Inconsiderate people ... =(

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Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2008
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Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia
Our best friend, Pak (a lorrikeet) was killed yesterday because someone wouldn't take 10 seconds out of their day to stop their car and let me get my friend off the road. 3 cars went straight over him, and he was so scared he tried to run back to me, and he got hit. he didn't die on impact, but he died in my hands after i ran into traffic (people STILL didn't stop with me on the road), and got him.
He was almost 1 and a half years old. His bird parents were mistreated and malnutritioned etc, and it was thought that he would end up not being very healthy. But i took him home and my boyfriend and i hand fed and looked after him from the day he hatched. he was always a little bit 'funny'. he never learned to fly, and was overweight but was always very healthy and happy. He never owned a cage, never had his wings clipped and came everywhere we went. He often slept in our bed, always ate what we ate, would say hello, and he loved cuddles and scratches on the head, and most of all, making new friends. The little guy had made friends all over Newcastle, and on occasion Ive heard me and my partner referred to as "those people that have that awesome little parrot with them all the time". Even people that didn't know us, knew and loved Pak. lol. And even though he was mature, he never had any issue loving me and my partner exactly the same. because we were a family.
I guess this is really just a thread to express how disappointed i am in the human races lack of respect for their animal friends. (though i know most of you would share my great respect for animals).
The people in the cars knew he was on the road, and knew i was trying to get to him. there was even a really nice lady that ran out on the road waving down cars to stop for a second, to try and help me, and they swerved around her to keep driving.

So, i guess in closing. i hope that more people will pay attention on the roads, and not be so busy getting from A to B that they cant stop for 10 seconds to save a life - no matter how small.

Also for those of you with a facebook account, join our group. We made it so hopefully people will read and she how important he was to us, and stop next time when they otherwise wouldn't.
If I saw an animal on the road, id stop my car til it moved! | Facebook


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im so sorry to hear that
i have a rainbow lorikeet about 1yr and 2 months now
your one looks beautiful
I'm really sorry that happened. :(
Some people think their lives are much too busy and important.
OMG. i cant believe people would do that. i really feel sorry for you and your lorikeet.
So sorry to hear that and I hate how some people are not as passionate as all of us on this site, it wouldn't hurt people to stop it's a harmless animal that should still be here if it wasn't for the inconsiderate people that are to busy to care....
i was driving and saw a dog get hit by the car infront of me, i mangaed to pull over up the road and run back to grab him no one slowed or stopped, but managed to get him off and then save him. but i guess the only excuse i can see for it is that no one wants to cuase an accident by stopping on a busy rd.
Aww I'm so sorry to hear that :( Its bad enough loosing an animal (Or family- it well and truly seems like he was a part of yours) from old age/natural causes, let alone from inconsiderate, impatient humans. The human race really IS the worst species on the planet, and when I think about it (doesn't require much) its pretty much the main reason why I hate humens in general- self centered, in their own little world and don't give a damn about other life, unless it has a purpose for themselves.

When I see animals on roads, what I tend to do is flick my hazard lights on and use my car to 'protect'/buffer the animals. I've done this with various snakes, turtles, a monitor, birds etc. but haven't ever endangered any other motorists or risked an accident

ARGH! its so damn frustrating... Again, really sorry to hear about your little guy :(
I am sorry for your loss, and am constantly dumbfounded by the lack of respect shown by drivers to living creatures on the roads.

Though, on the other hand, part of being a responsible pet owner is duty of care. A flightless bird allowed to make its way infront of oncomming traffic, no matter how innocently on your part, is a burden you will have to bare..... unfortunatly a devestating lesson to learn.
Though, on the other hand, part of being a responsible pet owner is duty of care. A flightless bird allowed to make its way infront of oncomming traffic, no matter how innocently on your part, is a burden you will have to bare..... unfortunatly a devestating lesson to learn.

yeah, ive definitely learned my lesson. i blame myself for it in a big way!
he'd been down that road almost everyday for a year and a half. though, i knew he couldnt fly, and although he usually wouldnt leave our side for anything, there is that chance that he could have slipped, and he did. and that was my fault.
i should have been holding onto him/left him home/had a leg rope on him - a million different things i could have done differently.
though whats done is done =(
i miss my little friend.
really sorry to hear that, you must be devastated. :(
Some people don't see an animal has any value, to them it doesn't deserve respect or care. I'm so sorry to hear of what happened to Pak, he looks beautiful and didn't deserve it.

I feel so sad for you. I saw a similar incident a few years ago when a fox terrier was hit multiple times. I pulled my work van across a main road to block traffic while this little man's owner got him off the road. Poor little guy didn't make it, but what made it worse was that people thought so little of this life an...d the owner's distress that they wouldn't even try to avoid him.
How horrible! Some people just live in their own world and pay little regard to other living things.
That is awful news, how devastating. I can't believe the majority of the public who would just drive on by, seeing a distressed pet owner and a defenseless little bird on the road. I am so sorry to hear the news. Poor little thing :(
Awwww thats soooo sad!
im sooo sorry to hear that people dont care enough to wait just a few mins for a native animal/your darling wee lori!
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