Life in cold blood

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Are you saying they should produce a different version for all the different countries it is shown in ?? They film the whole series over a period of a few months and do all the footage for all the shows when in each region.
Maybe it is just better to appreciate all the animals we don't have on the door step rather than watching a programme just to see what we see all the time anyway.
That Rock Python splitting its sides while eating the antelope!!! That was bizarre to watch.

Also a it disappointed there weren't more Aussie snakes, but some of the species were amazing. it's incredible to see how well adapted they are to their environments...

Sir David Attenborough is such a passionate man - that's pretty brave for an 80ish yo man to get sprayed in the face by that poison-spitting snake!
Loved the show, actually managed to catch the entire program this time lol and it was well worth the watch.

Incredible footage especially on some of the less reknowned species like the Queen Snake, and the blind snakes (have always wondered what it would look like to watch one of those eat hehe was awesome!).

And yes, of course the African Rock Python is always a joy to watch whilst feeding :D
Other highlights for me included the xrayed egg eating snake and the beautiful king snakes, can't wait for next week!
I agree with you Boa, we were in absolute AWE at the snakes on that ep. It was amazing to see the species in other countries!! There are other doco's on Aussie snakes and we have so much access to info on them that it would have not been the same had it been more focused on Aussie snakes!
We loved seeing the crab eating snake and wow that Rock python.... I was almost crying watching the Tigers getting their eyes pecked out!

It was an unbelievable ep, even if it had no aussie snakes in it whatsoever! AND the footage was juat AMAZING!!!
Can't wait for the next ep now!
I watch these shows to see the animals, I don't care where they come from or whether I can keep them or even see them in the wild.
Isn't it better to see a snake you have never heard of or doing something incredible like ripping the legs off of a crab and eating them ?
I watch these shows to see the animals, I don't care where they come from or whether I can keep them or even see them in the wild.
Isn't it better to see a snake you have never heard of or doing something incredible like ripping the legs off of a crab and eating them ?

I agree, but I think maybe it is a bit of a pride thing - we all think our Aussie snakes are so fantastic and beautiful and interesting (and deadly!) and we just like to think that the rest of the world finds them as amazing as we do!
My wife recorded it for me and I watched in when I got home. There are so many ads on channel 9 there is real value in recording it so it can be watched sans ads! Last night's was excellent but I think I thought last weeks was even better.

Alas Sir David is starting to show his age a bit (actually all this chasing after animals has him looking pretty good for his age). He has set the standard in wildlife docos, alas it is a standard that few have come close to. About the closest thing in a younger presenter would be something like a cross between David Bredle and Mark O'Shae?

I have both last weeks and this weeks episodes still on tape with the Australian Parrot Doco from ABC1 on Sunday evening sandwiched in between - all in all an excellent tape to keep ;-)
Dear Boa i did enjoy the show ,living in southern Victoria i dont get to see Death Adders, Mulgas,Feirce snake, coastal taipans etc unlike my northern neighbours and there are no shows down here that show them. I was hoping before that episode that i might see a few northern Australian species, but no just 1 southern Australian tiger species.Yes it was interesting to see crab eaters etc . If there are any docos shown on free to air here its always Rattlesnakes, Cobras and anacondas.
i think my northern neighbours are very spoilt for choice when it comes to snakes, my local area only has 4 species and 95 % are Tigers.
Anyway goodluck to you , Cracks
How good was the episode tonight with the crocs and alligators and how that caiman lead the young ones to another large water hole. Have read the book twice since purcahsing the other week and cant wait for the dvds now
If there are people who want to have a copy of the series on their hard drive, this is how to do it legally.
Put a search for Graboid, Its a movie and t.v show program. download and install the program. Each month you get 4 free gig to use..
Open the progam and click on the + on T.V shows and click documentary. Then type life in cold blood in the search bar up the top. You should see all the episodes listed. you can either stream them or save them to your hard drive and watch them over and over as much as you like..
I missed a bit of the snake doco, which island where those tigers on and was the blindness a genetic thing?
Cris, the blindness wasnt's a seagull colony and the tigers are
being attacked by them when they go to rat the nests.
I cant think of the name of the island at the moment.
Was it kangaroo island off SA?
lol, i'm not a local, Kangaroo island is the only one i know :)
Cris, the blindness wasnt's a seagull colony and the tigers are
being attacked by them when they go to rat the nests.
I cant think of the name of the island at the moment.

Not wanting to divert the thread, but i have two night tigers (wild caught obviously) that were bought at the same time. Both of them are blind in one eye. I put it down to being attacked by birds while trying to hunt them and being spotted.Or being poked on the eye with a sharp stick. Has anyone found while herping tree snakes with eye damage? Just wondering if its a common thing...
Boa, you of all people who is not from Australia and has seen what ther eis to offer in the flesh overseas, should not be so narrow minded to peoples opinions. Yes I agree with you that it is good to see things you dont normally see, but there is no nee dto be so aggressive and defensive to a comment that was only stating one persons love and pride of Australian animals. Dont get me wrong this is not a personal attack on you just as a person who is viewing the thread I found that your response to people saying how much they thought of australian animals was a little arrogant and offensive, maybe try being a little more level minded next time. Your posts were not directly insulting but one only has to read to understand. No one person is more enlightened than the other in various aspects, so no one should assume they know better:) Cheers all. Its a great series good to watch and just plain interesting no matter what animals they show
Thank you for your comments, I have been here since I was 18 months old but have had the benefit of living and keeping overseas for a time, not sure of the relevance of that though but thanks.
Thank you for your comments, I have been here since I was 18 months old but have had the benefit of living and keeping overseas for a time, not sure of the relevance of that though but thanks.

The relevance of the whole post was how bout tryin to keep your comments constructive not critical and the site will be a lot more enjoyable for everyone.
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