Pets or Curiousities..... Handling Tips

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Very Well-Known Member
Jun 29, 2009
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Bali indonesia
Years ago we were all told snakes are dangerous
We were told they cannot be handled
We put them in aquariums in the lounge and went "OH WOW Ive got a snake"
We went to rare reptile demonstrations and were awestruck at the handlers

This idea is still very commonplace
But what if you want to play with your snake??

You reach out to touch it with hot clammy hands, because you are nervous
and it tags you
Notice I used the word Tag instead of Bite
When a snake hits you with open mouth it is simply saying
"Go away you horrible mammal type thing" so I call that Tagging
Biting is when they grab and latch on usually wrapping you as well

Breeders dont handle their snakes for very valid reasons
Curiousity seekers dont either

But ANYONE can if they want to

Please dont bother reading any further if you believe in either only the two positions above

When you get a snake it is scared
It has just been moved from its home into a new one
It does not know your smell
If you reach out to grab it it will respond accordingly

We only use one method here to train our reptiles

We get two bags like small pillow cases for snakes up to two metres
Long welding gloves for big snakes
Put one on each hand
If the snake is not ready to shed or has not fed for four days we simply reach into its enclosure and slide our hands under it

We make no attempt whatsoever to touch the snake with any bare skin at this stage
Within a few minutes most will curl into a comfortable position on or around your hands
This position may include the strike position
Dont worry about it!!!!!!!!!!!
Try to keep one hand and bag free so that if it tries to come towards your face too nearly you can redirect it
Let the snake relax and dont move about too much

After a few minutes or maybe an hour it will relax more and sniff out its surroundings
All is still cool
Just relax and let it play

Do this each day
After a few days it will crawl all over you

YES that is a nervous time the first time it looks you in the eyes
But you must stay still and let it get to know you

If the snake does not want to relax at all after a few days change things a little bit
Wipe a bag under your arms or anywhere else that is hot and sweaty
Leave that bag in the enclosure
They very quickly associate your scent with 'No danger"

From then on always use the bag to lift each snake out to play

This method works

We have more than enough snakes and every single one in Bali was trained by this method

If you have any doubts just visit my facebooks to see some of the results

[email protected]
[email protected]

I like your method mate. I have used the same method but with socks. When I got my first python I tried to handle it too soon in its settling in period. I then waited a week and I was pretty nervous due to the last occasion so decided to put some socks on my hands and arms. Was all sweet and within a couple of sessions was down to one sock and then none.

PS great shots on ya facebook
I used the same with my first snake- I threw the bag it travelled home with in the washing basket to pick up my scent and had left a towel from the washing basket in the tub for 3-4 days before the snake arrived. Either I have the most placid snake or it associates my scent as an extension of its habitat.

My second snake was more flighty but it appears to be gradually associating my scent with its enclosure by me wiping my hand over the inside of its favourite hide each time I do a paper change. It has become more prepared to climb from the enclosure onto my arms each week.
Great read, longqi :) It's really helpful info, and simple to follow! It'll be great info to people new to the hobby :D
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