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Probably the safest option is to offer a food item that's a little bit bigger than the diameter of the snake at its thickest part. You'll know it's hungry because it will take food! -) When was it last fed? Generally (from my own observation) if they stay in their hide and don't wander round their enclosure, they're either not hungry or unsettled (which can happen for a while with a new snake in a new (to him) enclosure). Don't panic too much if it doesn't eat for a while. Snakes can go for months without eating.

However, my first advice still stands : Ask the guy you bought it off. He will be familiar with it's feeding habits and should be able to advise you accordingly.
my dad brought it from this lady who didnt want it anymore. she said she fed it 5 days ago so i thought it might be hungry.she fed it large rats every 2 weeks but they arnt as thick as the snake is.
A lot depends on how big the rats are compared to the snake. Again : ring her and ask her how often she fed it and how much, In any case, if it had a good feed 5 days ago, I wouldn't feed again for at least another week. Ask her how often she fed it and how much.
Trying to go without being bitten??? LOL good luck lol
dont worry woma_n will get bitten she gets arrogent when she has had a few drinks lol.

Please change that pic cwarren72!!!!! It's scaring the ladies!!!!! Is 72 your age??? ROFLMAO

not just the ladies me as well its freaking me out :~
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