"How i would save the world, but can't"

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:lol: More hot air! Spread away trouble maker ;)

I see you were quick to reply to that one e-thug.
I don't have time to get in to a cat fight with a 34 year old loser, Why don't you go and chat up some more young girls on MSN:rolleyes: Filthy scum.

If you are going to have a big mouth and try and act like your the big man on campus then have the hardware to back it up cause I can tell you right now that some idiot on a reptile site who does nothing but post rubbish sending me threatening PM's does nothing for me except for a bit of a laugh......One day that mouth of yours will get you in to trouble because life is not 1 big forum where threads can be deleted and forgotten, Not everybody lives in their own little world where they think they are the head cheese.
I just hope the day your get your "comeuppins" someone is standing close by with a camcorder so we can watch the fall of the e-don pffftt!
ps: oh and ADAM, for a little while there I thought the medication they had you on was working...but sadly it appears I was wrong.

Please don't use my first name....your not my friend,I don't like you,I don't like the way you chat young girls up so don't call me by my first OR last name.

I thought the drugs were working too until I started getting in to fights with 34 year old girly boys:rolleyes: Is that the best you have??? If you want to try and dish something at least make it remotely true you loser
I see you were quick to reply to that one e-thug.
I don't have time to get in to a cat fight with a 34 year old loser, Why don't you go and chat up some more young girls on MSN:rolleyes: Filthy scum.

If you are going to have a big mouth and try and act like your the big man on campus then have the hardware to back it up cause I can tell you right now that some idiot on a reptile site who does nothing but post rubbish sending me threatening PM's does nothing for me except for a bit of a laugh......One day that mouth of yours will get you in to trouble because life is not 1 big forum where threads can be deleted and forgotten, Not everybody lives in their own little world where they think they are the head cheese.
I just hope the day your get your "comeuppins" someone is standing close by with a camcorder so we can watch the fall of the e-don pffftt!

You see Adam, this is where you've got it severely wrong, as always. I've never done the things you say, as I remember clearly the only thing you said – after you added me to MSN – was nothing but expletives and rantings of a chronic homophobic!! So this relationship you’ve dreamt up that I was in :lol: Was it with a male or a female?? You are seriously delusional mate!! Why don’t you PM me and at least explain for once, in normal English, why you feel it necessary to attack me?
You see Adam, this is where you've got it severely wrong, as always. I've never done the things you say, as I remember clearly the only thing you said – after you added me to MSN – was nothing but expletives and rantings of a chronic homophobic!! So this relationship you’ve dreamt up that I was in :lol: Was it with a male or a female?? You are seriously delusional mate!! Why don’t you PM me and at least explain for once, in normal English, why you feel it necessary to attack me?

Me Homophobic??? HAHAHAHA

Gays,Lesbians and Bi-Sexuals don't bother me in the least, It's big mouths like yourself who have something to prove that I have something against.
Me attack you?
I still have the PM's that you sent me, They will show the date which it was sent and we can work this thing out with the mods and admins and see who attacked who.

You really need to grow up. Im not sure if its a mid-life crisis but you really need help to escape that little land that you live in which is in your head.

Now please leave me alone I really don't want anything to do with a net pred like yourself
Isnt i great to see ppl trying to act tough on an internet forum, take your cat reflux and nunchukas and sort it out but stop talking crap in these forums, maybe you can actually fight and you are hard like you make out but like most ppl here i couldnt give a toss, this is a reptile forum not a chest beating/bitching competition.

On another note relating to what the thread is actually about. I Was just listening to bob browns rant in the press club I was shocked to find out that i actually agree with about half the stuff he says. Its a shame they have such a poor ability to from decent policy beyond not cutting down trees etc. :(
It would be good if someone could start a good environmental party that didnt get into the other stupid socialist/commie style BS that the greens dribble all the time.
Me Homophobic??? HAHAHAHA

Gays,Lesbians and Bi-Sexuals don't bother me in the least, It's big mouths like yourself who have something to prove that I have something against.
Me attack you?
I still have the PM's that you sent me, They will show the date which it was sent and we can work this thing out with the mods and admins and see who attacked who.

You really need to grow up. Im not sure if its a mid-life crisis but you really need help to escape that little land that you live in which is in your head.

Now please leave me alone I really don't want anything to do with a net pred like yourself

Thought you'd answer with a whole heap of rubbish, as usual! No answers, just complete rot! I'm sure the mods all know who cause the trouble. Just look into the mirror Adam, you'll find the answer to that one! ;)
Hey Mangoman, i already forgot to read the fine print and signed up for one army, so count me signed up for yours.

As for the LITTLE issue of Bill, how bout you get some time up champ??

Go away, have a good look at yourself, decide if you want to be here. If so perhaps you could consider making "worth while" posts.

This Name calling and bickering, is exactly what you seem to be known for. It's not hard to look up all your posts on this site and it would be fair to say most of them are as full of facies as you seem to be.

Isnt i great to see ppl trying to act tough on an internet forum, take your cat reflux and nunchukas.

Apologies Cris, I fear that Adam might hurt himself with nunchukas, a girl he was verbally abusing sent me a photo of him, he looks like he’d be more suited to flinging a couple of Subway foot longs around – thus helping him to avoid a self inflicted injury ;)
Apologies Cris, I fear that Adam might hurt himself with nunchukas, a girl he was verbally abusing sent me a photo of him, he looks like he’d be more suited to flinging a couple of Subway foot longs around – thus helping him to avoid a self inflicted injury ;)

:rolleyes: Sorry to tell you sunny but only a handfull of people on this site have seen me, No pictures sent at all...Poor little moose:cry:

P.S is it the same girl that you tried to chat up on MSN?

34 year old net devo
You mean the same one who is still a member on here but had to change her nickname because of you and your consistent harassment??? That one?

Your a flip,
I don't beleive I let myself get suckered in to fighting with a 34 year old
Shame on me.

You have now proved that your a tool so you can give it a rest
I've heard some great ideas come from the greens but it is overpower by all the Bu********. Pitty, perhaps we should start the APS political party.
I think there have been quite a few good ideas come out on APS o.k some are a little far fetched but some practical ideas also.
All we need to do is fill parlement with heaps of snakes and other herps, then we can just walk in and take over without a single gunshot 8)
Just a couple of ven's should do it, no one needs to be bitten but remind people that they are deadly and native
Isnt i great to see ppl trying to act tough on an internet forum, take your cat reflux and nunchukas and sort it out but stop talking crap in these forums, maybe you can actually fight and you are hard like you make out but like most ppl here i couldnt give a toss, this is a reptile forum not a chest beating/bitching competition.

On another note relating to what the thread is actually about. I Was just listening to bob browns rant in the press club I was shocked to find out that i actually agree with about half the stuff he says. Its a shame they have such a poor ability to from decent policy beyond not cutting down trees etc. :(
It would be good if someone could start a good environmental party that didnt get into the other stupid socialist/commie style BS that the greens dribble all the time.

havent you seen his avator? he is a big tuffy!!! with all that facial hair ha ha ha ha ha he
ill Bill you need to realise that the mods are going to see you winging about chit chat again and bagging out everyone and everything from the wiggles to people on this site .
The only one fighting behind a forum is you everyone else was having a semi serious conversation about saving the world GO away you have made it clear you dislike everything we get it so stop taliking on the chit chat if you are above it i want to here more about culling.

Oh and if you are so young that 34 is old maybe you should shut up and learn sum respect for your elders?? or didnt you ever get taught that? or are you still in high school and think you a big fish?
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