huge huntsman!!

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Hills Science Diet is 29.6% protein in dry matter (The nutrient in the product after moisture is removed. It is used to make direct comparisons of nutrient profiles of products with differing moisture contents.) (Hills Puppy Large Breed - Dry ).

Yet the protein of a Very Large (defanged) spider is 126% according to B.A.B.E.S (Bay Area Bug Eating Society).

Therefore, excluding any of the possible errors in the B.A.B.E.S research, I'd assume you (B. Grylls, 2009,) to be correct in the assumption that a defanged spider contains much more protein than Hills Science Diet (TM).
he is fed on Science Diet by Hills (TM) (cha ching) - it is a full and balanced diet that would not require the addition of arachnids.


Luckily there is an exec teaching type to dive into his deep pockets to pay for that then :)

I know numerous dogs (yes, we're on a first name basis) who live on a diet of grass and roo legs. They aren't complaining mind you but I'm sure at times they wish they could enjoy a civilised meal of braised venison backstrap in a red wine and onion gravy with a side of freshly picked winter veg washed down with some glacier melt, as we all do.!

What has this got to do with the attention craving, giant nork flashing spider killer*:) you may ask?


Nothing at all but when do I EVER stay on topic :)

*No offence is intended here, I am merely including this in an attempt to portray impact. If offence is taken please refer to page 16, paragraph 3, titled 'how to take beard with a grain of salt'.
Very interesting, if a whole spider is 100% spider then i wonder where the extra twenty six hundreths of spider came from... And i wonder if a defanged spider has more or less nutritional value.

Hills Science Diet is 29.6% protein in dry matter (The nutrient in the product after moisture is removed. It is used to make direct comparisons of nutrient profiles of products with differing moisture contents.) (Hills Puppy Large Breed - Dry ).

Yet the protein of a Very Large (defanged) spider is 126% according to B.A.B.E.S (Bay Area Bug Eating Society).

Therefore, excluding any of the possible errors in the B.A.B.E.S research, I'd assume you (B. Grylls, 2009,) to be correct in the assumption that a defanged spider contains much more protein than Hills Science Diet (TM).
I'm one of australia's Largest breeders of Aussie Myglamorphae But i do keep the odd huntsman we find, We've seen them up to 20CM legpan ( With huntsman unlike other spiders, the legspan is measured with the distance between the 2 Leg one's Instead of Front Right to Oposite rear leg.
Nice huntsman! love to see it next to a ruler!
Very interesting, if a whole spider is 100% spider then i wonder where the extra twenty six hundreths of spider came from... And i wonder if a defanged spider has more or less nutritional value.

Damn... after all this - I note that it wasn't dry weight it was DV (Daily Values) (haha... crap, embarrassment) I thought it said DW (Dry Weight) at the top of the information... HAHAHA!!!

So of course a spider can have 126% protein (DV). The fact is it's only 63% protein!

But I still like to point out - Mr Waruikazi is an upstanding citizen who did not point out I was inadequate with my speech about bazookas.

I'd also like to point out I own a dog.

I'd also like to point out the OP suggest they killed a spider out of fear despite them posting on many threads where a snake had been killed out of similar responses.

I'd also like to point out I relocate spiders and I am hence increasing biodiversity in my garden, except for when spiders eat all the good things like ladybugs and centipedes.

But - this is still a pot calling the kettle black and a whole different kettle of fish...

The fact I can't read doesn't suggest I don't think spiders should be killed....



They look the same....

Why is it called double u anyway? It looks more like double v to me!
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Just decided to have a bit of a look in here... That first spider would be classed as an average Huntsman when I lived in Balina. I never minded having them around the house as they get stuck into the mozzies and other pests in the house. If my wife freaked out overly about one I'd just catch and release it either outside or down in my workshop in the garage. 8)
Haha lol at the old people not understanding "get a dog"

I read between the lines and managed to discover that slimy does indeed have a dog. Read carefully and you may discover that for yourself. Also... That is a very old saying that dates to the time of Shakespeare yet you speak as though it is a young persons thing. I don't understand.
Piri. Good strong dog name. After the fruit? Korean instrument? Or maybe after the Pesticide Impact Rating Index?
Piri. Good strong dog name. After the fruit? Korean instrument? Or maybe after the Pesticide Impact Rating Index?

Actually, it's an alternative spelling of the chilli (Piri Piri) - however, to loosely translate from Maori it means to 'adhere' or 'determined' - it fits his nature.

But that's besides the point - I have a dog and don't kill spiders....

I am not a pot....

Nor am I calling a kettle black....

My dog, named Piri, after the Chilli, is in fact... Black....

And just to add to it.... His full name is Chilli Piri Piri Patches Stinkpooh Davis.... I shortened it to Piri because using that is reserved for when he's really naughty....

So... Let's say I was really frightened of.... hmmm.... Dogs..... would it be ok for me to kill one?

Let's say I was really scared of sugar gliders - they're really fast and have those awful webbed underarms - would it be ok for me to kill them too?

And just before you justify that sugar gliders are much more rare than spiders, think of it this way - you, you are the rarest person alive, there's only one of you. And this is no different for a dog, a sugar glider or a spider. Yep, it's survival of the fittest, and you've shown yourself at being fit and witty about talking of dogs... named Chilli Piri Piri Patches Stinkpooh Davis.... But really - it's not ok to kill him! Even if you have an innate fear of dogs!

So - Cwebb - take some advice from previous threads, educate yourself about spiders, learn to hate them, but live with them.... Don't kill them... Because everytime you kill a money spider it rains (my mummy told me that).
And everytime you mastur...... *wink wink*........god kills a kitten (Iread it on the internet, it must be true)

Go for it, those that hates cats.
Hey cwebb - I'm with you all the way on this one! If spiders like to live - stay the F out of my house! Last time mt hubby talked me into catching and releasing it - day later it just ended up in the house again!!! I was sitting on the toilet when I looked up and there it was..... yes perfect place to **** myself lol
The perfect solution for all you spider haters, move to Victoria, cos they only have 1....
Can i just ask, the people who suggested we all get over our fear of spiders, am i expected to spend countless hours in therapy, as the people you mentioned who got over their ingrained phobia did, and how much money exactly?? Spend all this time and money on getting over my fear of spiders to avoid me having to kill one or two a year? One or two? As apposed to how many insects and rodents are killed for our snakes? Now im sure you'll say that the rats and roaches die to feed our animals, and yes they do, but if we didnt feel the need to keep these animals in captivity we wouldnt need to feed them. Call me crazy but i think maybe its not me who needs to get over my instictive fear of spiders, perhaps others need to get over their non instictive need to hold animals captive for their own enjoyment, and judge others?

Maybe, maybe not

Ha ha sorry i just realised how funny the idea of me spending my hard earned money, and precious time on getting over a fear of spiders. You know as apposed to buying my daughter food and clothing, paying school fees, rent. You know, all the other things that are more important than spiders! Lol

Did that come off bitchy?
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To start with furiousgeorge of Townsville...It was the version of 'needless' killing vs 'catch and release'. The same respect we'd give to our snakes. The same we expect of people when they see a wild python or a green tree snake.

I at the bare minimum would expect people to respect our natives (in our, I mean Australian or any country you're in). And, yes, spiders, like snakes, are scary. I don't expect you to overcome your fears for the same reason I won't shove a spider in your face and say - hahahaha scaredy cat scaredy cat.... Not sure if the word scaredy or cat is more offensive....

So - I find that your 1 or 2 spider kills per year to be one or two spider kills you didn't need!

I'll even let native wasps, bees, flies (native) out where ever I can. I never (yes, NEVER) use fly sprays and, where possible I try to buy spray free produce, but needless to say that's near on impossible. Nut when I grow my own I just share with the insects and catch a few portia sp spiders and release them on the plants to feast on the insects.
Hey spider killers, next time you see a car swerve to run over a snake
just say to yourselves, "oh that might be what the spider likers meant".

The last person to die in Australia due to spider bite was 1981or 1979 depending what your looking at.

More people have died in car accidents trying to get away from spiders. Being scared of something so tiny
makes no sense to me but I realise it's quite common. Get over the fear enough to remove them from your environment.

Slimey, Gordo and Beard you're hilarious!
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