My views on ..........

Aussie Pythons & Snakes Forum

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my views

hi everyone im going to put 4 cents worth in 2 cent for greebo as hes broke and i know how that feels. :)

lets start with the statement about if being a respected herper ya wouldnt post here. my thoughts are no matter how much others/or yourself think you know its about having respect for yourself. if i sat and watched a problem with out trying to help i doubt that i would have respect for my self in doing so.
there are plenty of people on here with huge amounts of views and experiances that are worth listing to. what make some shy of taking there opinions on board might be the fact that in real life there name maybe joe blogs and everyones heard of him but on the internet he /she goes by scallytoe and never provides any name of information about him/herslf for others to see. i know for a fact that i would rather listen to brian barnet over pieball boa especally if i didnt know that piball was david barker. NOW OF COURSE THATS AN EXAMPLE NOT ACTUAL NAMES UNLESS I SOME HOW FLUKED IT. people hide behind a nickname to protect them self for what ever reason . and thats perfectly fair. but theres no point in getting bent out of shape if your not listened to because of it.

the sentermants that c.c expressed about not giving a s*** is also the way i feel.
you see in my opinion my obligation is to the animals that are totally dependent on my care. If that care is working for me , that is the care im going to sugest to others. If others dont like my sugestion they dont have to use them. thats the whole point of a discussion forum in my views. you read everyone opinion and then you select the one that make the most scence for you situation and your animals..its like following a guide to breeding boas in america and using it to breed australian pythons
experiance is like beeing a boxer.. there is always sombody better than you.

bottom line for my waffle: how can you be a respected heper, watch sombody lose an animal when you have had the experiance to help stop that happening. hide behind a nickname for self protection and then complain about not being listened to and still have respect for yourself.
my feeling is you cant.. 1970s/1980 reptile keeping is long gone its time the so called names of the hobbie started sharing there information with the rest this makes scence for the hobby as a whole. (but of course thats just my opinion )

last of all.. get use to the fact that not everyone is going to get on even a 100 hand picked compatible people wont. thats life. the groups about the well being of captive reptiles not how many mate you have in the groupe
people dont get on for there own reasons and why its a poblem for anyone else is beyond me. lol i thought popularity contests stoped after ya finished school..
agin i stress all of the above are purly my opinions and are not claiming to be posting on behalf on any other person/group or organisation :)
cheers paul.
I could only find a 5c, no 2c pieces.
I love this site - you've all heard me bitch at times, but that's probably my problem and personality, nothing to do with anyone else.
I love the give and take, the camraderie.
Most questions are answered before the post descends into chaos, and if not, someone usually pulls it back onto track.
I don't value anyones opinion over anyone elses, alot of the time, the newbies opnion comes straight from brian barnett or dave barker via a book or web page.
I just choose what I think makes sense, applying my own intelligence (still have a bit left, better have another beer) to the answers. The reason my questions have been 'paul centered' recently is because I bought a trio of water pythons off him and am hoping to breed them this year.
If it was not for this site, I'd have got my first couple of snakes and it would have stopped there. As it is, I now keep 8 snakes, 2 beardies and am breeding rats to sell. I am also going to be starting a herp society in tamworth because I have realized the benefits of being able to talk to other herpers.
I think it's great that if there is only 40 posts in a day, we all whinge that the forums are dead. Look at some other sites, the only one I know of that gets more than one or two a day, they are so off topic it's funny.
I cannot remember a member being bagged out for posting a silly question. I don't know why a newbie would be scared of posting. I have had pm's from newbies before asking questions, I answer but tell them to post it in the forum to get a balanced opinion.
BTW, good luck with the GTP slatey, here's another 5c that I had laying around
I would just like to say How great this site is. I am a newbie so I dont know many people but that doesnt stop people helping me. I think the longest I have had to wait for a reply to one of my posts was 15mins while on other sites it takes at least 10 hours. great community Guys!!!
Looks like most people have right attitude to all of this.
Looks like most of us is enjoying to be here.
Looks like we are having fun.
So we should.
I hate to be negative.
Thank you all for expressing your view.
I think my threads may have been misconstrued.
But Paul has virtually defined exactly what I meant.I cant help but feel its like a popularity contest. My sentiments about not giving a s**t was aimed at me personally not having a care in the world how people see me in the hobby or in this site (true I'd like to be respected as an avid hobbyist as we all would,but im not going to bust my balls or put on a fake front etc to gain this.I am who I am)As many may have noticed I was far more serious when I had my collection compared to lately where everything is fun and games at the moment.I suppose (and admit with honesty here) that after my stock was stolen there is a great loss of interest in the hobby.The post about respected herpers compared to joe bloggs as Paul put it was well defined in Pauls thread also (I may not have had the exact words to use and im sorry if it sounded like I was attacking anyones character,I was merely trying to use an example of how I see many members in regards to APS). I too have much respect for Paul as many times he has given me great advice behind the scenes in pm or email not just by way of a forum thread,but I also have much respect for many newbies that have differing opinions than myself.This isn't my deepest opinion either.I was at first merely trying to define what fangs had mentioned on the subject and perhaps I had misconstrued hes post.

PS...Sorry to keep using your name as an example Paul,but as you are a well known and talked about breeder within APS I thought you'd make a good candidate for the discussion :wink:

To sum up,Slatey ol boy you hit the nail on the head.We all appreciate and love the site.Majority of the so called problems we experience here are tiny in comparison to other sites.No doubt many of us especially I myself,make a mountain out of a molehill (ask Geoff its because im passionate lol) but I cant help but feel that the members here are as genuine about this site as you owners yourselves,hence the quick notification on minor problems before they expand into bigger issues.
my views

hey c.c
lol ya can use my name in nearly anyway ya want...i know where you live :) (joke )
i kind i thought that combining my post and using yours we could get the same point across..
cheers paul.
kewl Paul,
You defined my meaning in better words than I could myself.I've re-read my threads several times and it keeps reading as if I sounded attacking :? Not my intention but after your definition im sure everyone will understand what I was aiming at.

PS All members
More thought into posts should be made before filling these forums with back and forth repetative arguments and debates. IMHO if we look at the current membership of APS (being roughly 600 members strong) and put a figure of 1/2 registered members throwing their 2 cents worth into a negative thread we would be looking at 300 bitching and bickering people complaining over little issues involved with the site.(Deffinately not good advertisement or publicity,not to mention a boring waste of time as it has been everytime this topics been in question)Im sure you's will all agree here that if we used the same figures for a positive thread (say a congrats and thank you to the slate family) then we'd have 300 threads of a geuinely good natured topic that not only shows the interaction,socialisation,commitment and closeness of this community but would also be of great publicity/advertisement and benefit for the site and its members when viewd for the 1st time.JMO
Yeah maybe we need to start a section called Newbie questions so that the repetitive questions can be answered by people who want to help newbies out a little more and the people who are less inclined to get involved with newbies can avoid it.

What do people think?

Cheers Hawkeye
Hasn't that already been tried?? With the FAQ section that someone was doing? *looks a Hawks* :p
I really enjoyed to read this thread second time. Tels me a lot about us. I think that we can be happy with our selfs and i am sure that this site have bright future. :p :p :p

how can the site fail - people contribute and the good usually outweighs the few negative comments. There has always been a great community feeling here and I haven't seen that elsewhere. Congratulations on what is the best Herp community site on the web

G 8)
Grahamh Your avatar is scary. Gives me the goos bums. :wink:
I wouldn't think that you could fit too many goose bums on one slatey...
my two cents (i`m broke really had to borrow the money)

ive been a member of this community from its first creation on MSN, i was here for the first sunday night chat, i`m also a member of a few other communitys but i dont and wont contribute to most of them as they are toooooooo impersonal, and usually merciless if a newbie (ie me) stuffs up.

i love this site, allways have, allways to meet some awsome people through the site, including the wonderful creators :wink:

so, keep up the good work

Leader of the Love the Glove Party
I remember our beginnings on hotmail and thinking about Snakegod. Wander what happened to him. I think that he was great character. He had mabe bigger spelling problem than me, but he had a lot of knowledge. Do you remember him Afro and Pom?
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