"How i would save the world, but can't"

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Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2006
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This topic was presented to me in another thread and i am very interested in peoples ideas.

I would start by helping to rebuild the forests back up and repopulate animals that are close to extinction.
I would start by teaching all the up and coming kids ALOT more respect, not in any particular area, just general respect for everything. Then the world would probably not need saving.

*does not apply to all kids either, i know there is a few good ones out there*
As long as governments put economy before ecology there is no way to save the world.:(
i was looking at a few sites on how to save the world and this comment hit something...

"At the root of my environmental philosophy is a growing belief that just having everyone 'do their best' to make the world a better place will not be enough. In other words, we need to bring about a dramatic change in our world in this century, a much greater and faster change than any culture can achieve organically. A change this drastic and this sudden has occurred four times before in human history:

about 30,000 years ago, with the invention of the axe, the flint arrowhead and the spear
about 10,000 years ago, with the invention of catastrophic agriculture and animal domestication
during the Renaissance, with the invention of modern science
during the industrial revolution, with the invention of automation"

so what kind of change/inventions could fix the world?
this is the site


and this is some other interesting informations i found...

The Truth About Nature: What We Have Forgotten

Man is not Special, not the Crown of Creation, or a Species Apart, but rather a fairly minor evolutionary adaptation to one ordinary branch of the tree of life on Earth. The impact and 'success' of this species is no more an indication of greater importance, predestination or divine will than is the impact and success of the mosquito, HIV, bacteria, cancer cells or the Plague.
Our planet is a single self-managing organism. All life on Earth exists to sustain, nourish and support all other life on Earth. As with a human body or any other organism, that is only possible when each component of the organism does its part, in balance and harmony with the rest. In that sense the Earth is sacred, it demands and earns respect and obedience to its 'laws' because that is essential to the survival of all life.
The Earth is full of sentient, intelligent, communicative, emotional creatures. Most human moralities and religions seem to hold that creatures with these attributes deserve freedom from harrassment, suffering and enslavement, and the right to exist. Therefore much human activity, which deprives all non-humans of these rights and freedoms, is an atrocity no less despicable than human genocide, holocaust, torture and slavery, and must be stopped.
Small is beautiful, and place gives us identity: The community as the basic political unit and Natural Enterprise as the basic economic unit work best because they can be self-selecting and self-managing, and are extremely adaptive. In nature, the community teaches you what you need to live, it defines you and gives you purpose, it anchors and connects you. And though we are all part of a web, a mosaic, and we all travel, ultimately we have our own place, our 'home'. If you're not totally connected with everything and every creature that is part of your place, then it isn't your place. If you don't have a place, then you don't yet really exist. It is your community, your ecosystem, all of it, that is your place -- not the isolated, nuclear-family, locked house on 'private' property. Larger political units (states) and economic units (corporations) are inherently unwieldy, inflexible and less democratic. Because of their sheer size they are detached, remote, and cannot possibly understand or respond to our needs. Forged from both idealism and cynical greed for power, these abominations serve no useful purpose except to protect us from other large political and economic units (and they do that poorly).

We learn what we're shown, not what we're told. Our senses provide us what we need to learn, to really understand, to be happy. When we live in our minds, we close ourselves off from so much. Formal education is futile. To bring about change we need to show people something that works better, and reconnect them with their senses, their imagination, the Earth.

The Truth About Civilization: The Problem and Its Root Cause

Civilization was a well-intentioned response to a sudden drastic shortage of human food (possibly arising from overhunting of large game and/or the last ice age). But it was not an instinctive way to live, and needed a lot of artificial constructs and controls to work. Our civilization systematically brainwashes us into staggering cultural homogeneity and imaginative poverty, and to believe ours is the only way to live -- that there is no other human way. To do so it must get us to forget or deny the 5 truths above, and teach us these great myths:

That our instincts are unreliable (what nature 'tells' us to do), and logic and morality are infallible (what human codes tell us to do);

That life is a struggle of 'good vs. evil', and that we are inherently weak, selfish and lazy;
That it's good to be 'normal' and to be like other people, and that we're all part of society and not ultimately, terribly alone;

That we must be unconditionally obedient to our 'superiors', their hierarchy and their laws, or society and order will collapse;

That our well-being is appropriately measured by our material possessions and our ability to acquire more;

That disparity of wealth, health and dignity is necessary and inevitable and that with hard work 'have-nots' can become 'haves';

That we must all work long, hard hours at unsatisfying jobs or we will all suffer and starve;

That humans have an inherent right to all the land and all the resources of Earth (and even beyond);
That history began with civilization, before which life was short, fearful, nasty and brutish (and in nature and tribal cultures, it still is).
We are instinctively responsive to, and responsible for, everything we have control over. In nature that is the immediate community -- what goes on outside is not one's business. But now that we, as a 'global community' control the whole world we cannot respond, cannot bear the commensurate responsibility. This conflict between our instincts and reality, along with the stress of overpopulation and separation from nature, has made us all mentally ill. This illness manifests itself in violence and war, hatred, abuse, greed, jealousy, and fear. We are helpless to do what we 'know' we must. It is like facing 'Sophie's choice' (being asked by the Gestapo to decide which of your children to spare from the gas chamber) over and over and over. We cannot bear to know, so we turn off, we hide inside, we distract ourselves. It is only when we don't know, and cannot even imagine, that we can go on, and tolerate the world we have created. This makes it easier for us to accept the brainwashing that ours is the only way to live, to tolerate the abuses and outrages that weknow are going on behind closed doors, and to accept the arguments of skeptics and apologists and holocaust denyers that it's not really that bad, or perhaps it's even good, or at least it's divine will so it's beyond our control, there's nothing we can do about it, we're not really responsible
As a consequence, we are poised, by the end of this century, to create a world that contains one billion Americans and fourteen billion people, and uses eight Earths worth of resources (at current regeneration rates) just to meet human needs. A world that will, as a direct consequence of this overcrowding and unsustainable consumption, be preoccupied with catastrophic famines, epidemic (new) human diseases, crop failures, cannibalism, crop failures, nuclear and biological wars, water rationing and desertification, economic depression, catastrophic terrorism, cascading weather disasters, and the decline of democracy, constitutional liberalism, and the rule of law. A world, arguably, not worth living in.
Just look at Australia, The driest continent on earth, in the middle of the worst drought in known history, and the government keeps trying to convince everyone to breed more for a stronger economy, The more people the more natural resources get used, more waste produced. So have a vasectomy for the good of the earth.:D
Well where to start, I would start small increase the viability of ecological answers rather than focusing on econimical change. Increase scientific research into reuseable fuels, and lower tax rates on these reusable feuls. If all else fails carpet bomb 3/4 of the most populated countrys on the planet. Aim it at city's and do a self population cull to help slow the damage. Yes the fumes from the fires would be bad but the cull would do so much.
all this talk of culling is so exciting!!! i think we need to slow down the poputaion a little maybe not as much as culling every big city just the ones i dont like :0
i would nuke the middle east LOL

Whoa....even with the 'LOL'

I'd make education as accessible as possible and make it 'trendy' to be well informed, widely read and open minded, so that people would forever endeavour to lessen their ignorence.
I'd plant lots of flowers and trees and watch all the pretty butterflys float around and land on my nose.

Then i'd wake up scartch my behind (can't say ***) then blow the living "insert swear word here" out of EVERYTHING, cause the world is going to hell in a hand basket, and it's on the express.
Australia's population needs to be seriously culled with the rest of the world, 20 million is far too high for a desert continent
I would enpregnate all the worlds beautiful women:lol: so that the world would have generations of fantastic looking people;)

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