Great customer quotes.

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I'm guilty of being an angry customer from time to time. I just can't stand getting attitude from dimwits when I'm handing over hard-earned cash for the 'privilege'.
That being said, I did once have a scathing 20 minute long argument with some hoity toity post-menopausal monster at our local library about an unreturned book that I claimed was returned and she claimed wasn't.

I was so sure I had returned it, but about 2 weeks ago I found it behind our bedroom cupboard, (of all places). I haven't been in that library for over a year, so I'm keeping the book. :D I'm far to embarrassed to return it.
I'm generally a compliant customer but when someone asks me rudely to "have a look in my bags" when exiting the store, I flat out ignore them and walk past. :) If they're polite about it, then yes, go right ahead. They have no legal right to search your bags when leaving the store, they can only search you when entering a store. I didn't know this until I started working in the security industry.. I thought.. so all this time I've been putting up with rude service! lol.
I'm generally a compliant customer but when someone asks me rudely to "have a look in my bags" when exiting the store, I flat out ignore them and walk past. :) If they're polite about it, then yes, go right ahead. They have no legal right to search your bags when leaving the store, they can only search you when entering a store. I didn't know this until I started working in the security industry.. I thought.. so all this time I've been putting up with rude service! lol.

Ahh I don't know who told you that but we do it differently in my state.... If the store has a sign displayed saying "It is a condition of entry that bags may be checked" then the store reserves the right. Customers are agreeing to the rules and regulations of the store when they enter. Some customers, however, do say "No way you're checking my bag" as they leave the store... It's just a simple matter of us calling security and bam, they are held until they comply.
I work at coles, and i dont work on registers but when its busy i have to use them ( I HATE THEM!)
So when it got quiet again, i chucked up my sign so i could close..i had just finished serving my last customer and this rude lady came along and plonked her basket down saying "What does that sign mean?" I said "umm it means im closed.." then she says "Can i come through?" ugggh i let her through, but seriously some people!!!
THEN as she was leaving, she turned around and says to me "Do you have a plastic cup?"
I was a bit speechless..just said "no" and walked away from her. I think she was going to the bottle shop...what does she think i am? A drinking water dispenser?

The other classic stupid question moment happened this week happens most weeks actually lol
There was some bread rolls marked down with a BIG sticker on them saying 50cents. A lady walks over to me and shows me the rolls and says "are these 50 cents???"

ugggh..people are stupid.
Ahh I don't know who told you that but we do it differently in my state.... If the store has a sign displayed saying "It is a condition of entry that bags may be checked" then the store reserves the right. Customers are agreeing to the rules and regulations of the store when they enter. Some customers, however, do say "No way you're checking my bag" as they leave the store... It's just a simple matter of us calling security and bam, they are held until they comply.

Even if there is a sign here, they can still refuse.. as it's only a condition of 'entry', not the law. If they are held, all they have to do is ask if they are under arrest.. if they are not under arrest, you cant hold them and if you do arrest them, and they have done nothing wrong.. then they can sue you/the security officer for false arrest
Even if there is a sign here, they can still refuse.. as it's only a condition of 'entry', not the law. If they are held, all they have to do is ask if they are under arrest.. if they are not under arrest, you cant hold them and if you do arrest them, and they have done nothing wrong.. then they can sue you/the security officer for false arrest

Mmm you are probably right...
I get the whole "I want to speak to your manager"
and I reply, "I am the manager"
They fall silent and leave.
MInd you its all a lie, and this is back in the checkout chick days.
Any poor bugger who is working at any sort of large supermarket checkout i feel for. So all those people who are rude and stuff while serving you, just think. You gotta put up with it for 3 mins tops, they gotta do it for 8 hrs a day.
And usually if i say something to them like, bet youll be glad to go home from this s-hole, that usually lightens the mood.
I work for a rubbish company and one day got a call from an irate
member of the public yelling abuse and shouting how a piece of wood
had come of the back of one of "our" trucks and hit his car.
I asked were abouts this had happened and when he told me I said
that it couldn't be one of my trucks as we have no work in that area so no
trucks would be there. Abuse abuse abuse it is definately one of my trucks as he
following it. I asked him what the truck looked like and he told me it was a
blue truck with a skip on it. I explained that all the trucks in our fleet were white
so it couldn't be one of ours. This was no good for him as it was one of our definately
one of ours. "Sorry sir but is definately not one of ours". "Yes it is I am following it".
I asked him if he could see a name on the truck and he said he could.
Turned out, as expected, it was from a rival company. I explained we weren't that company
and he proceeded to tell me how it wasn't good enough his car was damaged.
Thanked him for the call and hung up.:rolleyes:

I work for a rubbish company too and I get the same thing all the time. Residents ring up and complain that their wheelie bin wasn't emptied and then start ranting and raving about the slack service they're receiving. Then I ask them which city council they fall under and it turns out it's not even our company that has the contract. I have great pleasure though in telling them which company it is and even giving them the
Years ago I worked in an adult store. Boy did we get some interesting customers.
I had an old dude that was always complaining about there never being any new movies to buy (uh get a life)

And then there was one guy that asked to put a personal ad on the board I said sure knowing once he was done I had to check it to make sure it was suitable, all I can say is I was shocked to read 'I am waiting out the back naked if ya keen' Needless to say he got a rude shock when the police were the ones who went out to meet

Another was a guy that came in to buy his missus a toy and when I asked if he would like to purchase batteries for an extra $1 he cracked saying why would he pay $1 for a 4 pk (good quality energizer) of batteries when he could pick up a heap for $2 at the cheap shop. All I did was shrug my shoulders, he obviously wasn't going to listen to me explain they would eventually corrode inside the toy.

Then you'd get the serial underagers that when asked for ID would burr up no end that they were of age I even had one give me his birth cert that gave him away as being 16 derrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!
Our other issue in a small town is people expect us to be more expensive than bigger stores in major centres, examples:
customer: how much are your Jackall's (lures not actual jackal's)
me: $24.25 each
customer: I only pay $29.95 in Dubbo
Me: sorry sir I will match that price for you.
Customer: nah i don't want one.

Im confused offered to match a higher price than what you were selling them for....were you being sarcastic & he didnt realize & said he didnt want one ? :lol:

:shock:'m a sparky...
Customer: can you run a bare 240v wire infont of my aviary... Cat's keep scaring my birds" Me: :shock: Um no that's illegal, and I'd probably get charged with man slaughter at some stage.
Customer: that's ridiculous. I'll do it myself.....

LOL... a customer myself & my mate (he's a corgi registered gas fitter) went round to see, old lady about 70+...she had a gas leak in a cupboard under the stairs....we were trying to find it when she came up behind us with a candle asking us if we'd found it yet !!!:shock::shock:...i burnt my hand on the candle putting it out !!
asian customer: do you sell fish to eat?
me : no
asian customer: what kinda fish shop is this
me: an aquarium
asian customer: what about that fish.
me : mate i will sell you a fish but what you do with it is up to you. i really dont want to know.
asian customer, how much for that big one? (red devil adult)
me : $100........
asian customer: no, no, no thats too much (something in own language) you try rip me off.
i no shop here.
and what is chips?
me: mate the fish and chip shop is upstairs.
I was once called out to a house at 2am on a sunday morning to see why a woman's house had no electricity,
she explained to me over the phone that she was having a party and needed the power restored as soon as possible
Whilst driving up the street, I noticed that the street lights were out, which should have been a dead giveaway.
A few quick tests and a phonecall to ETSA confirmed it was indeed, a blackout.
Her response to this was "I dont care, if you dont turn the power back on then im not paying for the call out"
I simply shrugged my shoulders and started to walk out as I was too tired to argue (she was getting the bill no matter what), when a neighbour of hers, who was at the party, grabbed me to ask
"Can you check my house too? Nothing is working there either."

I honestly think some people should not be allowed to breed
I was once called out to a house at 2am on a sunday morning to see why a woman's house had no electricity,
she explained to me over the phone that she was having a party and needed the power restored as soon as possible
Whilst driving up the street, I noticed that the street lights were out, which should have been a dead giveaway.
A few quick tests and a phonecall to ETSA confirmed it was indeed, a blackout.
Her response to this was "I dont care, if you dont turn the power back on then im not paying for the call out"
I simply shrugged my shoulders and started to walk out as I was too tired to argue (she was getting the bill no matter what), when a neighbour of hers, who was at the party, grabbed me to ask
"Can you check my house too? Nothing is working there either."

I honestly think some people should not be allowed to breed

aaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwwww come ON stitched....... not in Adelaide, surely!!!!!!!! :lol:
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