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What I meant about education was educate why they bite (sorry, should have elaborated more). Once you explain people the two reasons they bite (food or fear) then they quite often are a bit more understanding. People seem to think that they have a go at you for no reason. They need to be aught more about the fight or flight mechanism. If a snake doesn't see you til the last minute then they are going to fight. If you make your presence known when going somewhere snakey (by walking heavy) then you should be right.
P.S Jones of the Jungle, I'm new and was looking up threads about proserpines and saw you have a beauty. I'd love to see more pics.
Would be my pleasure Carnie, I thought I mught just add (thanks to hubby), on Saturday we were at Reptile City at Christies beach (SA), and we got to see some baby proserpines hatching, which happen to be neices and nephews of my boy!!! AWW! :)
I noticed your locality is SE Sth Aust, if your not local, then trust me it would definately be worth the trip. The owners down there are excellent, not many compare to Jason and Michael.
As for some more pictures, I'll start a new thread very shortly upon your request, I have heaps of pics of him when we first got him that i haven't posted yet. Keep an eye out!!!!
By the way I totally understand the type of education your taking about now, well said i think your spot on, unfortunately there will always be those idiots that'll make their own mind up.

Just quickly add how disappointed I was to hear about the poor Lacie that got shot and held up like a trophy :cry:, I'd like to have the shooter's head hanging above my fire place like a trophy :twisted:
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