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well i havent really had a scarey reptile experiance except for the first time i attempted to catch an elapid (happened to be a juvinile rbbs *rolls eyes*, i wanted to move it cause it was nere my friends house and he had dogs so from wattso's post you get the idea.

But the scariest experiance ive seen is when i was walking in the bush with my dad and we were in between to big mounds. We had stopped for a minute to rest and this man came sprinting down the mound yelling for help as a fairly large brown snake was chasing him. Luckily for the man then brown snake backed off for some unknown reason.
1/ Diving at Hearvy Bay QLD , looked up and saw something swimming straight at me. Thought "Funny, you don't normally see eels midwater, hang on, thats not an eel ....". The olive sea snake swam around me (at about 10 cm away), under my armpit, between my legs close to, well, you know where, a couple of more orbits then swam off. Actually I wasn't scared dispite it being my first sea snake as I knew that sea snakes are both curious and myopic and won't hurt you unless you hurt them.
2/ Used to do some work for the guy who ran the Green Island Resort of Cairns. It was near sunset and I asked if I could have a look at "Oscar" and was told "OK, but stand back from the cage as he tends to go at people at this time". So I went and had a look at the cage. The cage is about 20 meters by 10, there is this massive corcodile in it, AND I COULDN'T SEE HIM. I was certain he could see me as I got this cold feeling down my back so I retreated.
3/ A few weeks later I was required to inspect the hull of a trawler moored in Cairns inlet. At the time there was a six meter croc living there. He used to follow the yacht tenders. Basically I got in the water quietly, did the inspection and got out. Same cold feeling.
You got into water in which YOU KNEW there was a 6 METRE CROC?
I was collecting aquarium fish on the Great Barrier Reef. Great job and great way to see the reef but the first boat I worked on was a floating bomb (I quit that boat after we just managed to make it ashore) and the second boat I worked on the owner/skipper was both a grog-head and a a-hole. It was a pity as I loved the diving.
Wow! What a great job! :) I'd like to do that but I always have this little thought in the back of my head of being watched my a man-eating shark......:)
Actually sharks were not a major worry even though I saw plenty (27 in one day) and have heaps of shark stories. Boat maintance was. We would fish about 15 to 20 kilometers off shore and breakdowns were far too common. Before I joined they didn't even have an axcillary motor and the radio was just a mass of corrision (and that was never fixed). Once we had a total breakdown and dismanteled the sun shade to build a sail. Took two days to make it back.
Move over Gilligan, here comes Fuscus! lmao.... "now sit right back ,and you'll hear a tale, the tale of a fateful trip............" :D
No, I think it was just a common trouser snake, although it wasnt a a spotted one... luckly!!!! You have to be careful of that species, they have been known to spit quite a bit... was a rather large specimen I must say....
i hav never really had a scary snake experience....just get full of adrenillan.
Anyway, 1 day i was getting used to the video camera and taping some of my snakes on the grass. Ater i had put the gts bak in her enclosure i went bak outside near the chickens and was just lookn through the viewing lens at the grass wen i saw a large snake go across the screen right in front of my feet. My initial thought was that it was my tree snake until it clicked in my mind that i was bak in its enclosure. I looked over the top of the camera to see a 2m plus eastern brown. I pressed record and tried to stop shakin from the adrenillan and got at least sum proof. At least i can prove ppl wrong if they dont believe my story.
cool. browns seem to get the adreneline pumping much more compared to ther elapids. Probably due to their speed, nervous disposition and venom toxicity.

Gudday, my scary encounter is one of the brown kind too (brown as in snake and undies!). Kipping on the ground in the middle of the Macquarie Marshes, something woke me, opened my eyes, big brown six inches in front of my face.....
I stayed still and he nosed his way off hunting through the grass. We were a good two hours march through swamp to the ute. Sounds like a good thread, what would you do if he nailed you on the nose (except die that is)? Constrictive bandage? LOL
Bye, Steve.
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