Sick of being called a snake loving freak?

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I get called "snake man" a bit at work but it doesn't bother me. Most of my mates though think its cool and love coming around to check them out every time I get a new addition and a few of my mates are even on a "waiting list" for my babies when I start to breed. Some people are scared of a harmless little python but I find few can resist saying that the beardies and my new turtles are cute!
Try having not only a lot of pythons, but 400 spiders, then people don't bother calling me a freak, they just ignore me and whisper in groups at a distance :D . In my world I'm normal, people that hate pythons and are scared of spiders are freaks IMO.

My kids go to a school in an upper class area, and I try to keep it quiet about our hobby, as we have had quite a few instances of parents not allowing their kids to play or socialize out of school with our kids...that's when it does get to me.
Why not live out in the sticks and just have as little to do with the human race as possible, it works for me.
I laugh when people call me a freak for my love of reptiles. People wont come around to my house as they know i keep reptiles but i dont mind that at all. Actually i kind of like the idea that my herps keep people away. I have some people come around as they are scared of reptiles and i show them how they really are not the cold slimy killers people have labelled them to be. My guest see how friendly some of my snakes can be and will actually conquer there fear of reptiles. Some have even gone onto become reptile owners themselves now. One friend of mine now has a snake tattoo on either side of him arm because i showed him how reptiles are a wonderful hobby to get into.
I have two snake tattoos on my back and naturally i get the name snake man, i wear the name proudly but still am forever learning about reptiles. I do not like to think that i am a profetional but believe that there is always something new to learn about reptiles.
There's a few people that i know who are my age and some that are in there 40's and 50's, and they have a bit of laugh about me behind my back. They laugh at the fact that i want to spend time in the bush observing snakes instead of getting drunk. They laugh when they see me indentify a lizard that may be in their yard. These guys CANNOT identify a Blue tongued lizard, yet they call themselves true and proud Aussies. None of these guys spent 1 day of their childhood catching lizards down the local creek, NOT 1 :shock:. Therein lies the sad fact...had they have spend one day of their childhood catching lizards, they probably would be reptile keepers right now!!!! Just like us!!!
serpenttongue said:
There's a few people that i know who are my age and some that are in there 40's and 50's, and they have a bit of laugh about me behind my back. They laugh at the fact that i want to spend time in the bush observing snakes instead of getting drunk. They laugh when they see me indentify a lizard that may be in their yard. These guys CANNOT identify a Blue tongued lizard, yet they call themselves true and proud Aussies. None of these guys spent 1 day of their childhood catching lizards down the local creek, NOT 1 :shock:. Therein lies the sad fact...had they have spend one day of their childhood catching lizards, they probably would be reptile keepers right now!!!! Just like us!!!

Well said. I actually heard that kiddies are now being taught "urban nature" in schools due to the fact that with medium to high density housing catching "critters" is a thing of the past. Perhaps Nintendo or Sony could develop a computer game that simulates a day at the local creek? :wink: (and no, "frogger" doesnt count :) )
had they have spend one day of their childhood catching lizards, they probably would be reptile keepers right now!!!! Just like us!!!

that was so much fun! i used to catch northern aligator lizards, medium sized skinks and garter snakes. reptiles are the best pets!

Nope, strange looks occasionally, blank stares, but no names. usually they are too busy hurrying backl out the door to call me anything. :)

lots os visitors respond positively to the site of reptiles in the loungroom though, often with keen intrest. its getting quite popular now. Going to have to start carrying an octopus around on your shoulder to be different in the pet stakes. lol
herps are addictive everyone wants them. live eye candy.
I can't see how you get called anything, just for keeping reptiles.
The only name i get called is "snakeman", the usual reaction i get when i tell people i keep reptiles is either one of surprise or just a simple..."oh...ok!
I used to have around 150 tarantulas (not including spiderlings) & the only negative reaction towards them was the fact that most people are scared of small spiders, let alone large ones !...........and yes they then called you spiderman ! but never anything like freak ! must be an australian thing !
If i was you i'd just put any name calling down to lack if Intellect.
if it bothers you that much, get rid of your reptiles or get some real friends.
like everyone has pretty much said :D, don't let what others say get to you as it's just not worth it. Just think about all the fun and good stuff those guys are missing out on in caring for and appreciating our beautiful reptilian friends, they're probably bound in fear accompanied by a lack of knowledge of them, so they aren't able to appreciate them and understand that they're not freaky animals and neither are the people who keep them (well most ...hehe). In fact it's a true privilege we are blessed with, our reptiles. It's really sad to hear about ppl like this in our society today, I actually pity them lol
Good words PRC1! I feel sad for them that they are missing out on all the enjoyment. My life has been completely altered by cold-blooded beasties. I have never been so happy or content.

But then again, they probably get their fun in other ways, like watching "Neighbours", making model aeroplanes out of balsawood or joining the Liberal Party.
lol, 1 of my friends found out i had a snake for the 1st time jus the other day and she said i was disgusting, lol. Not my snake, me :lol:
hey i stacked my bike the otha day and went to hosp. {the next day} anyway i kinda got into a fight with a nurse coz she told me that i should have been born a guy coz i wanted to get home and check my babies. not coz i work on a farm or ride motorbikes all arvo but becoz i own a few diff. animals. PPL dont understand us plainly tunnel vision and when they see a snake a shovel pops up in their head. thats not cool. snakes are!
Another common question is wether or not i realize that i am putting the life of my baby in danger. "what if one of your snakes gets out and eats him" My response is that all my reptiles are in enclosures and not running around the house freely. That i have a designated reptile room in my house for some of my reptiles and the door cannot be opened by a 7 month old child. Once i use to react to such stupid questions but i just put it down to lack of public awareness of our countries reptiles
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