lets here those goose bump stories

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Gee I love this stuff. I have never 'seen' a ghost (and think I would FREAK if I did) but I have had lots of feelings about them. When my uncle died a few years ago, while it was expected (he had cancer) it was a shock as we were actually driving the 6 hours to his place to say our goodbyes, so were on the way when the call came. I was never hugely close to him (he never married or had kids and live dhours away) but I felt very very guilty about not being able to say goodbye to him. We were staying at his place, the night before his funeral he came to me in a dream and I really do believe it was actually him, I knew he was going, and I got to hug him and tell him that I loved him etc. I woke up feeling much better about everything. Then when I moved to canada, I always had the feeling he was with me. In every hotel we stayed at, the lights would flicker and things would move and when we final got a unit, he was constantly moving things around, flicking the lights etc. The people who lived above us were kinda scary (we lived in their basement apartment) and their 16 year old boy used to scare the hell out of me, used to run down our stairs and bang on our door and just generally be scary. One night I was home alone and he came flying down, I realised I had left the door unlocked and I had no chance of getting to it in time. I just jumped up and ran into the bathroom. I heard him try the door and heard him say "**** its locked" and thunder back up the stairs. I know my uncle was there with me that night (we moved out not long after that!) I felt his presence often the entire time I was overseas, sitting next to me on the bed and things like that. Yet when I came back to Aus, he hung around for a little while until we were settled and I havent felt him since. I believe that now he knows Im safe, he felt he could move on.

i questioned my daughter about what she sees in her room and she desribed my great grandmother perfectly. She knew things about her that i had forgotten and she even knew the song that my great grandmother sang to me as a child, almost word for word.
My daughter tells me that she comes and talks to her (that freaked me out).
Maybe i should belive her when she claims she can't get to sleep because everyone talking.
Now i'm a bit freaked out to go even go in her room. It feels like i'm being watched, or maybe i've just got myself all worked up..............lucky were moving....:)
I remember when I was about 10 at my old house I woke up in the middle of the night and needed to use the bathroom so I got out of bed and opened my door which opened into the hallway and all they way along the hall way we had cupboards and standing neatly under one of the handles on the cupboards was a little girl who looked to be about 7 dressed in an old style kind of night gown with all the lace and frilly stuff on it and she was carrying a little doll. I just looked at her for a few minutes then turned and went back to bed.
Also about 4 years ago we had our dog, Shaun, put down (wed had him since I was 1 and we had him put down when I was 15 so he’d been with us for a long time) because he had cancer, but I still feel him around the house and I believe that he influenced a puppy we looked after for a while. We got this puppy that had had no training or anything and as soon as we got him home he was house trained. Straight away he sat by the door and waited for us to let him outside to do his business.
has any one ever been to woombye pub on the sunshine coast my aunty stayed their and there's suppose to be a old man who owned the pub in there he hanged himself in the back garden when the pub was closed and when the chairs are put up and the theres always 1 chair down like someone has sat on it i know im never staying their his name was dick white http://www.woombyepub.com/index/3.htm
i love this stuff too.... my reoccuring visitor in my dreams through my cildhood and teenage years never spooked me out.... she was wearing all black.... i always saw her in black and white and she looked alot like me only alot older... she used to somehow "guide" me through things... i'd remember little tid bit sof her saying really insightful things like "the decision you make will be yours, and if it's yours then it can only be right" stuff like that, it was comforting at the time....

But it did start to spoke me out when my pop died and we started goin through the family tree.... we had got back as far as 1790 where "cassandra jane" (which is my name) had popped up..... long story short she was murdered for being a "psychic" and in those times they were demons etc.... and we happened to find a picture of her and heebie jeebies it was the lady in my dream all these years....

She still pops up every now and then and it was strange now because my little cousin taylor (3yrs) whenever i visit says stuff like "cass you havent been in my sleep movies for a bit"......

And whats even kewler is that my and her name "cassandra" dates back to the trojan horse times.... she was a prophet that was killed for being "demonic" because she predicted the trojan horse....

oh dude that solider wouldve freaked me out..... i probably wouldve pooped myself....
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When I first got my drivers licence I drove to Geelong to see my sister who had moved away for Uni. She was living with friends in an old Victorian house. She was always telling me that her touch lamp would go on and off by its self. When I saw the age of the house I was thinking that it must have been the old wiring. On the first night were watching tv and I saw the lamp come on from down the hall, my sister said "see, come and check it out". When I walked into the room the lamp was going from dim to bright to off. I said to her "It's just the old wiring and touch lamps are pretty sensitive! "Theres no such thing as ghosts!" When I stoped talking the lamp stayed on I said "I told you". My sister left the room first and I was right behind her, then I felt something hit me in the back and smash on the ground. I spun around and a saw a picture frame on the floor. The bedside table was at least 3 mt away and the frame hit me between the shoulder blades. I picked up the frame and glass, when I turned it over it was a picture of me. My sister had at least 5 picture frames on her bed side table. She had a photo from everyone in the family, mine was at the back of them and the rest were undisturbed. I promptly appologised and the lamp simply turned off. I felt like I was in the Twilight Zone!!

Me and my mum are really into this sort of stuff, we go to our local spiritual churches every second sunday ngiht normally, and in about 2 months we have a ghost tour booked through one of them, which is going ot be GREAT but scary at the same time, its through the caboolture spiritual church and about 3quarters of the people going are physics, we are going to go tours of all of the cemetaries in brisbane, should be great! will let yous know how it goes.

My dad passed away 3 years ago last week, and since then i have gotten alot of reading in which i have been told stuff that only he would know, unbelievable stuff that theres no way they could know, i believe in spiritualism 100%!

I havent actually had any of the stories like you guys, unfortunately, but for about the first year or so after my dad had passed i could hear him walk into my room as i was going to bed and i could feel him cuddle me, i have also been told he does this too.

Does anyone watch ''most haunted'' on foxtel??
When I first got my drivers licence I drove to Geelong to see my sister who had moved away for Uni. She was living with friends in an old Victorian house. She was always telling me that her touch lamp would go on and off by its self. When I saw the age of the house I was thinking that it must have been the old wiring. On the first night were watching tv and I saw the lamp come on from down the hall, my sister said "see, come and check it out". When I walked into the room the lamp was going from dim to bright to off. I said to her "It's just the old wiring and touch lamps are pretty sensitive! "Theres no such thing as ghosts!" When I stoped talking the lamp stayed on I said "I told you". My sister left the room first and I was right behind her, then I felt something hit me in the back and smash on the ground. I spun around and a saw a picture frame on the floor. The bedside table was at least 3 mt away and the frame hit me between the shoulder blades. I picked up the frame and glass, when I turned it over it was a picture of me. My sister had at least 5 picture frames on her bed side table. She had a photo from everyone in the family, mine was at the back of them and the rest were undisturbed. I promptly appologised and the lamp simply turned off. I felt like I was in the Twilight Zone!!

Thats amazing is it not!
Bet you believe abit more now :p
Ashleigh:];805052 said:
Thats amazing is it not!
Bet you believe abit more now :p

Yeah!!!!!! Started to have a bit more of an open mind since then!!
wow, great stories,..!!

years ago when my brother and i were still little my parents took us to a beach near ulladulla and my dad went out into the surf with us, without realising a rip took us really far out and suddenly fro no apparent reason dad looked back, noticed how much trouble he was in having 2 small kids out there and we had heaps of trouble geting back in. (no life savers @ that beach, but we finally made it)
years later we were visiting rellies overseas and my aunty told us about a dream she had and described exactly what had happened, and that she called out to dad to turn around.

not that she was dead or anything, but it was really freaky anyway,....
I have read many books on spiritualism and its said that they often come to you in a dream, but you said she wasnt dead. oh well.
Ashleigh, I have watched alot of most haunted and to be honest i dont believe a second of it. Watched one where one of the 'psychics' got possessed... oh please.
Dont get me wrong, I love this stuff and believe that people dont just suddenly cease to exist when they die, but when there are a heap of people all in one house and they claim a thump was a ghost, just doesnt ring true to me.

Ashleigh, thats what I have heard as well, about the dreams, I think you're more open to things if they come to you in dreams. I dream very vividly very night (drives me crazy sometimes) but I took great comfort in my uncle coming to say goodbye.
A few years ago I had to put my beloved horse to sleep, was probably the hardest thing I have ever had to do, he had been with me for about 15 years and I trusted him with my life. I went out one morning and it was like he had had a stroke, he couldnt move one side of his body. Vet could find nothing wrong physically and the heart wrenching decision was made to put him to sleep. Im still haunted by the guilt that maybe it could have been fixed (we gave him 3 days and there was no improvement and I would never have forgiven myself if he was chased by dogs or something and tried to run and broke his leg or something horrible). He often comes to me in dreams, especially if I have been talking about him to someone, and the dream is always the same, Im sitting in the middle of a field full of rich green grass and he is trotting and playing in circles around me, just like when he was a young horse (he was 25 when he died) I choose to believe thats his way of telling me that all is good. (could just be my mind trying to release the guilt, but either way it makes me feel better)

Me too since my encounter
i continuely see things like that. In year 10 i was on an excursion near an old cemetry and there was a well. My friend i was with recently lost her great grandmother whom she was very close to. I took a picture of my friend standing next to the well asit was so old and we loved taking photos. When it printed out there was a woman standing behind her in very old fashioned clothes, it creeped us out quite a bit. My friend said it was her great grandmother. I didnt believe her but this woman had the other half of what looked to be the locket my friend never took off. The other half. I truely do believe.

Also on the Tasmanian trip myself and my cousin swore we were being followed. We were nto scared until we saw this soldier. We were alittle freaked out by then and we swore we saw him again knee deep in the water, and then again on a bridge. My little brother also said it was like the ghost houses at the ekka. I asked why, He said he was looking at a window on a really high up prison cell near the asylum and in his words he said a crazy woman ran at the window.

I tell you, the amount of things ive encountered is creepy. Tas is the major one, but something in our old house was not far behind. I always got the feeling someone was watching us. Whenever our father was away on business there was ALWAYS footsteps upstairs in my mothers bedroom and across the stairway! The showers would run VERY strongly out of no where then stop, also got us spooked. I didnt think this stuff happend to other ppl lol
yep definately never goin to tasmania...

My dad is a cop, and we got transferred at one point to Wilcannia an old town about an hour and a half west of Broken Hill NSW very much an indigenious town... so scarey in its own right....

Now my dad has seen everything, he was in special victims for years and has seen heaps of bad accidents so hes not easily spooked out. He just emailed me so thats what jogged my memory.

There was a particular cell in this police station that was apparently haunted.... my dad being the tough brut man that he is never believed a word of it. Until one night shift he was alone down there.

Apparently it got really cold and dad said that his pen kept being thrown accross the table at least three times... which didnt spook him until the cell door started to be shaken really loudly and the pillow in the cell on the bed flew accross the cell and ripped apart and the lights kept flickering.... scared the buggery outta my dad and refused to go down there alone ever again...

Anyway some research was done and apparently about 20yrs back from then (35yrs back from now) a guy was picked up for being apparently drunk in public and screaming about the spirits that were after him so they put him in overnight and found him dead in the morning from a massive heart attack at the age of 24....

Freaky deaky....
I was talking to my God mother the last night about peoples posts about children being more open to things that adults dont notice about the super natural and such... anyway apparently i did have some form of connection aswell at the age of 4. My god mother, mum and my cousing Allison were down at the park near Auburn station and they were trying to get me to go down the slippery dip. My mum was waiting at the bottom saying that she'd catch me. I refused and said " No, mummy said she would catch me last time we were here and i broke my arm because she didnt!" To this day i have not broken a bone in my body nor at the time had i ever stopped to play at that park.
Ashleigh, I have watched alot of most haunted and to be honest i dont believe a second of it. Watched one where one of the 'psychics' got possessed... oh please.
Dont get me wrong, I love this stuff and believe that people dont just suddenly cease to exist when they die, but when there are a heap of people all in one house and they claim a thump was a ghost, just doesnt ring true to me.


Check out badpsychics.com. This site exposes psychic Derek Acorah as a fake (thanks to parapsychologist Keiran Okeefe, who set him up!!) and also shows footage of the Most Haunted team faking many things. You'll also see footage of many things they later cut out of the show. Also check out Most Haunted - Mary loves Dick on youtube.com. Makes you think twice about Britians most respected psychic.
sxc_ celly: re: Port aurthur i have been on the port aurthur ghost tour probably 6 times all up i only ever seen 1 apparition in a solitory cell,but i felt presence all around me very cold indeed, and the island your talking about is called isle of the dead not isle of death lol but i knew what you meant. And on the island in those days they used to put upto 20 bodies in a single grave,there are so many wandering spirits in port aurthur it`s not funny,tasmania and victoria would have to be in my opinion the two most haunted states in australia probably due to convict history.
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