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Very Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2011
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ok so ive got one woma that cant wait to smash his food and has begun to do the tail wiggle pretty much every feed now , my female on the other hand is a little different

when i first got her she used to strike her food after a few mins of sniffing , then i got sick of waiting after 5 minutes and started to just leave it for her to gobble up in privacy which she always did in the first 5 - 10 mins

now tonight i decided i was going to wait it out and see how long it would take her to strike if and if she would , nope , after about 10 minutes of holding it with the tongs just off the ground and her sniffing it from the head to tail she decided to just open wide and start eating with me still holding the rat in the tongs , no strike at all nice and soft actually

im not worried about this or anything just wondering if others have had womas like this or other species for that matter ( i have heard of a snake like it once but not a woma), womas are supposed to be aggressive at feed time , guess my girls just gentle she is very placid :)
My male diamond is exactly the same, he used to be so aggressive when he struck for his food and now he just opens his mouth and takes the food slowly,
I guess now they don't think there's a threat maybe?
i have a 6 year old woma girs and she will not strike at all she will just wrap around it not even bighting it and she will sit there looking strait at it for 30min then she will eat it she does it everytime
My sons Woma does what your girl does, slowly opens his mouth while we hold it with the tongs, is rather funny to watch cause you don't expect it. My girl woma on the other hand is like your boy, puts on the whole display most feed nights, tail & head bobbing, sometimes we don't get to see the display cause she is so darn fast at latching on to the rat.
yea this didn't even have a coil involved i just laid her down flat on the ground and she kept eating , i thought maybe the smart ones look at it work out its dead and then just eat it anyway , just a thought not sure if it would be right or not

carnelian - it is fun to watch the tail wiggling and head bobbing although my male doesn't really bob his head he does more of a buzz/vibration sort of thing , is yours similar or does it bob up and down?

i actually thought i was going to cop my first bite tonight , i feed in a separate tubs and my male started to tail wiggle after i had fed him and had to move him back normally he calms down he was alright once i picked him up though i kinda wanted him to bite me but not out of being scared id rather a feed response bite just to see what its like although im sure my coastal will get me sooner or later hes nuts
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maybe they are the smarter snakes that have realised that they don't need to 'kill' their food before eating so they just get straight to the point and swallow the food without striking or constricting ;)
Yer my blonde spotted did that for the first time yesterday weird cause she used to smash her food and shes never refused then again she's only 8 months old
My 18 month old BHP does not strike, I was wondering what was happening the first 2 weeks I had her, turns out the people I got her off of had only thrown the rat in her enclosure so she was not used to striking out, so now I just leave it at the front of her hide and she sniffs it out and eats it, she rarely uses her tongue, her nose is always going. She rarely refuses a feed though.
blackheaded92 , my girl was doing a similar thing using her nose more than her tongue , its still working fine though and she did use it a bit but started to kinda nudge the rat with her nose up and down its body its been a little odd for me when i first got my male he wanted to eat in privacy but i persisted trying with the tongs first then just dropping it in then out of nowhere he has gone from being shy to tail wiggles and head buzzing every feed , then my female was at first striking then i got a little lazy and started just dropping it in if she didnt strike in the first 10 mins to now doing this and just opening wide funny the way they change their attitude to it all over time
My girl wags her tail as well, its adorable, that is how I know she is hungry. She is a great snake and eats nearly all the meals I put in front of her, as most BHP's do, lol.
We have a 2metre burmese who almost feeds like this
I can put a dead rat/guinea on my hand and lie my hand in front of her
She pushes the rat off my hand first
Then smashes it and does the whole coil thing
Every time I open her viv to let her play she wanders over and checks my hands for a rat
We have a 2metre burmese who almost feeds like this
I can put a dead rat/guinea on my hand and lie my hand in front of her
She pushes the rat off my hand first
Then smashes it and does the whole coil thing
Every time I open her viv to let her play she wanders over and checks my hands for a rat

how did find out she would do this and not bite you?
(She pushes the rat off my hand first then smashes it and does the whole coil thing)
Our 2 Darwins like to give their food the "death stare" sometimes all night, before eating it.

My 18 month old BHP does not strike, I was wondering what was happening the first 2 weeks I had her, turns out the people I got her off of had only thrown the rat in her enclosure so she was not used to striking out, so now I just leave it at the front of her hide and she sniffs it out and eats it, she rarely uses her tongue, her nose is always going. She rarely refuses a feed though.

+ 1

The bhp tried to eat his towel (in there for the cool season) the other day. He missed the fuzzy one of the other snakes didn't want and decided the towel tasted alright anyway! What a clown!

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My female woma used to be like that. Only in the last couple of months has she started going nuts.

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seems that it is a little more common than i thought , i have to admit though it took me a bit by surprise
how did find out she would do this and not bite you?
(She pushes the rat off my hand first then smashes it and does the whole coil thing)

Her viv is often open so she can wander around the room if she wants
I was feeding other snakes and had a rat ready for the next one when she nuzzled my hand to push the rat away and hit it
Was a bit of a heart starter first time
Mainly because shes a garbage guts but hits really hard
Now its more like a party trick saved for special occassions
my male woma use to strike his food, now i just leave it in the bottom of his enclosure and he eats within seconds of it being placed on the floor but eats so gently
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