Just sick of it

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Ok so as you can probably tell this is a vent thread. I just need to get it out or I'm gonna go postal...

I am SO sick of people judging my choice of pet. I really should be used to it, I have copped it for one thing or another, namely tattoos and piercings for long enough. I know I shouldnt let their comments get to me but sometimes.

Things like "oh yuck", "why would you want a snake for??", "what kind of pet is that??", "are you nuts??", and my personal 'favourite' "the only good snake is a dead snake".

Now I'm not a cat person, at all. I really cant stand them. I personally dont see how they are a 'good' pet, but thats my opinion and I have my reasons. I do not, voice my opinion so strongly to people who are clearly cat people. I will say something along the lines of "not my cuppa tea" or "to each their own" but I would NEVER tell a cat owner and lover that their pet was a dumb pet choice, or that it would be better off dead. My snake isnt out roaming around killing native wildlife, getting into fights or causing anyone any drama. Not that all cats do but I know a lot of people who just let their cats roam free, and I see enough roaming around the streets to know that many people do this.

So why cant people, especially people who I consider to be friends, accept my choice of pet?!? Its not like I'm going to get her out of her enclosure and drop her on them unsuspectingly (more for her sake than anything else lol jks jks) or FORCE them to even LOOK at her. I dont need the judgement.

So other than just having a bit of a nonsensical rant, I pose a question... How do people deal with their 'friends' who just keep on and on at them about their choice of pet/hobby?!?
ime hearin ya ive got a lot of friends and a large family, two kids of my own, and a wife who have absolutely zero interest in snakes. My parents are the worse they keep telling me to get rid of them and make some room like its just a phase that ime goin through. Well this phase has gone on for five years now and i cant see it ending soon with my collection and enthusiasm on the increase. At the end of the day your hobby is your hobby if your friends cant see the beauty in one of your pets then dont show them, and if they harrass you about keeping them you should reavaluate your friendship. Although my friends dont like my pets they respect the fact that i do and thats the important part. Keepin herps can be a bit lonely hobby at times.
yea, it does get frustrating at times, every time i see my mother, she has a big go at how weird my animals are, then has another big go about how i keep dead rodents in the freezer with the other food...
hell yeh! i got called a bad parent for letting my son have snakes, lizards and scorpions. he is scared of dogs, our own pet bit him round the face when he was little and he refuses to own a dog now, he has 3 cats and if he wants to have "Wierd" pets then who cares! knowledge is power and i see nothing bad in my parenting for letting him learn. when was the last time you hear on the news about a child having it's face torn apart by the family scorpion?
feel free to print this out and stick it on your front door when your 'friends' come to visit :lol:

Why take it on board? You're doing what you love, if they're really your friends then why would they be so judgemental? If they're just passing comments then that's understandable, but if this is a recurring theme that's affecting your relationship with them, then tell them to bugger off and come talk to you when they're grown up a little. Failing that, point out that at least you're not choosing pets which cause untold amounts of damage to native wildlife, spreads listeria, and licks it's own rear end before it licks them.
Unfortunately having the odd friend that dislikes your choice of pet is just one of the things you need to learn to deal with when it comes to owning snakes....

My mum hates them with a passion but finally 3 years after having to sell my original collection of snakes she has suggested I buy more... WHY??? Because she could see how much I loved having snakes and so accepted that even though it wasn't for her didn't mean it wasn't for me. ( By the way I took her advice rather quickly and bought a darwin and 2 jungles)

The vast majority of my friends don't like snakes but generally keep their opinions to themselves...

I even have one friend who will listen to me ramble about the snakes for hours on end without a complaint even though he is not in the slightest bit interested.

The friends who have the biggest problem no longer visit which is fine by me as obviously they weren't real friends to begin with...
just tell your friends they need to get more tattoos! :D
Just stick to the friends with whom you have something in common. I've been around reptiles for 50+ years, and have 'acquaintances' (who think they're good friends...) who have been around 30-odd years, and who still say these things. I have very little time for them, and as I get older, and have less time to waste with those who don't share, or at least try to understand my interest.

You're lucky you weren't raised in the 50s & 60s - then you would have seen some REALLY bad attitudes!

:lol: Meaning the more tattoos people have the more they will like reptiles?

indeed! the more ghastly tattoos and piercings a person has, the more likely an interest in pet reptiles, especially ugly snakes, will develop. such people are also likely to get unusual haircuts and/or dye their hair strange colours. :)
I had an amusing encounter on the weekend with a guy I’ve known for years. He was blown away when he finally came around “by chance” and saw my collection, stating he had “no idea” I was the sort of person who kept snakes “of all things” :lol: (Makes a note to go and get a sleeve of tattoos to look “the part” :lol: :lol:)

Personally I don’t tell people anything about my hobby until I’m asked, simply because I don’t care what others think. I enjoy this remarkable hobby for purely selfish reasons. My animals aren’t there for anyone else’s enjoyment except my own. It’s got nothing to do with them or their opinions, their shocked comments or negativity (if it ever has been mentioned) goes in one ear and out the other :p
moosenoose, you should definitely get a full sleeve. just think how hawt your snakes will look wrapped around an arm of ink! then your mates will really go... 'whhooaaa, duuuude.' ;)
I had an amusing encounter on the weekend with a guy I’ve known for years. He was blown away when he finally came around “by chance” and saw my collection, stating he had “no idea” I was the sort of person who kept snakes “of all things” :lol: (Makes a note to go and get a sleeve of tattoos to look “the part” :lol: :lol:)

Personally I don’t tell people anything about my hobby until I’m asked, simply because I don’t care what others think. I enjoy this remarkable hobby for purely selfish reasons. My animals aren’t there for anyone else’s enjoyment except my own. It’s got nothing to do with them or their opinions, their shocked comments or negativity (if it ever has been mentioned) goes in one ear and out the other :p

:lol: This is what i do, sometimes funny to see the responses from some people, almost everyone seems to like goannas though.
when I tell people I have a pet snake I am getting polite horror lol
so i save all my snake stories for the forum and one of my closest friends and thats it
People are so dumb and they irritate me...so I just dont tell anyone anymore.

Sometimes it is best to keep your collection quiet...
If they don't respect reptiles, don't tell them
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