Inconsiderate people ... =(

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so sorry to hear that..if only you had a baseball bat eh..:evil:..then theyd of stopped.


  • fmly.jpg
    131.3 KB · Views: 26
Sorry to hear that. I can't stand people that think they are above it all. They need to be knocked down a few levels so they can see the are useless.
I'm so sorry to hear about Pak! I know how stupid people can be! I've often stopped my car and jumped out to get lorikeets that have been hit and are gasping for breath. I take them to the vets and get them put to sleep humanely, to stop their suffering. Recently I saved a cat from the side of the road, and I've even gotton a tame cockatiel from the road. Please slow down everyone, not only are little people like Pak at risk, but so are our beloved wild snakes and lizards and even our human family members!
Oh I am so sorry, dont know about anyone else, that story brought a tear to my eye!! Just dreadful!!1
well i have a gorgeous abandoned very tame bugger that i would love to give you if you like. he came into my work a while ago, but with the amount of abandoned pets i get i cant keep them all. the problem is i am in southeast qld and you are in newcastle
I know its been said, but that is horrible...
I saw a similar thing with a dog once, it was limping and the cars werent even slowing down for it...i ended up parking my car across the road so they had to stop while me and my partner tried to catch the dog...but everyone we had made stop just kept beeping and mouthing off to us

people like that are scum, i reckon. making them stop for 2 minutes isnt going to hurt them. if they were half decent, they could have spent the 2 minutes being decent human beings and trying to help =S

poor dog =(
people in "general" and i dont like to generalise..its ignorant.. but im afraid people in general...SUCK!.
sorry, i lied...there was one guy who got out of his car and offered to help, but it wasnt until we already had the dog and were just trying to lift it into the car...(it was a retriever and we had a jacked up hilux) and cause it was scared and obviously injured it kept nipping at us...but i think he just wanted to get out of there
Oh I am so sorry, dont know about anyone else, that story brought a tear to my eye!! Just dreadful!!1

I also sobbed while reading this!

I can only imagine how you must be feeling & seeing that happen would have been horrible.

I know it doesnt help,. but I am sooooo sorry for your loss :(
So sorry for your loss :( loosing a pet is always so hard to deal with hope your ok.
yeah...but it really sucks to hear a story like yours...seriously, whats 2 mins out of your day to stop your car...Im truely sorry for your loss
True story.. i was driving my semi trailer down the road out past jerilderee or wotever its called.:rolleyes:..i could see ahead on the road what looked like a huge snake!..naturally i pulled up to a stop.. to see it was actually a colony of ANTS! many, that girth etc it looked like a snake.. so i drove off the shoulder and went around em..i couldnt even bring myself to drive over them..but ive never seen anything like it..there were millions!.:D.just thought id share a story.
True story.. i was driving my semi trailer down the road out past jerilderee or wotever its called.:rolleyes:..i could see ahead on the road what looked like a huge snake!..naturally i pulled up to a stop.. to see it was actually a colony of ANTS! many, that girth etc it looked like a snake.. so i drove off the shoulder and went around em..i couldnt even bring myself to drive over them..but ive never seen anything like it..there were millions!.:D.just thought id share a story.

oooh thats cool!
i wonder what possessed them to gather like that across the road...?
well i got out for a looksie.;).there were 2 "holes" at the adge of the shoulders on both sides of the road..they just seemed to be going back and forth between the 2 cos they were heading in both directions.. and no ant hills..a hole in the ground. digi cams back then :(
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