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Very Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
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You tell me what the following are, whether Port Macs or Pure.

I know exactly where these came from, and Ill bet 'my left arm' if you all get them correct.

I have done something like this before which showed how misinformed the general Herp community is when it comes to identifying Diamonds/intergrades, but clearly you all know what your talking about, so put ya money where ya mouth is.

And I have 'hundreds' more of these I can go all night if you like, you will start to see for yourselves the differences between the two.
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Hrmm i wouldn't have a clue but i'm gunna try :D hehe
4.Pure Diam.
5.Pure Diam.
I'm going to have a total stab in the dark :lol:


The only reasoning behind my guesses is the size of the rosettes. But really I have no clue, it's just a guess :D
Interesting comments so far..

Once this thread is done, maybe you will be able to identify them. We can maybe one day be able to identify what is what. As Mr B has already said, thats more than highly unlikely thanks to the Hybrid breeders...
Lets see,
since I have no money, I cant loose any.
So here we go.
Top three - natural intergrades.
Btm two - Diamonds.
How's that !!!

Amazing, see you can seem to identify that the rosettes on the first three are clearly NOT diamond rosettes, but yet in the Trio for sale , there pure diamonds?? Sorry I am a little confused..
Ok, so we are starting to see the differences, yay. Wont change people posting there 'Diamonds' up here when there clearly NOT.

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Amazing, see you can seem to identify that the rosettes on the first three are clearly NOT diamond rosettes, but yet in the Trio for sale , there pure diamonds?? Sorry I am a little confused..

There all beautifull snakes to me mate.
Sometimes there's a fine line between the two.

There certainly is, and there are always exceptions (SR's striped and a few others I have seen).

But from what I have seen, and photographed, IMO they are intergrades (trio thread). As you can see above I keep my fair share of them and I think there both equally beautiful, they should be worth the same amount as a diamond anyway IMO.

I have seen some absolute cracker Port Macs, ask Glimmerman to show you his.
That black diamond is stunning :)
I've got one off his dp and he's a cracker - well I think its a dp.
The portmac's Damien has are awesome as well.

Yeah Vat, they have been mating (there are 2 which are that black) so the breeder has his fingers crossed, she is a little old though.
They are all M.spilota unless you know where they are collected from its foolish to try and group them by appearance alone. Im not from NSW but up here in qld there is massive variation in carpet pythons in the same locality does this not happen in NSW?

I have seen wild coastal carpet in Qld that would probably get called port macs or other rubbish by plenty of ppl on this site.

I remember someone having a guess at a Qld animal coming from coffs harbour recently too...
id rather a good looking interdrade over a pure diamond anyday, alot hardier and less prone to dps
hey pugs top pics as allways
love the black diamond
I know where they were ALL collected from mate.

Thanks Wil, I agree that the Port Macs are awesome, and will become even more popular once people start realising they are not Hybrids or Crosses. They can look spectacular too, take Alana's orange girl, she is outstanding.
Hey pugsly
How about posting some pics with the species on it , that way there is no guessing and people can get a better idea of what's what ......
Well the ones posted so far.

1. Port Mac
2. Port Mac
3. Port Mac
4. Diamond
5. Diamond
6. Port Mac
7. Diamond
8. Diamond
9. Diamond
10. Diamond

I can put heaps more up, might get to it tonight.
Hi Pugs, I'm a bit confused now, picture no7 is what you said is a diamond for shore (second lot of pictures posted second from the top left) but her rosettes are bigger, I've attatched another photo of the yellow girl and her rosetts are quite simular to that one. This is the female that wasn't bred by John Smith, she was brought from QLD, from a lady that only had her and she's not orange. I'm just trying to understand it all thanks

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Im happy enough to call that a nice diamond Alana.

In the other pic looked (from the angle) like the rosettes where joined and seemed in a straight line rather than side by side.

I think you have a nice one there, thanks for the new pic.
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