Sick of being called a snake loving freak?

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reptililian said:
But then again, they probably get their fun in other ways, like watching "Neighbours", making model aeroplanes out of balsawood or joining the Liberal Party.
And whats wrong with making model boats & aeroplanes out of wood eh !!

lol :wink:
SLACkra said:
had they have spend one day of their childhood catching lizards, they probably would be reptile keepers right now!!!! Just like us!!!

that was so much fun! i used to catch northern aligator lizards, medium sized skinks and garter snakes. reptiles are the best pets!


I get called snake lady alot, but I remember the first time my mate (who's parents owned a chicken farm at the time) let me hold a beautiful QLD coastal named bongo. I couldn't believe that a snake that was wild caught was so nice and didn't bite me. Ever since then I have been hooked. People won't always understand I guess but if you are having fun, who cares!
I do not believe that there are any specific reptiles that caused all this comotion being fear and hatred of these marvelous creatures. People are just not educated and since it moves it must be dangerous and must be a treat to them is the common belief. Take sharks for example, Does shark attack mean that every shark in the ocean should be killed? I think not, but popular belief can be a devastating thing at the best of times.
One attitude that i thourouly admire from people who are scared of reptiles but leave them alone is the way they fear them but have the attitude that " i will stay out of its way and it will stay out of my way, even if it means i walk the long way around"
They laugh at the fact that i want to spend time in the bush observing snakes instead of getting drunk. They laugh when they see me indentify a lizard that may be in their yard.

I love the fact that I'm not the only one that gets that :). Sometimes I used to wonder if they were right, but they're not. I got called snake freak so often that eventually it just stuck.... sticks and stones.... ya know?

Besides all the usual "I hate snakes" people it feels great when you get younger folks follow you around asking a billion questions and wanting to help with anything reptile related. Just focus on the ones that are interested and don't bother trying to push herps on the plain ignorant.

That's why I can't wait for the vic reptile expo, let the freaks unite in herpetological glory!
i was fortunet at a early age of six to interest my mates with snakes. being in the country we would go on snake hunting trips every day , armed with snake hooks and wereing high gum boots, we never failed to find some, and always excited when we found a new species.local farmers soon rang me up to remove snakes from there propertys, but the times i never got their they were always happy to tell how close they were to being bitten as they chopped it up with a shovel, if it was a reaction they wanted they never got one. but to this day i suss people out before ill tell them i have snakes, thou its more about security these days.
When I was a little girl, I used to go stay at a cousins house in Bellambi, NSW. There's all these houses there that back onto (or used to) a beach, and some nature reserve. I got hooked on reptiles there, when me, being the tomboy I am, used to catch the big skinks with my boy cousins.
We used to have competitions (not so nice for the reptiles, but it sure made us happy-small minds an all that) the aim of the comp was to stand with your left arm out in front of you, and make the lizard bite it (yes I said BITE it). You latched the lizard on, and it was the last person with a lizard still on their arm who won. I was the undefeated (EVER) champion.
I got lots of cred coz I was a girl, but it gave me a love for all things reptile as we encountered not just the lizards, but snakes as well.
I have two lizard tattoos, one was designed for me by a friend, so I'm the only person in the world who has it (I'm just special hehehehe!).
I guess being called names coz you love reptiles is just part and parcel of it. Kids are usually the most receptive of any people especially when it comes to like someone else said- concentrate on those who do, rather than the negativity of those who don't.
In fact, you've inspired me. I'm gonna make some shirts now.
I don't do much crazy stuff, so this is my outlet. I love being called all sorts of weird names about my animals.
maybe next time these friends come over to look at your snakes and ridicule you... try this..

make sure you get the worst offender to hold or get close to one of your (harmless) snakes that will bite them... Once bitten... go into the "oh my god quick ring an ambulance, that snake is poisonous routine" and while they are in a panic... remove a small container of animal urine from the fridge and say "quick drink this.. its the antidote"

NOW whose the freak? next time they ridicule you... bring up the time your stupid friend got tagged by a harmless snake and was such a fool they drank dog urine as an antidote. This they will never live down... :lol:

Guaranteed to cure them from tormenting you or your money back... :D
Heh, you're worried about being considered a freak so you decide to trick your friends into drinking dog urine? Sounds like a brilliant way to confirm their accusations! :lol: :roll:
You know all this positive feed back is making me consider that maybe freak is not such a bad title anyway?
I love reptiles, so, I guess they stay and the names as well.
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