My Holiday Movie Experiences

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Almost Legendary
Aug 20, 2006
Reaction score
New Zealand
Well... you know how you get when you're on holidays - you catch up on all the movies you missed during the preceding weeks!

1: Rescue Dawn - He killed a snake and he didn't need to :( I give it a slimy 2.5 stars (out of 13)

2: Elizabeth - The Golden Age - Well... Seeming she's Australian there's some merit there. I kinda liked it, wasn't as good as the first but wasn't as bad as most sequels are. I thought ol Clive Owen is the same in all movies so at least he's predictable. Would prefer now to see a movie on Sir Walter O'Rielly I think.

3: Deathproof - Classic CLASSIC Classic - 4.5 stars out of 6. It gets an extra half star for the line "She's a kiwi, you never ever call a kiwi an Australian...." (I'm sure there's some swearing in there to). Best moments are just flying through the air. Tarrantino is a masterful director that likes to blow his own trumpet just a little to much. But perhaps some of the best chase scenes in a movie since the original Gone in 60 Seconds (not starring Nick Cage cause that version was not good).

4: Lions For Lambs - Pfffft... Maybe wait till it goes to the $2 rack or take it on $1.20 tuesday!

5: Michael Clayton - I am still trying to work out if it is a true story or not. I don't think it is. A few things didn't fit into place, but seemed plausible enough. I enjoyed it.

6: Cut Off - That's exactly what you feel like doing while watching this movie.. cut off your limbs... your power.... everything... it's a shocker of a movie and is flawed from the beginning... Though I did laugh at the sign... Happy Hour from 10 till 10:30....

7: The Heartbreak Kid - worth a watch with that very special girl of yours.... Not as funny as Something About Mary but had similar tones to it....

8: Planet Terror - The fully B grade movie with the A grade budget - don't expect a good movie and you won't be shocked to watch it. Hugely clever but no where near as good as Sin City!

9: Hitman - Just fun to watch - but better to play I think!

10: Beowulf - Angelina never looked so good! Maybe it was just the way she was drawn... An awesome movie. I will definitely watch that again.

Still got one more to watch - Eastern Promises....
I thought Death Proof was lame! Way too much talking and not enough killing! It was touted as "A serial killing stunt man"...and he kills 4 people in the space of 2 minutes and the rest is just talk, bah!

Plant Terror was a lot better. Both movies were released at the same time in the same package under the name "Grindhouse" paying homage to the old B grade horror flicks that used to get shown late at night in cinemas. It was meant to be B grade quirky horror and that's just what it is! Plant Terror all the way..
I loved HItman!

I went and seen Run Fatboy Run on Thursday night, was alright.
I semi agree Dodie... tho... When you think about it - yes, they were designed to be B graders... But... Deathproof was so much better in the filming and the action sequences - it had a very A - Grade look.

You have to admit the chase scenes rivalled the original 70s Gone in 60 Seconds...

I loved Planet Terror to! But... I think I preferred the chatty Deathproof....
I did like the way it cut back and showed everyone's death, but more of it would of been great ;) The chase seen was good and the ending a little surprising but more blood would of sealed the deal..
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