Monitor enclosure-Stage by stage.

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Very Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2009
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G'day all,

I'm just starting on chopping and changing one of my enclosures, in preparation for my new Sand monitor. So I thought, why not show how it's coming along as I go through the processes until completion. There will be a few days where nothing goes on, but i'll try my best to keep it interesting.

Well the first stage and possibly the most boring. I have taken out all of the previous enclosure furnishings. Other than the glass, it is now stripped and ready to be worked on. I have so far got my flood light (150watt), and will be putting another vent on the heated end to prevent overheating. This is how it looks so far-

Enclosure-Stage 1 003.jpg
The dimensions are 6x2x2 and I know the colour is pretty yuck, but hey, we got the material for free off a mate :). I will keep it updated as I go.

Cheers, Blake.
Today was very minimally progressive, as I was busy for most parts. But here is what I managed in the time I had. Due to such a high wattage heat source and the enclosure being MDF, I decided some extra ventilation was neccasary to prevent overheating. An aquarium tank would have been nice, but living in Vic, this material is probably better suited. A very small step towards completion, but it's slowly getting there! Here's how it's looking-

enclosure stage 2 003.jpg
nice so far mate, Ive got two juvy sandies on the way from from sonia dewdney, i can't wait! :D good luck with the rest of the job
make sure your ready this time :)

Looking good Blake.
Cant wait to see the finished project. What can we expect?
make sure your ready this time :)

Looking good Blake.
Cant wait to see the finished project. What can we expect?

Sorry, I don't quite get the "this time" bit hah. Josiah mine is coming from Sonia aswell, should be getting him early next week hopefully, her line of Sandies is absolutely stunning.

It's not going to be anything special, but I will try my best. I am hoping to get my hands on a sheet of poly so I am able to make a background, nothing special, just so it looks nice, and I am in the midst of working out how I want to do the underground burrows etc.

I'll keep you posted!
Well, I picked up my sand over the weekend, but due to this terrible Victorian weather, it was very damp. Everything has sort of come to a hult until I can get it dry enough to go in the enclosure. As you can see in the photo I am only using one fixed branch and once the sand is ready to go in, will be adding a couple of hollow logs that will act as hides. The sand which is in their now is just so it dries it out faster, i'm putting it in lot by lot, but it's taking it's sweet time!
Enclosure stage 3 003.jpg
Sorry, I don't quite get the "this time" bit hah. Josiah mine is coming from Sonia aswell, should be getting him early next week hopefully, her line of Sandies is absolutely stunning.

Sorry that was a bit ambiguous, that wasn't aimed at you my good Geelongeng friend.
Are you going to compact the sand?
Yeah I'm intending on compacting it so that it is able to burrow without it collapsing. I'm not going to have the sand too deep whilst it is a juvie, but once it gets larger I will put more in. I will have a moist box in there so it can get it's fix to begin with...Keeping a keen eye on the humidity though.

I've allways reffered to them as Gellongites.

I honestly don't know what the correct term is....
Go to a pet store for sheets of polystryene, they come with all the fish tanks that come in and they generally give it away if you ask.
Make sure you put heaps of sand/concrete those monitor claws are sharp!
I can't post what I really call half of the people in Geelong on this forum.
Go to a pet store for sheets of polystryene, they come with all the fish tanks that come in and they generally give it away if you ask.
Make sure you put heaps of sand/concrete those monitor claws are sharp!

I have decided against the background for now, but will probably do so later on. But that does sound like a good idea, i'll look into next time I visit.
hi how are you im just wondering on the sand for our new monitor we are getting his new much larger tank in a couple of day and not sure what sand to use or whats best for his burrows do u have any suggestions?? we have him in a smaller tank atm with sand but it just collapses once he digs into it thanks
Brickies sand is excellent at holding burrows, as far as I can tell. It has a certain percentage of clay-based soil I believe. Nice red/orange colour too.

Alternately, you could just use regular dirt.
I'm putting 'Render Sand' in the enclosure at the moment, but I am going to get some brickies sand aswell to mix it through. I am not too worried at the moment about the burrowing qualities, though once my animal grows I will make sure it can. For now i'm going to use a damp tub of sand so it can get it's digging fix.
Here is how it's looking now-this is part of the cage furniture, and there is still more sand to go in. That will be posted later on tonight.Enclosure stage q4 003.jpg
Alright, after a bit of time spent getting everything fitted and arranged how I want it, here it is. And no the slate can not be dug under and it CAN NOT collapse! Let me know what you think, cheers.
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