a hash Brown :)

If u have fallen victim to one of our Stupid moments Im Sorry. But at the time it was funny :)
when i was working in an aquarium

Cus: All my seahorses are dead
"have you tested the water?"
cus: of course i have
"if you want you can bring in a sample of water and we can test it for you"
Cus: no every time you do that you say theres something wrong with it and i know there isnt.
"if your water was 100% then there wouldnt be a problem"
Cus: what your saying cos all my seahorses died in my tank its my fault? i want a refund
"you bought the seahorses a month ago, marine fish only come with a 24 hour health garantee"
Cus: what so ur not giving my money back because the fish in my tank keep dieing?

this went on for 20minutes untill she stormed off
Yeah i get them ones too! Gotta love it!:lol:
i worked at foodland and had a customer that was a regular shoplifter.. a regular drunk shoplifter.. he came into the store oneday while i was on checkout putting through an eftpos transaction for another customer.The second he heard me say 'was that on savings or credit' he went into a psychotic fit and accused me of telling him the day before that if i had anything to do with it he'd never use an eftpos machine again lol he called me a stuck up **** and said that im a bitch who gives him filthy looks lol.. the next day he wandered back into the store and my boss picked a fight with him and they had a donny in the street hehe needless to say he didnt come back again
i have worked in a video store.


its disturbing the amount of men, who have children IN the store. who hire porn. they specifically ask to put the naked ladies in between bambi and the power rangers so the kids wont see there t!ts.


are you kidding me?

i would always laugh inside when we couldnt find the disks, and i would have to ask (louder then usual when busy) does anyone know were 'Pamela goes to sexy town' is? etc.

rofl rofl rofl.

it gets worse when they returned them, and gave a disgusting little grin, blatantly showing they enjoyed themselves, or even pass comment 'that was a good one'

i also got the wind knocked out of me by my fave lil old lady customer
Me- Hi mrs mckenzie, how are you today love?
her - (bright and cheery as always) ah yeh good thanks loren dear.. ive just been to the doctor, theyve diagnosed me with bladder cancer, i have 3 weeks to live..
Me- ***!!!!
i have worked in a video store.


its disturbing the amount of men, who have children IN the store. who hire porn. they specifically ask to put the naked ladies in between bambi and the power rangers so the kids wont see there t!ts.


are you kidding me?

i would always laugh inside when we couldnt find the disks, and i would have to ask (louder then usual when busy) does anyone know were 'Pamela goes to sexy town' is? etc.

rofl rofl rofl.

it gets worse when they returned them, and gave a disgusting little grin, blatantly showing they enjoyed themselves, or even pass comment 'that was a good one'


Me: You're speaking to the manager of this store at the moment.

That used to happen all the time!

Usually I'd calmly say "I am the manager" or "You are speaking to the manager", but I'd always be thinking "I don't wear this badge for nothing..."
I love it when "super knowledgeable" guys come into the shop pointing at the baby beardies saying look at that frill neck trying to impress their partners lol. Or when i have an olive python out, gee this diamond pythons nice lol. Or im getting a North Queensland diamond headed python hatchy this week, what enclosure do i need? lol
i worked security for 2 years and the worst guy i ever had to deal with was at a shopping center i was on car park duty and it was holidays so everything was regulated and controled to go a certin way to aviod traffic jams. and the car parks had all the entrences and exits blocked exept for 2 one for entry one for exit.

anyway this french guy and his young daughter walked past me on the pedestrian crossing nodded to me said hi and then went to the car pulled out of the spot then tryed to go through a blocked entrance he then calls me over and immeaditly starts yelling and screaming trying to tell me hes been driveing around for an hour or so trying to find the way out i calmly explain to him i just saw him get into his car not 2 minuets ago and then gave him directions to the exit. he told me its blocked off (the exit was one across from the way he was trying to get out and there were cars streaming out of it. i pointed this out. and he just started yelling at me in french. in the end we called the police and had him dragged off with his daught who was yelling at him and apologiseing to me telling me "my daddy is always a very rude man"

id rather deal with a drunkard any day thank you very much.
OK, Lets flip the script.

I went into a Cafe with my partner and her Dad not long ago.
We orderd 3 coffees and two toasted Ham, Cheese and tomato sangas.
This was at about 4:30pm, about half hour before nock off time and the only woman working was cleaning the benches and counter tops when we made the order.
We were waiting outside enjoying the veiw when our food arrived.
When I took a bite from the toastie, the smell and taste of soap filled my mouth.
Chris took a bite from hers and the same thing happened.
I took them to the counter and told her that the toasties taste like soap.
"No they don't" she said
I said " well yes they do, you must have not wiped down the bench properly and soap has saoked into the bread.
"No it hasn't " she said." well what do you want me to do about it?"
"Spose you want another one now?"
"No thats ok, I'll take a refund thanks," I said. Thinking to myself I dont feel like eating your spit today.
I got a look of your joking right.
Then she said "I'll give you half refund seeing you have taken a bite out of it."
That was it, I wasn't being nice anymore and told her that she obviously stuffed up and she better give me a full refund.

We have never gone back since. pitty bacause its got a great view of the ocean.
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